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Slayers Spells D


A sort of Universal antitoxin, when cast on a person this purges their systems of all intoxicants and other harmful drugs. This will usually awaken an unconscious person (although she won't necessarily remain awake if the first thing she sees challenges the fundamental nature of reality, as Naga discovered).

Demona Crystal:

Freezes a door, a portion of a wall, or other inanimate object, making it do brittle that it is reduced to effectively 1 BODY. Useful for getting through locked doors or castle walls, particularly when subtlety is not a concern – one good kick and the barrier shatters noisily before you.

Damu Bras

Energy Blast 7d6 (35 Active Points); Spell (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Sorcery [Sonic]. Skill Roll -0. With this spell the sorcerer hurls a brilliant red ball of energy at the target. Upon impact it shatters and the power released vibrates the target to pieces. The spell is also sometimes translated as “Dam Brass.”

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