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Man out of Time

The Beacon House has been the local headquarters for the Beacon Group since the group started in World War II. In that time, it has been exposed to a large number of mysterious and creepy events, and the house itself has been at the centre of several unusual circumstances.

Early one morning, while a PC is in the upper hallway near the residential area of the house, a man walks out of one of the bedrooms, and starts moving toward one of the washrooms. On seeing the PC, he looks startled and blurts out, “Hey! What are you doing here? You don't have clearance to be in this building!”

After any initial shouting, the PCs learn that the man is Kurt Rollins, an ex-cop and a Beacon Group agent. The only catch is, Rollins disappeared without a trace in 1966. Rollins had broken up with his wife in 1964, and had been living out of one of the bedrooms at the Beacon House. On September 21st, 1966, he went to bed and disappeared.

Confirming Rollins Story

The way that the Beacon Group is organized doesn't provide much opportunity to retrieve personnel records or information about past missions. But some minor events might help the PCs believe that Rollins is who he claims he is. The main hallway on the first floor has a number of framed photos, including some group photos of past teams. Rollins is able to find his old team (including him) in one of these photos. “I remember when that picture was taken. It was '63 and Dickie Farnsworth had just had a cast removed from his arm.”

What to Do With Rollins?

After he's been forced to accept that forty years have gone by, Rollins will probably ask the PCs to help him track down what's happened to the people he used to know. The PCs can role-play some encounters, looking for old friends and relatives of Rollins, and it can also be a good opportunity to get the PCs to reflect on what happens to all the other Beacon Group teams over time. Do the teams get to retire? Are they killed off one-by-one, or quietly go mad?

Rollins Last Case

Rollins had been trying to solve a series of grisly murders. The victims has been drained of blood, but Rollins didn't think it was the work of vampires. Rather, he thought that the blood was being collected for use in some kind of occult ritual.

Rollins leads the characters to some of the sites of his investigation. The abattoir where several of the bodies were found has been knocked down and converted into townhouses. Other sites have also been lost to time. But the night club, Nefertiti's, where many of the victims visited before they disappeared, is still there (now called The Nile Club). And it's here that Rollins notices a woman that he recognizes from 1966. And the woman hasn't aged a day.