====== Magic and Belief ====== ====Human events that affect magical energies directly==== ===Major=== Miracles, Spells ===Minor=== Birth, Death, Sex, Worship ===Trivial=== Life, Thought =====The Afterlife and Reincarnation===== Intelligence/Mind/Soul are all manifestations of magic. Upon death they are reabsorbed into the universe. An intelligent being's personality will disperse over time unless it is found and used. Or stored. =====The Supernatural===== Ghosts are pockets of Magic still maintaining some small part of personality, that have worked out a way to manipulate energy (usually light, sometimes kinetic for poltergeists). Usually they are obsessive - it is the obsession that keeps them whole, with a stable lock on their ego. Resolution /relief of their stress will enable them to be dispersed. As will Magical rituals. Skeletons and Zombies are magically created and motivated much like Golems. Any created being may have a personality attached to it if a sufficiently strong one can be found. Vampires and Liches are strong willed individuals capable of manipulating their own bodies after death - or have had a magical spell cast upon them to allow them to do so. The act of a Vampire's Embrace is a magical spell that requires the ritual imbibing of blood.