Table of Contents


When you want access to a particular piece of gear, say what it is and write it on a slot in the gear section. There are 3 types of slots, each requires a different amount of time:

Depending on which slot you use to declare a piece of gear the Grandfather may tick a clock or impose other consequences.

If the item is part of your playbook, or is something common it costs nothing. Otherwise it may require an acquire roll or a flashback. The Grandfather will ask who supplied it for you, and it will affect their resources.

acquire is a Downtime Move and as it's not a normal move, you can't do a flashback to get it which ideally should have been made before your required the gear. You can instead accrue Paradox for your coterie and use your next available downtime action to organise to have this gear supplied retroactively. Mark the Paradox box on your coterie playbook and hope no one else needs to use paradox. Clear the box when you use the Acquire Asset move in your next Downtime


Armour you must choose to wear before you start a scenario, it's one of the rare exceptions to “when you need it, you decide to have it”. Armour causes reactions in all that see it - especially Faction Paradox Armour - and you cannot retroactively say you were wearing it. Armour takes up a Packed gear slot.

The Shadow that Cuts

If you have a shadow - it always counts as readied and never takes up a gear slot.