KS: Alchemy

[Mage, PS: Alchemist]

Salves, potions, brews, and all sorts of herbal remedies can be concocted with this skill. The time required is 1 minute per active point of the potion desired, if in a laboratory, and 5 minutes per point otherwise. The monetary cost is variable, depending on the rarity of the herbs and other components necessary for the potion in question. The Alchemist must also pay character points for each different type of potion, although these can be interchanged. Regaining charges requires the money and time described above for each charge. Non-mages must make a PS: Alchemist skill roll first, then an Alchemy roll at –1 (-2 if not in a laboratory) per 10 active points of potion—a critical fail at either (18 or any adjusted failure by 10 or more) causes an explosion or the creation of a magical ingestive poison. True mages may skip the Professional skill roll.