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Slayers Hero

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If you are familiar with the Slayers then you will realize that it is a setting that features outrageously powerful magic. But it is also fairly comedic. The information below is very bare bones and very much a work in progress. Please feel free to offer input and criticism.

These conversions are based on the formulas given in Reality Storm. I have looked over the BESM write-up of the spell and the Slayers d20 write-up as well. In many cases the text description of the spell is at odds with the conversion formulas, in these instances I applied what little common sense I had to try and make it workable. Many of these spells are variable in power, weaker or stronger versions are possible. The versions given here are as strong as the examples given in the source materials.

Character Creation

System Rules

Creatures and Monsters


Spell Colleges

Sorcery (Black Magic)

Asher Dist, Balus Rod, Blast Ash, Blast Wave, Dark Claw, Disfang, Dolf Stlash, Dolf Zoke, Dragon Slave, Dynast Brass, Dynast Breath, Fearis Breed, Gaav Flare, Gaiagraize, Gai Ra Dooga, Giga Slave, Gu Ru Diva, Gu Ru Dooga, Hated by Opposite Sex, Hell Blast, Kyukyum Spin, Mega Vu Vraimer, Necro Vood, Ragna Blade, Ragna Blast, Ragna Drive, Ruby Eye Blade, (Summoning), Void Breath, Vol Ga Dooga, Vu Raiwar, Vu Vraimer, Vun Ga Ruim, Zellas Brid, Zellas Goat

Shamanist, Air

Aero Bomb, Air Valm, Bomb Di Win, Bram Fang, Bram Gash, Dam Brass, Dig Volt, Diem Claw, Diem Win, Dimil Arwin, Levitation, Mono Volt, P.A. System, Raywing, Wind Brid, Windy Shield

Shamanist, Astral

Astral Break, Astral Vine, Bram Blazer, Dislash, Elmekia Flame, Elmekia Lance, Fehlzareid, Gark Ruhad, Goomehon, Goz V'row Illusion, Meteor Fall, Probing, Protect, Puppet, Ra Tilt, Raza Clover, Shadow Snap, Shadow Web, Valmaceid, Visfarank, Vision

Shamanist, Earth

Arc Brass, Bephis Bring, Bogardic Elm, Blade Haut, Dill Brand, Dug Break, Dug Haut, Dug Wave, Dyeing, Grey Bomb, Mega Brand, Strengthening, Veegasgaia

Shamanist, Fire

Abyss Flare, Balus Wall, Bamu Rod, Blast Bomb, Bomb Sprid, Burst Flare, Burst Rondo, Fire Ball, Flare Arrow, Flare Bit, Flare Lance, Flare Seal, Rune Flare, Val Flare, Vice Flare, Vlave Howl

Shamanist, Water

Aqua Breathe, Aqua Create, Dark Mist, Demona Crystal, Dust Chip, Freeze Arrow, Freeze Brid, Freeze Rain, Gray Buster, Howl Freeze, Icicle Lance, Lah Freeze, Ly Brim, Sea Blast, Swightflang, Van Rail, Vice Freeze

White Magic

Awaking a Person, Breaking a Spell, Chaos String, Dicleary, Extball, Fishing Spell, Flow Break, Holy Bless, Lafas Sheed, Lighting, Lock, Megiddo Flare, Moth Varim, Protection Barrier, Recovery, Resurrection, Rune Breaker, Sleeping, Unlock, Vas Grood

Divine Magic

Chaotic Disintegrate, Flame Bless, Holy Resist, Ray Freeze, Roller the Road, Vrabazard Flare, Zellas Phalanx

Other Magics

Attack, Break, Dissealed, Mana Conversion, Sealed, Zenaf Slade

Unclassified Spells

Boosting, Megiddo Arc, Metamorphose, Printing Patterns, Puppet, Raugnuto Rushavna, Rune Stride, Sealing a Magic Circle, Void

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