====== Character Questions ====== ^ Back to [[.:start]] ^ Taken from the [[https://dbisdorf.itch.io/save-the-universe|Save the Universe RPG]]. Pick one of the following archetypes that matches your character idea and have a look at the questions for inspiration- ===== Scoundrel ===== Early History: * What’s your preferred crime? * What aspect of the galactic conflict did you learn to exploit? Relationship History: * Which hero helped you in the past, despite their better judgment? Pursuits: * You owe someone a large debt. Who is it, and which hero can help you repay it? * Another hero wants you to take on a responsibility. What is it? * You’re developing an inconvenient emotional connection to another hero. Who is it? ===== Warrior ===== Early History: * What military force did you once fight alongside? * What did the Enemy take from you? Relationship History: * Which hero do you owe a life debt to? Pursuits: * You don’t understand why you’re fascinated by another hero. Who is it? * You want revenge against someone. Who, and which hero can help you? * You’re looking for a peaceful occupation you can devote your life to. Which hero can help you? ===== Mystic ===== Early History: * Why did you nearly lose your way? * How did your abilities make you a target for the Enemy? Relationship History: * You once appeared mysteriously to help another hero. Who was it? Pursuits: * Another hero believes that your abilities come with a troublesome secret. Who is it? * You must stop someone who uses their powers for evil. Which hero can help? * Another hero believes you have a flaw that’s becoming dangerous. Who, and what’s the flaw? ===== Xeno ===== Early History: * What isolates your home from galactic events? * What took you away from your home? Relationship History: * Which hero was the first friend you made after leaving home? Pursuits: * You believe another hero is capable of a daunting achievement. Who, and what? * You believe you can turn a villain away from evil. Which hero warns you otherwise? * Which hero can help you return home? What must you do first? ===== Noble ===== Early History: * What noble rank and role did you once hold? * What disaster cost you your position? Relationship History: * Which hero had a dispute with your family? Pursuits: * You want to prove to another hero that you’ve abandoned your past behavior. What was it? * You want to return to your former position. Which hero disagrees? * Someday, you intend to face an old rival. Which hero can give you the strength you need? ===== Reformed Defector ===== Early History: * What position did you hold in the Enemy’s service? * Why did you serve the Enemy? Relationship History: * Which hero helped you escape from the Enemy, and how? Pursuits: * You must prove that you didn’t participate in an Enemy atrocity. Which hero thinks you’re guilty? * When you escaped, who did you leave behind? Which hero can help you rescue them? * The Enemy once harmed one of the other heroes. Who, and how can you make amends? ===== Engineer ===== Early History: * How did you employ your technical genius before you joined the Resistance? * What was your greatest creation? Relationship History: * Which hero suffered as the result of your obsession with science, and how? Pursuits: * Another hero is suffering from something your science can mend. Who is it? * You must build a powerful tool to help the Resistance. Which hero can assist you? * You must devise a way to destroy a tool of the Enemy. Which hero’s experience might help? ===== Hunter ===== Early History: * What targets did you once hunt? * Who was your best client? Relationship History: * Which hero once eluded you? Or did you let them escape? Pursuits: * An emotional situation is brewing between you and another hero. Who is it? * What target must you hunt down? Which hero could help you? * A hero insists that you reconcile your dispute with a member of your family. Which hero? What’s the dispute?