======The Glorious and Eternal Empire of Kartar====== One of the great unacknowledged truths of the Glorious and Eternal Empire of Kartar is that the decadence and stability of centuries have created a stagnant and dying state. In the great early days of the Empire, it would be unheard of for a slave to hold anything approaching an important position. Nowadays, it isn’t unknown for a slave to hold a position just underneath that of major domo, effectively the second-ranked official of those not of the house but of the household. * [[roleplaying:hero:ws:KartaranRulers|Rulers]] of Kartar * [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Kartaran Civil Service|Civil Service]] * [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Felines Culture|Culture]] * [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Kartaran Government|Government]] * [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Kartaran Magic|Magic]] * [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Kartaran Military|Military]] * Peoples * *[[roleplaying:hero:ws:Felines Races|Feline Races]] * *Slave Races * *Subjugated, or Subject Races ---- * [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Peileigang|Pei-lei-gang]] ---- * [[roleplaying:hero:ws:Kartaran Cliffs Notes|Cliff Notes]]