====== Ken Takura ====== ^ Back to [[.:start]] ^ |< 100% >| | **Alias**: Tak \\ **Look**: Grimy, tall, old clothes, hooded cloak, long hair \\ **Heritage**: Manufactured \\ **Background**: Military \\ **Vice**: Stupor || **Muscle** \\ \\ ++Unstoppable|: You can **push yourself**((2 stress)) to do one of the following: \\ perform a feat of physical force that verges on the superhuman—engage a small gang on equal footing in close combat.((When you **push yourself** to activate this ability, you still get one of the normal benefits of pushing yourself (+1d, +1 effect, etc.) in addition to the special ability. \\ A superhuman feat is one a regular person could not do unassisted, such as tearing apart metal handcuffs. If you engage a small gang on equal footing, you have equal scale.))++ \\ \\ ++Wrecking Crew|: Your strength and ferocity are infamous. When striking in melee, you gain **+1d**. Whenever you spend a **gambit** in combat, you also gain **+1 effect** on that action.((Whether you are a master of a martial arts, or raised by mystics to fight with antique weapons, your martial prowess in close combat is legendary (and may attract those that wish to learn from or challenge you). \\ If you spend a gambit in combat, take +1 effect on that action. This can hit a single opponent harder or offset penalties from scale or quality. This also stacks with the +1d from the gambit and the +1d from the core Wrecking Crew ability.))++ | ^ Stress ^ Trauma ^ ::: | | 0 (of 9) | 0 (of 4) | ::: | ^ Harm ^^ ::: | | none || ::: | |< 100% >| | ++Attribute|Used to reduce or avoid the **consequences** of an effect. Suffer 6 **Stress** __minus__ the highest die result. If you roll a Critical (**6s**) you also clear one additional stress++ ^ ++Insight|Resist consequences from deception or understanding++ \\ 1 ^ ++Prowess|Resist consequences from physical strain or injury++ \\ 2 ^ ++Resolve|Resist consequences from mental strain or willpower++ \\ 2 ^ | Actions | ++Doctor|**Doctor** someone who’s been injured; handle and identify substances; do science; comfort, support, or elicit sympathy.++ \\ 1 | ++Helm|**Helm** a vehicle; fire ship weaponry; plot a jump or in-system course; escape a chasing ship.++ \\ 0 | ++Attune|**Attune** to the Way to communicate with non-sentient species or robots; sense unseen danger or killing intent; safely handle Precursor artifacts or remnants.++ \\ 1 | | ::: | ++Hack|**Hack** computers, systems, and digital locks; reprogram robots or drones; jam surveillance and communications.++ \\ 0 | ++Scramble|**Scramble** to a positon or away from danger; lift, run, climb, jump, or swim; traverse harsh environments.++ \\ 1 | ++Command|**Command** obedience with your force of personality; intimidate or threaten; lead an action with NPCs; order people to do what you want.++ \\ 2 | | ::: | ++Rig|**Rig** together mechanical solutions; disable, modify, repair, or create mechanisms; disable a trap, pick a lock, or crack a safe; rig explosives.++ \\ 0 | ++Scrap|**Scrap** with an opponent in blaster or physical combat; assault or hold a position; brawl, fight with melee weapons, or wrestle.++ \\ 2 | ++Consort|**Consort** with connections from your heritage, background, friends, or rivals to gain access to resources, information, people, or places.++ \\ 0 | | ::: | ++Study|**Study** a person, document, or item with close scrutiny to gather information and apply knowledge; gain a deeper understanding; do research.++ \\ 0 | ++Skulk|**Skulk** about unseen; pick pockets; employ subtle misdirection or sleight of hand.++ \\ 0 | ++Sway|**Sway** someone with charm, logic, disguise, or bluffing; change attitudes or behavior with manipulation or seduction.++ \\ 0 | |< 100% >| ^ Deadly Friends ^^ ^ Allies ^ Enemies ^ | **Shod**, a weapons dealer. \\ //A mentor or former partner who cashed out? \\ Someone you owe?// | **Chon-zek**, a bounty hunter. \\ //Former partner? \\ Or a competitor from the same background?// | ===== Experience ===== ^ Attributes ^ Playbook ^ End of Session ^ | Gained from making a Desperate action, Downtime training or end of session. 6 to get a new action point | Gained at end of session or Downtime training. 8 to get a new special ability | You get one XP (or two if it occurred multiple times) for: | | 6|Insight:0,Prowess:0,Resolve:0 | 8|Playbook:0 | 1) Addressing a tough challenge with force or threats \\ 2) Expressing your beliefs, drives, heritage or background \\ 3) Struggling with issue from your vice or traumas | ===== Equipment ===== | Light Load = 3 | Normal Load = 5 | Heavy Load = 6 | ++++Specialist Equipment| * **Krieger, a fine blaster pistol**. As a friend or ally, this signature pistol can be used during downtime to threaten or intimidate. As an enemy, someone else owns it and it’s carrying a bullet for you. //You know this gun intimately— from where or why?// [**1 load**] * **Vera, a fine sniper rifle**. A full-bore auto-lock with customized trigger, double cartridge, thorough gauge. It can fire mystic ammunition. //Did you customize this yourself, special order it, take it off a body, or is it a gift from someone?// [**2 load**] * **Zmei, a fine flamethrower**. For those times when you really need to heat things up. Settings for regular and extra crispy. Not easy to hide. Attacks cover the area of a small room (and leave distinct scorch marks that may result in additional heat ). Complications when getting shot may include the fuel tanks rupturing. //What sweet decals or marks does it have?// [**2 load**] * **Sunder, a fine vibro-blade**. Cuts through almost any material. Decorated. Knife or dueling blade. //What design is etched on the blade? Did you claim it, or rightfully earn it?// [**1 load**] * **Zarathustra, a detonator launcher**. Fires detonators at high velocity. Detonators are illegal, so this generates heat when fired. Can be used to target/damage vehicles and structures. Not subtle. Batteries included, but detonators marked separately. [**2 load**] * **Fine martial arts style**. Your own custom blend of combat techniques, unique as a fingerprint. //Where and with whom did you first train? What is your style called? Have you had any pupils?// [**0 load**] * **Mystic ammunition**. A large-caliber shell, designed to be fired from a specialized gun that releases mystic energies when it hits. Grants potency against mystic targets. //Who makes your mystic bullets? Why are they potent against Way energies?// [**0 load**] ++++ ++++Standard Equipment| * **Armor**: Really unsubtle, full body stuff. Stops a few bolts. Will shrug off a knife without noticing. Powered. Assists in movement. [**2 load**] * **Blaster Pistol**: Shoots bolts of hot plasma. Accurate only at close range. Makes “pew pew” noises (mandatory). Comes in a variety of shapes. How do you customize yours? [**1 load**] * **Communicator**: Has a few bands, likely even a few encrypted. Works only when within orbit. [**0 load**] * **Detonator**: Extremely deadly explosive weapon. Fits in the palm of your hand and can be thrown. Takes care of those shielded doors that heavy blasters can’t handle. Illegal. You shouldn’t have this. No, really. [**1 load**] * **Hacking Tools**: Deck, splicing pliers, plugs and ports, keypad crackers, specialized software, custom-modified chips, rainbow dictionaries, automated exploits. What every growing hacker needs. [**1 load**] * **Heavy Blaster**: Can do some considerable damage to vehicles and things like unshielded doors. Has about a dozen shots. Will do serious and messy harm to people. Illegal. [**2 load**] * **Illicit Drugs**: What’s your poison, space cowboy? For personal use, catching a dangerous bounty, or entertainment while traveling between planets. [**0 load**] * **Medkit**: Blood for a few common races, gauze, antiradiation injector, laser scalpel, antiseptics, thread, painkillers. [**2 load**] * **Melee Weapon**: Sharp. Blunt. Pointy. Stabby. Slicy. All different sizes. Some come with laser edges. Some vibrate…ooh. Batteries included. [**1 load**] * **Repair Tools**: Things you need to fix ship engines, speeders, hovercars, and the like. Tools to hot-splice consoles and tweak machinery. Hammers, a welder, screwdrivers, wrenches, battery chargers, spray-painters. [**1 load**] * **Spacesuit**: Some radiation protection, survival in toxic atmospheres, EVA. Half a day of oxygen (or other gas, liquid, or substance you breathe). [**2 load**] * **Spy Gear**: Disguises, voice modulators, mini-cameras, thermal scanners, false thumbprints, and audio filters. [**1 load**] ++++