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Sir Reinhardt Maddox, Knight of the Holy Oak, Baron of Nurelia

Born in 692, Sir Reinhardt is the acknowledged bastard of Sir Barnabas Maddox and the Lady Candace Ethasiel, the sister of Baron Wevran Ethasiel. Though Reinhardt was raised in his father's home he was not well treated, having not only the enmity of his older, legitimate brother, Gadod, but of his father's wife, the Lady Dura, as well. Despite his treatment Reinhardt was a dutiful son, hoping that one day he would be dubbed a knight, but knowing he would never inherit his father's lands.

When Reinhardt was almost thirteen his father informed him that he was being sent to the Abriel Abbey in the Nefaylen Hundred, where he would be trained for the priesthood. Parting with precious farthings to squire a second son, let alone a bastard and a social liability, wasn't on his father's agenda. Devastated, the young Reinhardt packed his things and made his way, alone, to Abriel. The monks at the Abbey were kind to him, treating him far better than his father's household had, but he remained miserable.

Almost a year after arriving at Abriel Reinhardt's luck changed. One of the Priests, Ilor Hadan, who was aware of Reinhardt's suffering and had taken him under his wing, was required to travel to Bidow Abbey on matters of the faith. Knowing Reinhardt's mother had been cloistered with the Order of the Balm of Joy near Bidow after giving birth to him, the Priest took Reinhardt with him, advising the young man on the journey to ask his mother to intercede on his behalf. She remained, the Priest told him, a woman of influence.

Upon arriving at his mother's cloister, Reinhardt was shocked when the Lady Candace, whom he had never met, openly embraced him and, upon hearing his plea, insisted he remain, seeing that he was housed with the cloister's Friar. A fortnight later his mother introduced him to Dame Sophia, Knight-Commander of the Order of Saint Claudia “Our Lady of Paladins,” an ecclesiastic fighting order sworn to the faith. In addition to being the Order's Knight-Commander, Dame Sophia was also the younger sister of the Earl of Neph. After a lengthy interview Dame Sophia wrote Reinhardt a letter of introduction, requesting her brother see him squired.

At the Earl's castle in Gardiren Reinhardt proved a dedicated and enthusiastic squire, a natural on the horse, and remarkably gifted with sword and lance. Principled, courageous, and martially adept the young man showed himself to be the very flower of chivalry. His easy successes made him the envy of his peers, but the circumstances of his birth continued to dog him. Instead of being accepted as the best among them, the squires dubbed him “Bastard Knight” and “Black Son.” In his isolation Reinhardt refused to be bitter. His dream, once dashed upon the rocks, was coming true.

There was one person in Caer Gardiren, however, who befriended the young knight. The Earl's only child and designated heir, the Lady Elsbeth. A year younger than Reinhardt and orphaned of her mother, the young woman sat at her father's right hand and learned to run the affairs of state as well as mete out justice. Her father insisted she be competent in arms and retained one of his sister's knights, and a yeoman, to see her properly trained. The sight of Elsbeth, armed and sitting astride a horse like a man, or in a dress with a bow and quiver, scandalized many. She too was isolated from her peers. The “Bastard Knight” had found a kindred spirit.

As the pair grew into their majority they became all but inseparable and when he was knighted Elsbeth insisted he be placed in charge of her personal armsmen, which the Earl permitted without comment. Were it not for the fact that the daughters of Earls do not marry landless knights, let alone bastard sons, they would have been a match. As it was, she was soon betrothed to the son of one of her father's manorial bailiffs, Sir Pallon Bernan, who was granted a triple knight's fee, and the friendship between Reinhardt and the heir, though strong, was forced to become morecircumspect. Sir Pallon's honor, and social propriety, demanded it.

In the seven years since he was knighted Reinhardt hasn't managed to win the acceptance of his fellow knights, but his exemplary service and courage in battle, especially against the Thardic Legions in the Chelen Gap in 714, has earned him the respect of his men and a few discreet nods from those gentles willing to look beyond his parent's indiscretion. He has made two close friends aside from Countess Curo – Faranir and Garoth - the second sons of guildsmen and talented artisans in their own right, who were also cast from their homes. They have served loyally and he has rewarded them by making them his seconds. He volunteers for border patrols whenever the Countess visits her border forts, and has seen action against barbarians numerous times.

Reinhardt remains the flower of chivalry and noblesse obligue, a fact he would be more than happy to demonstrate to some of his more “unrefined” peers, but Earl Curo – and now the Countess - have never allowed their household knights to participate in Tourneys. And in truth, he has little time to concern himself with such thoughts. Since Earl Curo passed away and the Lady Elsbeth was affirmed Countess by Clan Curo's Succession Council, his job has become much more important – and difficult.

There are some days Reinhardt secretly wishes he could be a simple manorial lord and deal with the mundane cycles of farm and field, but then, he knows that's a pipe dream and a fool's hope. You have to be born to that, something he is all too frequently reminded he wasn't. Its just not in the cards for him. Besides, he has a position of great responsibility in one of Kaldor's great clans, and he's well provided for. On those days, the words of Ilor Hadan, now Bishop of Nurez at Abriel, seems all the more poignant: “Count your blessings, boy. Count your blessings.”

Reinhardt is 5'10” with an solid frame and an athletic build. He has short, tawny hair, alert blue eyes, and keeps his beard and mustache neatly trimmed. He moves with a graceful economy of motion and has a quiet, unassuming confidence and poise. Few of his men remember the last time he raised his voice; he is calm and to the point when dealing with commoners. With nobles, however, he tends to be reserved, and has been perceived as stiff or occasionally curt by those who don't know him well. He typically dresses with the austere sensibility of a soldier and is never without his sword.

Reinhardt's support includes room and board, though he generally eats at the Earla's table, the maintenance of his arms and armor, two suits of clothes per year, an unprecedented two warhorses and associated hostler's costs, one set of barding, tack & harness, and a monthly stipend. All of his equipment is of superior quality and is regularly serviced. He also has three books: a tome covering the histories, holdings, and lineages of the great clans of Kaldor; a folio on proper manor maintenance and the obligations of a lord; and a book containing the liturgy and the collected proverbs that was a gift from his mother. He has managed to save 2£ 40d.

Post Generation Notes

1 Helane 719: Countess Curo appoints Reinhardt Baron of Nurelia. Now the master of a remote frontier keep with an adjoining village, his primary wealth is vested in some 60,000 acres of undeveloped wilderness. It is the single largest fief in the entire kingdom and rivals all of the Countess' other lands combined. His income has become an astronomical 361£ per annum, though his fuedal obligations, which include a company of heavy horse, are very steep. His disposable income is roughly 100£ per annum.

Mechanical Notes

Stats: STR: 15 (12-); DEX: 17 (12-); CON: 17 (12-); BDY: 15 (12-); INT: 13 (12-); EGO: 11 (11-); PRE: 15 (12-); COM: 12 (11-); PD: 8; ED: 5; SP: 4; RC: 8; EN: 35; ST: 35
Movement: Run: 7“ Swim: 2” Leap: 3“ Combat Block: CV: 6; ECV: 4; Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

Skills: AK: Kaldor 11-; CuK: Kaldoric Culture 11-; Animal Handler (Equines) 15-; Breakfall 12-; Climbing 12-; Deduction 12-; Defense Maneuver III; Fast Draw (Sword) 12-; High Society 12-; PS: Jack of Trades; PS: Scribe 11-; PS: Dance 11-; PS: Household Knight 11-; PS: Manorial Lord 8-; Language: Harnic (Idiomatic; Literate); Navigation (Land) 12-; Oratory 12-; Paramedics 12-; Rapid Attack (HTH); Riding 20-; Scholar; KS: Heraldry 11-; KS: Kaldoric Gentry 11-; KS: Knightly World 11-; KS: Religion 11-; KS: Feudal Law 11-; Stealth 12-; Survival (Forests) 12-; Tactics 12-; WS: Axes, Maces, Hammers, Picks 13-; WS: War Flail 13-; WS: Lance 17-; WS: Shield 15-; WS: Short Bow 12-; WS: Spears and Javelins 12-; WS: Blades 15-; MA: Brawling 12-

Perks: Contact: Countess Curo (Major Institutions, Extremely Useful, Significant Contacts, Very Good Relationship) 8-; Contact: Lady Candace Ethasial (Ver Useful, Very Good Relationship) 8-; Tributes and Lands: Money (Wealthy/6); Social Rank: Baron of Nurelia; Social Rank: Knighthood

Talents: Resistance: Pain Threshold (4 points); Deadly Blow: +1d6 (Any, Any HTH); Mounted Warrior (HTH Combat)

Powers: Powerful Brawling: +2d6 HA

Disadvantages: Social: Bastard (Occasionally, Minor); Social: Oath of Fealty (Very Frequently, Major); Psychological: Chivalrous (Common, Strong); Psychological: Unrequited Love for Countess Curo (Common, Strong); Psychological: Noblesse Oblige (Common, Strong); Psychological: Moralist/Religious (Common, Moderate); Reputation: “The Black Son” (Kaldoric Gentry) 11-; Reputation: Upstart Paper Baron (Kaldoric Gentry) 11-; Hunted: Countess Curo's Rivals (As Pow, NCI, Easy to Find, Watching) 8-; Rivalry: Sir Pallon (Professional, Romantic, As Pow, Dangerous Rivalry, Rival Aware); DNPC: Inner Circle (X4, As Pow, Useful Skills) 11-

Cost: Characteristics: 91; Skills: 140; Perks: 27; Talents: 18; Powers: 7
Breakdown: Base: 100; Disadvantages: 125; Protagonist Bonus: 44; Experience: 14
Total Character Cost: 283

Design Notes

As the protagonist in a solo-game, Reinhardt needs to be well rounded. In addition, like all heroes, he needs to have a focused area of expertise. As a result, Reinhardt is designed to be the finest horseman in Kaldor, as well as a chivalric juggernaut. He is an expert swordsman and few can match him with a lance. He is also fairly well educated, and has some useful contacts to help him navigate his world. To facilitate speed of play in the PBEM medium the Chronicles of Counter-Harn does not use the the Speed Chart, Combat Values, Combat Levels, and Weapon Familiarities. Instead, combat is handled on a “turn by turn” basis and uses opposed skill rolls to determine hits (e.g., Sword vs. Sword, Sword vs. Shield, Sword vs. Dodge, etc). Speed is handled abstractly in the narrative. In a normal table top game I would turn Reinhardt's Weapon Skills into Weapon Familiarities and purchase enough additional skill levels to make him dangerous.

David Queenann 2006/02/19 22:35