Rhandom Quotes

Dragonstar Rising

“Palin, get your squad over to the north side. We have a wounded man over there, grid location…Oh. Never mind.”

“Well, Warren, when you said I was supposed to withdraw, I figured you just had your directions confused.”

“Stay away from the Power Armor. They draw a lot of fire, make a lot of noise, and might step on your feet.”

“It's in the shop, being readied for the next failure.”

“A good Targa might last twelve missions. A great Targa will last one or two.”

“Hi, my name is Lance, and yes, I am the new guy, and no, I don't want to hear about the guy you saw standing on the Barricade Mine when it went off.”

“You can never have too much armor.”

“Whatever you do, don't shoot his weapon. If that happens, he'll come over and punch us.”

“The only time I ever saw an Imperial Guardsman avoid shooting at one of our medics was when Barnard was in front of their ammo dump.”

“Remember the time Haft breached a hole in the aquatic space simulation lab and we ended up fighting waist deep in water until the floor collapsed?”

“Alright…Who put the Contact Seal on the toilet seat?”

“Outdated Flechette pistol…Check.
Combat Suit with multiple bullet holes…Check.
Old moth-eaten blanket…Check.
There you go. Welcome to the Alpha Home Guard.”

“Remember the good luck rock you picked up on Mathis VI? Well, it hatched.”

“I'd be happy to declare war on International Mercantile. Unfortunately, they hold the maintenance contracts on all our military computers.”

“The laser of an Imperial Starmarine is a direct extension of Imperial foreign policy.”

“That cannot be the rebel system. No way. Not possible. I would stake my reputation on it. I have been in stellar exploration for twenty years, and I know what I'm talking about. That star has no habitable planets.”

“We will never surrender to you, rebel scum. So, board this proud starship if you will. We await you.”

“In light of recent developments, we wish to discuss terms of surrender.”

“The FMP7 is designed to defeat Power Armor. It's badly designed, but that's not my problem.”

“Like heavy metal? How about 900 pounds?”

“S-4 really screwed up this time. We're at the objective…it's a rest room.”

“Aerospace, Banking, Insurance, Travel, Military Hardware…We're there, working for you in every aspect of modern living. We're Startech.”

“We ought to put Narjack on a tow line, so we can just roll him in after each mission.”

“Every time I start thinking about getting off this rock, our Starfleet gets destroyed.”

“Keep moving Gerfel. It's bad luck to bleed in the same place twice.”

“A live friend is worth a hundred dead enemies.”

“I'm so bored I could shoot someone.”

“Daddy, tell me the story about Upward Mobility again.”

“All the rest are useless scrap. Now there's Living Steel.”