Shen Zhou

Symbol: The Dragon
Official Languages: Putonghua
Capital: Beijing
Date: 2228 SZ (2228 years since the unification of the Empire) (Yang Calendar)
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Head of State: Emperor
Head of Government: Emperor, though in practice the bureaucracy dominates government policy.
Deliberative Body: None, though day to day police is debated within and implemented by the bureaucracy.
Area: 3.8 million square miles, not including the Meadowland Colonies
Population: 450 million
Establishment: 0 SZ
First Emperor: Qin Shi Huang
Current Emperor: Hu Jintao
Official Religions: Shen Buddhism, Shen Taoism, Shen Confucianism. Shen Zhou also features a rich folk religion built on ancestor worship and worship of the court of the Jade Emperor.

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