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Campaign Events

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Campaign Events

Status: Not discussed, not playtested

Roll D10 - after that many scenarios have been played, a random event occurs. See the table below

D100 Roll Result
0-2 MEGA QUAKE Each player must immediately lose a randomly selected piece of territory. Any players with fewer than 3 pieces of territory can ignore this event.
3-5 ZOMBIE INFECTION An outbreak of the dreaded zombie infection sweeps through the area. Each player must randomly select a member of their force. This model must make a roll on the Zombie Infection Table.
6-8 MUTANT INVASION Unusually large numbers of mutant creatures are plaguing the area. Roll on the Mutant Monster Table for every scenario that is fought until the next event is rolled.
9-11 PLAGUE A plague breaks out during the next scenario. Roll on the Plague table. D10/2 randomly chosen models start the scenario infected (unless undead or a robot) The winning force in the scenario is able to seek medical attention and recovers from the plague in time for the next scenario. The losing force rolls for each infected model: 1-5 they recover, 6-10 they remain plagued. Roll after each scenario if the force continues to lose, if they win a scenario all members are able to recover.
12-14 SHORTAGES Unexpected shortages cause local prices to rocket. All equipment and weapon costs are doubled until the next event is rolled.
15-17 CURSED EARTH KING A Cursed Earth king has managed to unite the locals in the area and they are blockading settlements to extort 'taxes'. All players with mutant force members must halve any income they receive from their territories until the next event is rolled.
18-19 NEW TURF A newly discovered cave, waterhole, etc., comes up for grabs, and the most active force will be able to lay claim to it. Generate a new piece of territory. Make a note of each forces' Rep. The next time you roll an event, the force whose Rep has increased by the largest number of points gets the new piece of territory.
20-21 TUNNEL CAVE-IN Some parts of the Undercity are cut off by cave-ins. All players with undead force members are unable to collect income from a randomly selected piece of teritory until the next event is rolled.
22-24 JUSTICE DEPARTMENT CRACKDOWN A murder of an important citizen is being investigated in this area. Each non-legal player must roll a die. If they roll a 1-2 then they are one of the suspects, and may not buy any equipment until the next event is rolled.
25-27 BAD AMMO A batch of poorly made ammo has been sold to unsuspecting forces. Each player must roll a die at the start of each battle. If they roll a 1-2 they have got a batch of bad ammo and treat all shooting weapons as having Limited Ammo 3 for that scenario (unless the weapon already has Limited Ammo). Bad ammo continues to show up until the next event is rolled
28-30 BOUNTY Randomly select one of the forces in your campaign. A rival force has posted a bounty of D10x5 credits which will be awarded for each member of the force that is killed until the next event is rolled.
31-32 SLAVE TRADERS Slave traders have swooped on this area, carrying off juves as workers for the factories elsewhere. No force may recruit any juves (including free ones gained from territories) until the next event is rolled.
33-35 NEW TURF Generate a new piece of territory. Make a note of each forces' Rep. The next time you roll an event, the force whose Rep has increased by the largest number of points gets the new piece of territory.
36-38 JUSTICE DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION The force with the highest Rep is being investigated by the Judges and has to lie low for a while. It must halve the income it receives from its territories until the next event is ro11ed.
39-41 POLLUTION Heavy discharges of toxic waste and poisonous fumes make tunnels and vents in the area too dangerous to enter. Until the next event is rolled players with special model-specific deployment rules may not use them unless they are robots.
42-44 DISCONTENTMENT People are getting fed up with some of the tougher forces' high and mighty ways. If a player fights against a force with a Rep at least 20% greater than their own, and they win the game, then they may take over a randomly selected piece of the other force's territory.
45-47 FREELANCER Starting with the force with the highest Rep, ro11 a D10. On a ro11 of 6-10 the most expensive model (not including the highest level Hero) in the force leaves and goes freelance. Stop rolling as soon as a force member goes freelance, or when you have rol1ed once for each force in the campaign. The freeiancer becomes a Mercenary with the usual hire fee.
48-50 TIME TO QUIT The force member with the most injuries in the campaign retires. Decide randomly who retires if there is more than one model with the same number of war wounds. If no force members have any injuries, this event has no effect.
51-53 NEW TURF Generate a new piece of territory. Make a note of each forces' Rep. The next time you roll an event, the force whose Rep has increased by the largest number of points gets the new piece of territory.
54-56 VENDETTA A feud breaks out between two randomly selected forces in Mega City 1 and old enmities flare up. Until the next event is rolled members from the two forces hate each other.
57-59 BOOM TIME An influx of new model robots, citizens and workers into the area brings in plenty of credits. All forces may add D10x5 credits to the income they generate until the next event is rolled.
60-62 SMOG Until the next event is rolled all games are affected by smog. Roll on the Smog Table to find out what happens. If you are rolling for treacherous conditions anyway the Smog result is in addition to the result rolled on the table (re-roll if you get two Smog results).
63-65 BOUNTIFUL FUNGUS HARVEST Fungus are popping up al1 over the place and food is plentiful (for once). All ruined blocks produce 4 times their income.
66-67 NEW CAVERN A new cavern has been discovered that is packed with artefacts and valuable stuff. Double the number of Loot counters for any Scavenger scenarios that are played until the next event is rolled.
68-69 NEW TURF Generate a new piece of territory. Make a note of each forces' Rep. The next time you roll an event, the force whose Rep has increased by the largest number of points gets the new piece of territory.
70-72 CARAVAN A large caravan moves through the area. Until the next event is rolled one random item from the black market is half price.
73-75 OVER-PRODUCTION Randomly select one type of common weapon. Its cost is halved until the next event is rolled.
76-78 OLD PRO' The force with the lowest Rep is joined by an old pro' fighter that takes them under their wing. Randomly select one Mercenary. They will remain with the force for free until they no longer have the lowest Rep.
79-81 JAIL-BREAK A group of convicts escapes to the city. Until the next event is rolled any new members of non-legal forces bought receive an extra 2D10 Experience points. If this bumps them up a level or two, choose their talents immediately.
82-84 MEDPACKS OFF THE BACK OF THE TRUCK There are plenty of healing Medpacks available. Until the next event is rolled any player may pay 5 credits to re-roll a result on the Injury Table. No result may be re-rolled more than once. and the second result must be accepted.
85-86 NEW TURF Generate a new piece of territory. Make a note of each forces' Rep. The next time you roll an event, the force whose Rep has increased by the largest number of points gets the new piece of territory.
87-88 NEW BLOCK A new block has been built (or rebuilt). Until the next event is rolled players may buy new pieces of tenitory (from a random selection of D10) at a cost of 100 credits each.
89-91 CITI-DEF SURPLUS Until the next event is rol1ed the following weapons and equipment are available at half the normal cost: Antique Revolver, Handgun, Laser Pistol, Double-barrelled Stump Gun, Laser Rifle, Long Rifle, Shell Jacket, Laser Cannon,C oncussion Grenades. However, the player must roll a D10 for each weapon or piece of equipment after he has paid for it. On a roll of 1-2 the weapon/item of equipment does not work and must be thrown away!
92-94 THE HEALER A legendary healer with psi powers moves through the area. Until the next event is rolled the healer will cure the long-term effects of any injuries for 50 credits per injury (he can't cure death or capture though).
95-97 SAFARI A party of celebrities arrives in the area as part of an exciting 'safari' trip to the less wealthy sectors. Al1 players of non-legal forces make wads of cash ripping off the rich gits. Each player is allowed to add D10x25 credits to their stash immediately.
98-100 ILLEGAL TECH Generate a new piece of territory. Make a note of each forces' Rep. The next time you roll an event, the force whose Rep has increased by the iargest number of points gets the new piece of tenitory. In addition, the teritory includes some valuable illegal tech which adds 1D10x50 credits to the force's stash.


Each player may, if they wish, roll a D10 at the start of the opposing player’s turn. On a roll of 1-8 nothing happens. On a roll of 9-10 some unknown mutant monstrosity has attacked a member of the rival force.

The model that is attacked is always the one furthest from any other models (friend or foe). If there are several models equally isolated then the one closest to the edge of the table is attacked.

Roll the D10 again to see what happens to the model.

Roll Result
1-2 The figure manages to beat off the creature. The model may not do anything else this turn. In addition, the model now has the limited ammo 3 trait for its main weapon for the remainder of the scenario – they fired off loads of ammo to drive off the attack.
3-8 The figure manages to beat off the creature. The model may not do anything else this turn.
9-10 There is a gunshot, a shriek, silence, and the inky blackness swallows another victim. The model is automatically taken out of action.


As well as being nasty to inhale, smog hampers vision, particularly at long range, masking fighters behind rolling clouds of vapour.

Toxic Smog

If the scenario is set in the Cursed Earth, models that don’t have respirators or filter plugs may be poisoned by toxic smog and unable to fight. Roll a D10 for each model without such protection before set-up: on a 1-2 the model may not fight in the game but is still able to collect income, inventory and so forth afterwards.

Smog Table

Roll Result
1 Pea Souper Billowing clouds of greeny-yellow smog drift through the streets. Vision range is reduced to a maximum of 10“. Targets appear and disappear so quickly that models may not use the shooting skills Fast Shot, Rapid Fire and Marksman.
2-3 Thick smog Clouds of smog make the going tough. Vision range is reduced to a maximum of 16”. Targets appear and disappear so quickly that models may not use the shooting skills Fast Shot, Rapid Fire and Marksman.
4 Fight On The smog clears for a while enabling you to continue your fight as normal. Roll again on this table in D10/2 rounds and reroll any result that is a 9-10
5-6 Conditions Normal The smog has drifted to another section of the city and won’t affect your fight.
7-8 Patchy Clouds Drifting smog hampers your fight. Vision range is reduced to a maximum of 20“. Targets appear and disappear so quickly that models may not use the shooting skills Fast Shot, Rapid Fire and Marksman.
9-10 Charge! Both sides were ready for a scrap but a thick orange smog descended a couple of hours ago. Both forces are about to retreat when the smog suddenly lifts. One side takes advantage of the situation by quickly advancing on the enemy. Both players’ leaders take an opposed Will check. The player who wins may set up their models again, now within 12” of the table edge and automatically gets the first turn. Re-roll in the case of a draw.


Zombie Infection

Not all zombies are corpses animated by psychics and necromancers. Some have been infected with a virulant plague. These zombies cannot be controlled, but act on instinctive behaviour - always moving towards the nearest living target. They will not attack undead or robots. Naturally, they carry the zombie infection with them. If another model is wounded by an infectious zombie in hand-to-hand combat they may contract the disease and turn into a similar zombie. Note which force members are wounded by zombies on your roster and at the end of the scenario roll a die on the table below to see whether they are infected. Note that this is in addition to the other injuries if the model goes out of action.

Roll Result
1-2 Clear After a few tense days no symptoms of zombie infection have emerged and the model is in the clear.
3-8 Sickness The victim feels weak and ill for days and must miss the next scenario while they recover.
9-10 Zombie Time! The model is infected and suffers brain death within hours. Roll a die: on a roll of 6-10 the new zombie wanders down into the Undercity to join its fellows. On a roll of 1-5 the zombie attacks a randomly determined force member, fight out the close combat immediately. In either event all of the model’s equipment is infected and counts as destroyed.
Romero Variant

Don't roll until after setup for the next scenario. Then remove the model if they succumb to sickness. If they turn into a zombie, they immediately move towards the nearest living target and start attacking.