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Creepy Hotel

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One of the most successful threads I've started on the Hero Boards was a thread entitled “Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel.” The board members came up with the eeriest cast of characters you've seen this side of Charles Addams' cartoons. I got the idea from an thread that was also extremely good. My original introduction still works well for it:

“… Imagine a hotel stocked with weird characters. They should be strange in a Twin Peaks/X-Files kind of way - they can be possibly vaguely slightly mystical (but it should never be obviously magic), or they could be vaguely slightly high-tech (in a conspiracy sort of easily-mistaken-for-something-else way), or whatever you like. The only requirement should be that they are weird characters easily captured in a few sentences. You don't have to give them names - giving them titles such as, er, Cat Piss Man or Dog Blood Man makes it easier to put them in any other game.”


  1. The Always Seen Maid - by AlHazred
  2. The Always there bellhop - by ken julian
  3. The Bartender - by Sketchpad
  4. The Elevator Operator 2 - by DEFCON Clown
  5. The Eternal Desk Clerk - by Dr. Anomaly
  6. The Exterminator - by i3ullseye
  7. The Gardener - by The Mad GM
  8. The Man In The Cellar - by AlHazred
  9. The Never Seen Maids - by Susano
  10. The New Bellhop - by i3ullseye
  11. The Old Postman - by Dr. Anomaly
  12. Taxi - by Nothere


  1. The All-Seeing Blind Guy - by Derek Hiemforth
  2. The Author - by Pogo
  3. Backwards Man - by Dr. Anomaly
  4. Bag Lady - by 5lippers
  5. Band-Aid Guy - by Just Joe
  6. The Battle Card Players - by csyphrett
  7. Byron - by Marcus The Impudite
  8. The Cake Lady - by Dr. Anomaly
  9. The Calculator - by lensman
  10. The Clatterer - by AlHazred
  11. Cleft - by Basil
  12. Coat Guy - by 5lippers
  13. The Cosplayer - by csyphrett
  14. The Dice Man Cometh - by tkdguy
  15. The Doctor - by radioKAOS
  16. The Dollmaker - by oroborous
  17. The Dummy - by Log
  18. Erich Zann - by Mr. Negative
  19. The Ex-Con - by War Cry
  20. The Faker - by Killer Shrike
  21. The FBI Guy - by McCoy
  22. Gary - by csyphrett
  23. The Ghostly Couple - by tkdguy
  24. Glenn - by Trencher
  25. The Glutton - by AlHazred
  26. "Got It!" Guy - by Basil
  27. Goth Girl - by Steve
  28. He Ain't Heavy - by BoneDaddy
  29. Hey, Don't I Know You - by Sketchpad
  30. H. P. - by Basil
  31. John - by V
  32. Jukebox Roy - by Kyle A.
  33. Key Boy - by 5lippers
  34. Let Me Check Lady - by Supreme Serpent
  35. The Lady or the Tiger - by megaplayboy
  36. Librarian Guy - by Basil
  37. Linda - by Mike Dean
  38. Little Annie - by KA.
  39. The Lycanthrope - by Korvar
  40. Man In The Long Coat - by Mr. Negative
  41. The Man Who Wasn't There - by Mr. Negative
  42. The Mime - by BoneDaddy
  43. The Misplaced Tourist - by Dr. Anomaly
  44. The Missing Father - by tkdguy
  45. The Mistimed - by Pogo
  46. Mr. Cammino - by Trencher
  47. Mr. Invisible - by Korvar
  48. Mr. Long - by Susano
  49. Mr. Sunglasses - by War Cry
  50. Music Box Man - by 5lippers
  51. My Brother's Sister - by i3ullseye
  52. The Mysterious Guest - by Burrito Boy
  53. The Never-Seen Kids - by Blue Jogger
  54. The Nervous Writer - by megaplayboy
  55. No Biological Needs Guy - by Supreme Serpent
  56. The Novelist - by McCoy
  57. The Observer - by Just Joe
  58. The Officer - by McCoy
  59. Ornery Old Coot - by sinanju
  60. Other Hotel Guy - by 5lippers
  61. The Other Twins - by McCoy
  62. The Painter - by Just Joe
  63. Peter - by Kyle A.
  64. Peter Simmons - by V.
  65. The Piano Player - by Von D-Man
  66. The Rain Man - by Basil
  67. Rape Man - by ThothAmon
  68. Ray - by csyphrett
  69. The Recruiters - by The Weapon
  70. Repeating Alan - by Kyle A.
  71. Rob - by Mightybec
  72. Robin - by Willow
  73. Rough Trade Writer - by McCoy
  74. The Savant - by tkdguy
  75. Sci-fi Geekette - by 5lippers
  76. Seen It All Before Guy - by Killer Shrike
  77. Sergei - by csyphrett
  78. The Shadow - by Haven Walkur
  79. Shocked Saul - by Kyle A.
  80. Sleep-Deprived Man - by rogerfcw
  81. The Stranger - by AmadanNaBriona
  82. The Stud - by Korvar
  83. Sutter Kane - by Curufea
  84. The Tapper - by Basil
  85. Tea Man - by Basil
  86. The Time Traveller - by Curufea
  87. Too Normal Guy - by Supreme Serpent
  88. Tough Old Broad - by sinanju
  89. The Tract Lady - by Dr. Anomaly
  90. The Twins - by Log
  91. The Vampire - by War Cry
  92. Victor And His Young Assistant - by Wilfred_Death
  93. The Vitamin Guy - by Dr. Anomaly
  94. Wally - by Basil
  95. What's He Building In There - by Mr. Negative
  96. Wheelchair Cop - by McCoy
  97. Where Is The Family - by i3ullseye
  98. Where Is The Parent - by i3ullseye
  99. The Whining Annoyance - by pendelfield
  100. Willing Pawn - by 5lippers


  1. The Argument - by The Mad GM
  2. The Comfey Chair - by McCoy
  3. Crosstime War - by AlHazred
  4. Dark Marks - by 5lippers
  5. Deserts - by Curufea
  6. Disappearing Guests - by 5lippers
  7. The Dream - by tkdguy
  8. Drinks - by Cancer
  9. The Eternal Game - by McCoy
  10. The Falling Body - by The Mad GM
  11. Glitch - by Sketchpad
  12. Graffiti - by Lawnmower Boy
  13. The Lost Pet - by i3ullseye
  14. Low Murmurs - by BcAugust
  15. The Magician - by cranialspasm
  16. The Menu - by The Mad GM
  17. The Mirror - by Susano
  18. The Mirror In The Closet - by The Mad GM
  19. The Nice Guy of Doom - by Nothere
  20. Phone Mail - by The Mad GM
  21. The Rats In The Walls - by AlHazred
  22. The Soda Man - by csyphrett
  23. Strange Times - by Blue
  24. The Trophy Case - by csyphrett
  25. The Unseen Guest - by csyphrett
  26. The Wet Spot - by Basil
  27. The Backward Dog - by Curufea


  1. No Reading After Dark - by Haven Walkur
  2. The Chameleon Zone - by Curufea
  3. The Dead Zone - by McCoy
  4. The Deja Vu Room - by tkdguy
  5. The Game Room - by Basil
  6. The Gun - by Curufea
  7. The Look Quick Lounge - by Nothere
  8. The Music Room - by tkdguy
  9. The Neat Ghost - by Susano
  10. The Old Monument - by Cancer
  11. The Pheonix Conference Room - by cranialspasm
  12. The Shop - by tkdguy
  13. The Third Floor - by Curufea
  14. What Is That Smell - by Sketchpad

Disquieting Things That No One Talks About

It can be decor, people, events, other things. It's cooler for the GM if there is an actual reason for the wierdness, even if the players never are told what it is.

Hotel Names

New York names

Random Hotel Generator