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Table 12 - Military Experience

Within the Igard Confederacy it is mandatory to enlist in the military for a term of 4 years in order to gain or maintain citizenship. If you do not want your character to be a full-fledged citizen with all of the inherent rights you may skip this table and go straight to Table 13 - Adulthood Events. If you chose to do so change your social status to Civilian. This requirement is only for men as women are expected to have been married off by the time they reach adulthood. However, women are free to join the military as well if they so chose. |

Military enlistment starts at age 16.

Roll 1D20 and add your Social Mod. Once you determine your Military Branch go on to Table 12A.

Amo Lucani Doresti Trisin/Igardian Branch
10 or less 1 or less 5 or less 1 or less Light Infantry. Gain Infantry Basic Package.
11 2-9 6 2-3 Archers. Gain Archer Basic Package.
12 - 7 4-5 Medium Infantry. Gain Infantry Basic Package.
13 - - 6-7 Heavy Infantry. Gain Infantry Basic Package.
14 - 8-13 8-9 Navy. Gain Sailor Package.
15 10 14-15 10-11 Light Cavalry. Gain Cavalry Basic Package.
16 - 16-17 12-13 Medium Cavalry. Gain Cavalry Basic Package.
17 - - 14-15 Heavy Calvary. Gain Cavalry Basic Package.
18 11 - 16-17 Chariots. Gain Chariot Basic Package.
19 12-19 18-19 18-19 Special Forces. Roll on Table 537 - Special Forces to determine type.
20 or more 20 or more 20 or more 20 or more Noncombat Duty. Roll on Table 536 - Noncombat Duty to determine type.

Roll 1D3 times on Table 12A. If your branch is Noncombat Duty; be sure to add 5 to your rolls on Table 12A.

Table 12A

Roll Military Event Next Table
1-6 Battle 12B
7-8 Character reenlists for an additional 5 years. Roll an additional 1D4 events on this table. Roll 1D6, on a result of 6 the character is promoted. 12A
9 Character's prowess and obvious intelligence earn him a reassignment to a Special forces unit for the remainder of his enlistment. Roll on Table 537 - Special Forces to determine the new unit. 13
10 Character is transferred to a noncombat unit for the remainder of his enlistment. Roll on Table 536 - Noncombat Duty to determine the new unit. 13
11 Character is promoted one rank 13
12 Characters unit is involved in numerous skirmishes. Roll 1D10, on a result of 8-10 roll on Table 12B. 13
13 Characters unit is ambushed by a superior force. Determine outcome as normal for Table 12B but subtract 4 from the Characters Unit Roll. 12B
14 Characters unit is involved in a plot to overthrow the government and take control of the land. A battle is fought; determine the result as normal on Table 12B. If the characters unit wins then the commanding officer becomes the new ruler. If the characters unit loses then go to Table 875 - Crimes and assign the punishment as if the character had rolled a 9 on that table. 12B
15 Character's prowess and obvious intelligence earn him a reassignment to a Special forces unit for the remainder of his enlistment. Roll on Table 537 - Special Forces to determine the new unit. 13
16 A disease ravages the army. Roll 1D6, on a result of 6 the character becomes sensitive to the cold and damp, as if he had an allergy to it. 13
17 Character reenlists to a different branch for an additional 5 years. Roll an additional 1D4 events on this table. Roll on Table 12 to determine the new unit. 12A
18 Character learns a new weapon skill 13
19 The characters enlistment is extended by 1D4 years due to a major war that breaks out. The fighting is intense. Roll 2 additional events for each year of the war. Each roll is made with -5 modifier. 12A
20-21 A fierce war breaks out. The situation is grim. All Noncombat troops are put in the field as light infantry. Roll on the table below to determine who the enemy is. The characters unit is in the thickest of the fighting for many months and sees more action than most. 1D4+1 battles occur and the results are determined on Table 12B for each one.
1-3 Armies from a neighboring land
4 Armies of monsters
5-6 A civil war
7 A peasant rebellion
8 A war of succession to determine a new ruler
9 A holy war against enemies of the main religion
10 Monsters from another plane
22-23 Character increases his basic training package by one level 13
24 Characters unit is assigned to accompany a combat unit in the field. Reroll on this table but do not add 5 to the roll. 12A
25 Roll one event on Table 543 - In the Service of… assuming that the patron is the commander of the characters unit. 13

When rolling on Table 12B you are determining the results of a battle. The first thing to determine is whether or not the characters unit won or lost. To do this; roll 1D20 twice. The first roll is for the Characters Unit, the second is for the Enemy's Unit. The highest roll wins. Next we determine what actually transpired as a result of the battle. Roll 1D20 on Table 12B, be sure to add 2 to the roll if the characters unit won and subtract 2 if they lost.

Table 12B

Roll Battle Results Next Table
1 or less The carnage was awesome. 1D100% of the characters unit were killed. The character fought poorly and almost dies when he received a serious injury. Roll 1D6, on a result of 6 the characters military career is ended due to the injury. Roll on Table 870 - Serious Wounds to determine the specific injury. 13
2 Serious casualties. The character has an impressive scar to show for it. 13
3 The horror of it all caused the character to develop an exotic personality. Roll on Table 649 - Exotic Traits to determine the specifics. 13
4-5 Roll on this table 1D3+1 times ignoring this result if rolled again. Do not add any modifiers to these rolls. 12B
6-7 Character sees action but nothing noteworthy. 13
8 Character fought well. Many foes died at his hands. Roll 1D6, on a result of 5-6 the character can increase his skill with one weapon by 1 level 13
9 Character fought well and with notable heroism. Many comrades owe their lives to his heroics. The character is promoted one rank for his valor. Roll 1D6, on a roll of 4-6 the character can increase his skill with one weapon by 1 level 13
10 The character is captured and enslaved. Military service ends. Roll on Table 539 - Enslaved to determine the results. 13
11 Regardless of performance in battle the character is decorated for his heroism. If characters Social Status is increased by 1 rank. 13
12 Character was a coward in battle. Roll 1D6, on a result of 5-6 no one seemed to have noticed but the character must live with his actions. 13
13 Characters best friend dies at his side. 13
14 Character is the only survivor of his unit. 13
15 Character deserts during the battle revealing to all his cowardice. 13
16 Character is personally responsible for the deaths of 1D10 of his comrades. 13
17 Character slays the leader of the enemy 13
18 Character's immediate superior officer is slain and he assumes the command and retains the new rank. 13
19 Regardless of his performance in battle the character is accused of dereliction of duty and is demoted 1 rank. If he is only a Legionnaire he is expelled from the military. 13
20 An act of the character reverses the battles outcome. Roll 1D6, on a result of 6 the character is recognized for the deed. If this action caused the battle to be lost the character is demoted 1D3 ranks. If the action caused the battle to won the character is promoted 1 rank. 13
21 The winner's side suffers light casualties. Roll 2D10 on this table for another result. 12B
22 The loser's side is utterly destroyed. Character may add an additional 2 to any further rolls on this table. 13

Continue to Table 13 - Adulthood Events

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