====== Vote for what you'd like to play ====== Not actually a working poll yet, but some ideas from the rulebook- ==== CAMPAIGN TONE ==== **Morality**: **(3.2)** Some cross over between Good vs. Bad Votes: 1 / 2 / 3((4 votes)) / 4((1 vote)) / 5 \\ (1) Good vs. Bad is black & white; (2) Good vs. Bad is mostly clear-cut; (3) Some cross over between Good vs. Bad; (4) There is little distinction between good and bad; (5) Morality is always shades of gray **Realism**: **(3.4)** Mostly Realistic Votes: 1 / 2 / 3((3 votes)) / 4((2 votes)) / 5 \\ (1) Very Melodramatic; (2) Pulp; (3) Neutral; (4) Realistic; (5) Extremely Realistic **Outlook**: **(3.1)** Successes balanced by failures Votes: 1 / 2((0.5 vote)) / 3((4 votes)) / 4 / 5((0.5 vote)) \\ (1) Everything works out - Very Optimistic; (2) Almost everything works out; (3) Successes balanced by failures; (4) Successes are rare; (5) Almost nothing works out - Horror **Seriousness**: **(3.8)** More serious than light-hearted Votes: 1 / 2 / 3((2 votes)) / 4((2 votes)) / 5((1 vote)) \\ (1) Very light-hearted - campaign plays for laughs; (2) Almost everything works out; (3) Seriousness balanced by light-hearted; (4) More serious than light-hearted; (5) Almost entirely serious **Continuity**: **(4.125)** Mostly serial, more enforcement of campaign continuity Votes: 1 / 2 / 3((1 vote)) / 4((3.5 votes)) / 5((0.5 votes)) \\ (1) Episodic - No effort is made to tie the adventures together; (2) Mostly episodic, with some continuing stories; (3) Some long stories and some episodic ones; (4) Mostly serial, some enforcement of campaign continuity; (5) Entirely serial - everything must fit into the storyline **Importance of the PCs**: **(3.125)** Players are as important as anyone else Votes: 1 / 2((1 vote)) / 3((3.5 votes)) / 4((0.5 votes)) / 5 \\ (1) Players are the most important characters in the world; (2) Players are celebrities; (3) Players are as important as anyone else; (4) Some NPCs are more important; (5) Most major events are the result of others **Points/Power Level**: **(2)** Young adults \\ Votes: 1((1 vote)) / 2 / 3((1 vote)) / 4 / 5 \\ (1) Young folk; (2) ... (5) Already heroes, highly skilled or champions. **Magic Level**: **(2)** Mid low \\ Votes: 1((1 vote)) / 2 / 3((1 vote)) / 4 / 5 \\ (1) Low; (2) ... (5) High Powered/High Fantasy **Magic Ubiquity**: **(3)** Average \\ Votes: 1 / 2 / 3((1 vote)) / 4 / 5 \\ (1) Rare; (2) ... (5) Ubiquitous **Tech Level**: **(3.5)** Post Renaissance \\ Votes: 1 / 2 / 3((1 vote)) / 4((1 vote)) / 5 \\ (1) Stone Age; (2) Standard near-medieval Fantasy (3) Renaissance / Steam / Complex Clockwork; (4) Modern; (5) Future **Tech Ubiquity**: **(4)** Common place \\ Votes: 1 / 2 / 3((1 vote)) / 4 / 5((1 vote)) \\ (1) Rare; (2) ... (5) Ubiquitous **Character Sheets** : **(2.5)** Explained numbers \\ Votes: 1((1 vote)) / 2 / 3 / 4((1 vote)) / 5 \\ (1) Fully detailed high number content spreadsheet((the default for Hero System games)) ... (5) Descriptive text only Also: 1 vote for medium to high fantasy in any of the published settings. 1 vote for the [[resources:urban_fantasy_hero:new_crobuzon|Bas-Lag setting]] of [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Mieville|China Mieville]] and/or a little surreal, a little weird, things are generally a little magical but the variations are myriad and a new style of magic or a new use could appear around any corner. The votes are split between those that voted before the setting was chosen and those that voted after, so some results are less relevant than others. ---- Back to [[start]]