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Fantasy Hero Races



Created by Jason Yarnell

The Amo are a race in decline. Once occupying the entire range of the Attin River, they have been reduced to a few scattered tribes spread throughout Southern Aleron. A situation many Amo have lost their lives trying to remedy.

The Amo are the oldest human culture still in existence and all of the human nations on Aleron have come from this stock. The Amo people have become a shattered culture with the vast majority having been absorbed by the more prosperous cultures leaving a handful of clans roaming the wilds following their corrupted faith in the Cult of the Devourer.


Created by Jason Yarnell

The Arminul occupy the western portion of Pangea known as Arminor. The mild climate and many Earthnodes have helped to form a culture that relies on magic over the force of arms. The Arminul are an inherently magical people and all will have studied one or two spell lists regardless of their profession or social standing.

These people are considered to be Highmen and can trace their roots to the first union of Man and Elf. The Arminul had always known peace until the Kin-Strife. The cause of the war has never been determined as the Arminul, Corsair and Kesh all have their own greatly varied opinions. The civil war nearly destroyed Arminor and divided the Arminul into three distinct cultures. They were never able to officially resolve the war and two of the factions left Arminor to occupy other lands. The Corsair headed north and occupied the Hags Gate Reef while the Kesh turned south and populated the great peninsula there.

The Arminul have dedicated their lives to the study of magic and the pursuit of the most flamboyant wardrobe. The reasons for this have been lost to time, but even if the reasons for their pursuits are not known they approach both with an incredible intensity.

Most everything in Arminor is done by or with magic from the smoke armor worn by the Emperor’s Guards, to the fountains that create water rather than pump it. “Magic is a tool that even the smallest child can use and the greatest master can only hope to hold at bay”.

The center of Arminul culture is the floating city of Chrysalis. Here is where the vast majority of hopeful students come to learn in the Ivory Spire. This is the only remaining school of magic in all of Pangea, though not the only place to learn magic. The Ivory Spire is a vast and strict resource for all spell casters, though some believe their price is to high.

Arminul culture is incredibly decadent with few restrictions on the individual and a strong independence. Aside from this and their love of all things magical, there are no common threads to distinguish their culture from another's.


Bear Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell

The Bear Elves are a rare breed of half-elf and are almost never seen beyond the boundaries of their mountain homes. Most likely a combination of Vaerdi and Sindarin or Sylvan elf, they hold the beliefs of their human heritage above all others. They have even taken to the tendency to wear furs, which gives them an “animal-like” appearance. Favoring rugged tunics, cloaks, and woolen pants with thick leggings, they rarely wear traditional armor.

Bear Elves tend to shy away from civilized areas feeling cramped and nervous around the constant hustle and bustle. Bear Elve’s have traditionally lived in small clans or single families on well-tended plots staying with their Vaerdi kin even if their elfin parent leaves the tribes. Some have favored relative lowlands, while the majority resides in the foothills and passes of the World Spine Mountains. In each case, their presence is extremely subtle. Vaerdi and Bear Elf families tend both themselves and their surrounding lands with the aid of a variety of friendly wild animals, members of the household, which appear tame to the outsider.

The Vaerdi religion centers around the Cult of the Bear called Bairakyn. This religion believes that they are the guardians of Araw, the bear god, who is buried in the World Spine. The head of the cult is called the Waildanbair and is the hereditary lord of the whole clan and must be one of the famed shapeshifters. During their secluded ceremonies these men take the form of bears and recreate their ancient legends and epics using complex dance rituals. These gatherings occur at specific holy places that have some connection to Araw.

Bear Elves are loners by nature, but enjoy their rare moments with others. Generous and normally quiet, they can become jovial and explosive when in social situations. Their deep, thundering laughter is legend. As warriors, Bear Elves are fierce and often uncontrollable. This is particularly true of the rare shapeshifters, for they have a tendency to transform into bears when outraged or overly harassed. Once bears, they can attack with tremendous force, and have little more than single-minded instinct to work upon.



Created by Jason Yarnell

The ocean god Kepra was a lonely and spiteful god who enjoyed playing havoc with all whom would enter his domain. However, he had no power over the land and they soon turned from the sea so as to avoid Kepra’s wrath. Kepra was furious and transformed the sharks so that they may breathe the air and walk upon the earth, thus creating the Sahaugin.

The gods of the land dwellers heeded the anguished cries of their peoples and sacrificed a beautiful heroine from another world in the hopes that she would attract Kepra’s favor and distract him from the land. Maia Fallingfeather was snatched from her home world and tossed into the Sea of Songs. At first the mighty Kepra was furious and sent his Sahaugin to destroy this trespasser.

Fallingfeather destroyed all of her assailants but not before she was dealt a mortal wound. Enraged by the loss of so many of his people, Kepra went to destroy her himself. When the mighty Kepra set eye’s on the wounded mortal he fell instantly in love.

Fearing that she may be frightened by his appearance he turned himself into a dolphin and rescued her. The gods of the land dwellers had given her the lungs of fish so that she would survive in Kepra’s domain and the two spent many centuries together, each learning from the other and falling ever further in love until one day Kepra decided to show her his true form.

Horrified, Maia ran from him. Sickened by both his appearance and the atrocities he had committed. She vowed then and there to destroy Kepra and he vowed to capture her and make her learn to love him. During their time together Mai had become pregnant and gave birth to the Cetaceans. She raised her children with the teachings of love for life and openness for other races.

She also gave them the knowledge of war so that they would be able to defend against the constant raids of the Sahaugin. The Cetaceans are a peaceful race of amphibians that trade openly with all of the land dwelling races that have made the shores of the Sea of Songs their home. They often work as guides and navigators above and below the water. Though very few people have ventured deep enough to visit the coral cities of the Cetaceans many of these amphibians have taken up residence in harbor towns or fishing villages.

They are a beautiful if not slightly alien race with silver hair and a white, iridescent complexion like that of a dolphin. They have the human features of their goddess; slightly almond shaped eyes and the slightly pointed ears of the Kierie. They tend towards shells and coral for decoration but find the precious metals of the land dwellers fascinating.


Created by Jason Yarnell from Tolkiens works

Of all Men, none surpass the Chult in the arts of wood-lore and woodcraft. This very ancient and diminutive race has long been tied to the jungles and has remained the greatest of woodland warriors ever produced by the First. Their skills have in fact guarded their narrow survival.

The Chult have many names. What they call themselves is not all together clear. Druedain is the label given them by the Elves, while Men call them by various labels; Rogin, Pukelmen, Wild Men, or Chult, the latter a Westron term. Orcs fear the Chult, and have named them Oghor-Hai.

Chult culture revolves around the jungles and plants they hold so dear. They are frugal and eat little, even in the best of times, and they partake of no drink but water. Being exclusively vegetarian, they live on the gifts of the jungles and are quick to acquire an understanding of the nature and location of nearly every plant in an area, regardless of its size. Only the Sylvan and the Treewraith’s exceed their skills in carving and plant lore.

It is for their stone sculptures that the Chult are best known. They carve a variety of motifs and beasts, and employ a particular form in the making of life-like “Watch Stones” (Pukel-men). These are guardian statues, which they place to protect paths, entries, crossroads, and the like. Legends surround the “Watch Stones”, most of which are true. It is clear that they are enchanted. Orcs fear them most of all, and with good cause, since the Chult can communicate with “Watch Stones” of their making and can derive knowledge from the carvings “experiences”. Some very powerful “Watch Stones” actually come to life in order to guard their posts, acting instead of their creators, although, in such a case, the Chult sculptor will feel all of the pain of his creation. They place these “Watch Stones” and hideous statues around the borders of their lands and at various sensitive sights. Some are used to do no more than dishearten their foes.

Many of the “Watch Stones” stand over the Chult holy sights. Like many of the other Men, the Chult have a strong tradition of organized worship. This is a pronounced druidism that revolves around a reverence for nature. They hold the First in proper awe, although they have their own view of the nature of the masters of the world. Of the entire First, they worship none more than Yavanna, the Giver of Fruits and Queen of the Earth. It is she who presides over the plants and it is the plants that breathe life into the world of the Chult.

They often braid or wear their hair pulled back and joined from behind. Chult wear little or no clothing or adornments. Instead, they prefer to go about relying on their rugged bodies, using body paints to create imagery. Those that are most acquainted with other Men occasionally dawn leggings and a breach cloth, and in rugged terrain, they employ a distinct high, thick-soled laced shoe. Beyond these trappings, they have little use for the costumes of other Men.

Chult generally seclude themselves from other folk and do not take on friends easily, but when they do, they are unwaveringly loyal. Those that do get to know them will be impressed by their frequent bouts of laughter since the Chult will laugh when others sing. Their rich and unrestrained joviality forms quite a contrast to their usual demeanor; normally they appear unemotional and slow to speak. Cymrilian from Talislanta


Dark Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell

The Nallion have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and this has caused one of the greatest tragedies among the elfin race, The Retribution. A faction of Nallion that were seeking greatness in the Arts Arcane caused this scar on the face of Pangea. The quest led a powerful mage to discover the Demons Eye. This immense ruby was said to contain the very Æessence of Pangea and that its inner depths held the secrets of the gods. Talinis would not stop until he had the stone in his possession, it took nearly 500 years but he finally managed to acquire the artifact. Driven insane by his quest, the acquisition of the Demons Eye finally pushed Talinis into darkness. Visions of conquest began to fill his every dream, pacts with the Lords of the Unlife and the sacrificing of elves and men filled his waking hours.

In an attempt to create the ultimate warriors, Talinis magically mated Shugak with his race creating the Dark Elves. These abominations soon became the commanders of his force, able to defeat trolls in single combat. Soon the time came for Talinis to strike; he marched his army across the March heading straight for the Celestial Palace. The Gray Elves were waiting however, and attacked his army before he could reach the fabled forest. The battle lasted nearly a century until the gods themselves could no longer stand idly by. The magiks that were unleashed had destroyed the land and had left the elves with a life long memory of how twisted their nature can become.

To this day, many of the magiks that were unleashed during the war are still plaguing the area. The elfin court has set two watchtowers at the southern entrance of the Retribution to keep grave robbers and the curious from “straying” into this chaotic and hellish area. Still, many bandits gain access to the Retribution, these people are never heard from again. Only the Dark Elves seem to be immune to the Retributions legacy.

The Dark Elves are a brutal and violent race. Their belief in survival of the fittest has proved to only strengthen them. Some, however, are trying desperately to prove to the gods who have forsaken them that they are or can be a race that walks in the Light. Many have banded together to fight the threat of the Blight while still others have petitioned the Noble Order of Brightblades for membership.


Created by Jason Yarnell

The Doresta (or Doresti) are native to the western coasts of Aleron, but are known throughout Kamarathin. The Doresti are supreme sailors and their reputation as coastal raiders stretches back for thousands of years.

Feline humanoids, Doresta have bodies optimized for fast sprinting rather than endurance running. Their feet and four fingered hands have large retractable claws, good for use not only as weapons but to help with tasks, like climbing. They have large, sharp teeth compared to Humans, but not large enough to qualify as “fangs”. Their large, sensitive eyes work well in low light.

As a people, the Doresti are a vocal and gregarious group. They have a lust for life and the experience of the moment. This nature coupled with a strong sense of the individual has made them known as difficult to tame and a bit unpredictable.

Doresta have the standard lifespan of most humans, attaining adulthood at the age of 15 and considered middle aged around 45. Most do not live beyond the age of 100.

The Doresti love the sea and it’s a rare child that doesn’t grow up having spent time in the riggings of a Doresti galley. Their natural born agility and claws serve them well during stormy weather or military actions onboard ship.


Created by Jason Yarnell and Josh Keyser

The Dorwinrim occupy the northwestern portion of Pangea known as Dorwinia. This hostile and unforgiving land is surrounded in the north and west by the Misty Mountains and by the Kings Reach and North Fork in the south and east.

Settled by Bacchus Raven a Ebru, Dorwinia has become known for its fine wines and hospitality. Bacchus Raven and his Sulth colleague, Chow Kim, were instrumental in the creation of the Pact Pass that connects the Great Plains and Sulth through the Storm Hold Peaks. But even then the two cultures could not get along and it was because of this inability that Bacchus and Chow headed west and discovered the badlands that are now the home of their descendants.

Dorwinia is a cold and unforgiving land with icy winds that blow constantly from the Misty Mountains and combine with the warmer air from the sea. This combination blankets the land in a chill fog the majority of the year and supplies a constant rain in the winter. Snow rarely falls in Dorwinia except in the dryer years. The rather extreme weather has made the Dorwinrim favor garments that are more functional than decorative and many races perceive this as a lack of wealth or style until they travel the badlands.

Dorwinia is a land full of low mesas and hills covered with low stringy grass that is unsuitable for grazing except by the native bison. Herds of the creatures can be seen like giant waves traveling the countryside. The Dorwinrim have managed to domesticate these large beasts which supply this culture much like cattle do in Arminor.

Despite the large number of bison, Dorwinia is known for their incredible wines, as grapes seem to be the only crop able to grow in the soil around the Kings Reach banks. All other crops and supplies must be brought in from other sources and because of this the Dorwinrim have become excellent inland traders and rivermen.

The Dorwinrim are an honorable breed and will do what they can to uphold family and then personal honor. This attitude does not completely control their every waking moment like the Kesh or Sulth but it does influence their reactions and attitudes, as well as make them more reliable than the Corsairs when it comes to business arrangements.

Their culture revolves around their worship of ancestors and their belief their ancestors still hold sway over the places or values they held dear in life. Dorwinrim shamans have the abilities to talk to and receive powers from the spirits of these heroes. The Council of Elders led their people by the interpretations of dreams said to be given them by the ancients.

This heavy belief in the spirits dictates all aspects of Dorwinrim life from crime and punishment to deciding on the next crop. Shrines to their heroes can be found all over Dorwinia and totem poles are erected in every city and village to honor the hero(s) that lived there.

To insult another’s ancestor is to bring a feud between clans that could last generations. Despite this family loyalty the Dorwinrim are a very likable race and are known for their hardy, hospitable character. Most favor strong drink and story telling and never shy away from a celebration. Their distinct rolling laughter and physical closeness adds to their reputation of friendliness. This reputation is somewhat deceiving, as they may appear closer than they really are. They are amazingly loyal to friends and distinctly short or cruel to enemies.


Created by Jason Yarnell

The Dunlending occupy the hill-lands in the eastern part of Tursh. They are nomads who wander from town to town selling their wares and sheep. They are a joyous bunch who try to avoid open conflict with anyone outside of their clans, but if provoked they become a screaming horde, dressed only in body paints and dyed hair.

The Dunlending are a carefree race who delight in wrestling and tale telling. Their entire history is kept alive by the Skalds (shaman bards). These Skalds entertain the clans with stories that amaze and educate the Dunlending about their history and beliefs. The Skalds are very close in power to the chieftains of the Dunlending and are the only ones who can speak to and for their gods, Rhiannon, the mare goddess, being chief among them.

The Dunlending males wear a skirt called a kilt. Each kilt has the pattern of their individual clan sewn into it, this form of heraldry is very confusing and near impossible to discern if not raised by the Dunlending. Around their torso’s the Dunlending wear a kaern, which is a blanket rolled up and draped across one shoulder and then tied on the opposite hip. The kaern serve as blankets or makeshift roofs while the Dunlending are camping for the night.

Many Dunlending have taken up residence in some of the outlying Tursh towns and serve as a contact between Tursh merchants and their clansmen. This close relationship between the two peoples has forged an unwritten alliance and either culture will come to the aid of the other.


Created by Jason Yarnell from the works of Tolkien

The Dwarves are descendants of the Seven Fathers, the original Dwarves who were crafted from the earth by the First. Mahal is especially venerated by the Dwarves. He was the finest smith of the First and considered to be their (the Dwarves) creator.

The Dwarves were the first to be created but Eru (King of the First) forced Mahal to delay their awakening until after the coming of the Elves. Following their birth the Seven Ilkhans formed clans based on their lineage and separated. Although these seven clans have since spread across Pangea, they have remained close and have spawned a universal reputation for ruggedness, practicality and unwavering loyalty. Most groups favor the rocky highlands and deep caverns of the mountains, for the Dwarves, perhaps more than any race, remember their origin and heritage.

Dwarves are superb miners and craftsman, and unsurpassed stoneworkers. They live in tightly knit groups and favor underground cities that are cut into rugged hills and mountains. Only one-third of the race is female, making them the most treasured and protected members of the dwarven clans.

The Dwarves believe that each lineage has a common spirit that permeates them all and ties them together. They revere their ancestors above all things except Mahal, their creator, and believe that in each Ilkhan exists a part of his predecessors.

Dwarves are sober, quiet, possessive, suspicious, pugnacious, introspective, and often very greedy. Tenacious warriors, they fight without quarter and never retreat. Each Dwarf treats his kind as brothers and non-dwarves as lesser beings who, one way or another, are a constant threat. Their blood is thick and their bonds are deep. They enter into agreements with extreme care but, once made, honor them to the letter. The old adage is true: “No friend ever did a Dwarf a favor, no enemy a wrong, without being repaid in full.”



Created by Jason Yarnell

Known for their tenacity, respect for life and supreme horsemanship, the Ebru are a hardy breed and tend to stay with their tribes rather than venturing forth into other lands. The life as a nomad is difficult enough. Practical, rugged, straightforward, and somewhat loud. They enjoy song, celebration, physical games and battle (when it concerns destroying goblinoids).

Herders and master horseman, they spend much of their year living in various semi-permanent camps set out on a circuit of pastures. They return to their permanent homes for the winter. Some garden or farm, but most are accomplished hunters and fisherman.

Ebru religion focuses on rituals that celebrate life, fertility, and the cycles of the seasons. Most are held atop the few hills that dot the Plains. The ancient cult of the Stag and cult of the Earth are maintained. The Ebru believe that everything on Pangea has a spirit that resides in it, from the rocks and streams to all living creatures.

Ebru dress is mainly leather pants and moccasins and rarely except in times of winter when a leather shirt is sometimes worn. Bone, feathers and stone beads are common decorations. Their women tend towards leather dresses and are more plainly decorated.



Created by Steven Long

Humanoids with dark skin (usually a sort of dull brown, but in some it tends towards a shade of grey), the Fassai have heads with furrowed ridges and little (if any) hair. Over half the males are completely bald, and while females tend to have more hair than males, they still have very high foreheads, with the hair arranged more as a fringe around the sides of the head.

Fassai children are born after a five month gestation period that leaves the mother virtually helpless. As a result, she must rely on the father, relatives, and/or friends to help her with basic necessities during this period.

Fassai have the standard lifespan of most humans, attaining adulthood at the age of 15 and considered middle aged around 45. Most do not live beyond the age of 100.

Fey Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell

The Fey Elves have come to be a race in their own right. The mating of a Nallion and Corsair will create one and this interracial breeding has become much more common in the last few hundred years. Because of the two races similar interest in the sea and arrogant nature it was only a matter of time when marriages of convenience and sometimes, actual love became common place.

The Fey Elves have actually developed their own culture that successfully combines both of their heritages. In fact Corneal Isle in the Hags Gate Reef has become the center of the Fey Elf culture. Their beliefs and attitudes greatly resemble that of the Corsair but with a passion only the Nallion could instill. Because of their natural arrogance and superiority complex, the Fey Elves have chosen the path of immortality like that of their Nallion heritage.

Despite their close alliance with the Nallion, the Gray Elves that rule the Nallion March have not accepted the Fey Elves petition as full elves and have relegated the Fey to live among the “inferior” humans. This insult has made the Fey a little biased in their dealings with all races especially those representing the Nallion March and Arminor. This distaste for the Arminul has caused much rejoicing among the Corsair and they use every opportunity to increase this hatred. What will become of this fledgling nation has yet to be woven into the fabric of destiny, but all indications are towards a prosperous future, though far from bloodless.

A council of merchants runs the Fey Elf nation, which closely resembles the political structure of the Corsair. Although the council rarely makes a decision to go to war, the threat of a trade embargo against the offending nation is usually enough to keep most rulers at least cordial, especially with the unwritten but well known backing of the Corsair.

Fey Elf culture reflects the same conservative elements found among the Corsair aristocracy, with the Nallion passion for discovery and great works of art, as well as a stronger use and pursuit of magic. Fey Elf sea mages are well sought after for their ability to control and knowledge of the sea.

Their religion is definitely a strong tie to the Nallion; in fact, they worship the same deities. The major difference is their preoccupation with personal wealth. It largely revolves around carrying their personal wealth, gained in their mortal life, over to their afterlife. The more wealth and status earned the greater their afterlife will be. “Keeping up with the Jones’s” and “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” is very much a part of the Fey Elf philosophy. The Fey dispose of the deceased much like the Corsair; dead are buried with elaborate fanfare and are laid to rest in a preserved state, the more spectacular and grandiose the funeral the better.

Decoration in their “mortal” life is still one of grandeur. Silk and fine cotton, dyed purple, red and gold are common among even the lower merchant classes. Men wear high collars heavily embroidered in gold while the women are well adorned with jewelry.


Gray Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell

The Gray Elves are the second contingent of the noble elves, alongside the Nallion. They resemble Sylvan elves physically, although they tend to be more muscular, and blue or gray eyes predominate. Their clothing, nothing like the flamboyant garb of the Nallion, is an ambiguous gray, more utilitarian than fashionable.

The Gray elves are a very magical race and their whole life revolves around its study and use. They are very studious and reserved breaking this calm only to study magic lore.

They are the rulers of the Nallion March and almost never leave the Celestial Palace except to fight an overwhelming evil or to search out some great-lost artifact. This culture revolves around meditation on the philosophy’s and physics of magic rather than any true religious beliefs.

Gray Orc

Created by Jason Yarnell

The Gray Orcs (Shaguk-gul) are perhaps the most dangerous of all the Harsh Folk. Able to wield the arcane arts like no other of their ilk. The Gray’s are the most likely to take on the life of an adventurer because of their superior intellect and opinions of their lesser brethren.

The reason for one of these brutes to be out among the other races can range from being exiled from their tribe (voluntarily or otherwise) to losing faith in the orky way of life. Whatever the reasons the Gray Orc will have learned at least a minimum of decency and respect for the full body cloak/robe. Most other races will be quick to kill the Orc without even beginning to ask questions.

Gray Orcs love to tattoo their bodies in a chaotic mess that they find very attractive and intimidating. These orcs show no mercy in combat or spell casting and will think that anything less is a sign of weakness and proof of the Gray’s dominance over any one who displays such actions. These orcs are used to leading or at the very least being the number one advisor and will strive to achieve either (with preference for dominance).


== Haerfeat ==

Created by Jason Yarnell from adaptations of Tolkiens works

Hobbits are basically cheery, conservative, unassuming, and peaceful folk. Ambition is not a part of their makeup. Most are conformists who avoid the unknown and shun adventure, preferring instead to stay within the comforts of neat, humble little villages.

The Hobbits have an unclear origin, although it appears they arose in the northeast (among the hills of the Tursh Steppes) about the same time as humans. Indeed, they are said to be related to Man. Their habits, however, are unique: they burrow and dig and reside in “holes”, thus their name “Kuduk”, which means hole-dweller.

They are capable craftsmen, but are not friends of complex machines or magic. Their vices are few: six hefty meals a day, pipeweed smoking and good ale. Still, regardless of this dull and insular lifestyle, the Hobbits steady approach to life has proved successful; in the face of wars, plagues, and famines they have survived relatively undisturbed.

All the hobbits enjoy the simple life of farmers, millers and craftsmen. Workshops and sheds dot their territories, uniformly low structures, for the halflings dislike towers and rarely build above the first floor.

Hobbits are simple folk and tend to wear linen or wool garb, simple yet sturdy of make, with bright colored vests. They occasionally don hats, but rarely wear shoes or gloves. Armor is considered to encumbering and the average “warrior” halflings tend to use their natural ability at hiding to its full advantage.

Hobbit religion is, without exception, low-key and informal. It is actually a series of joyful celebrations centering on the gifts of nature. Mid-years (midsummer) is the time for the summer festival, while the two Yule days at the beginning and end of the year mark the beginning of the return of the sun and the march toward spring. Harvest times, of course, are always of special note.

Half Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell

Half Elves are the descendants of Arminul and Nallion Elf parents. This combination of Man and Elf is the strongest in terms of the elven bloodlines. They are the only half-breeds that are accepted by the Celestial Palace and have benefited greatly from this. The Half Elves retain their Arminul and Nallion passions and usually direct them towards the pursuit of magic.

Many of the teachers in the Golden Spire of Arminor are Half Elf as well as some of the ruling council in Chrysalis. The other half-breeds tend to look at the Half Elves as the spoiled child or the favored sibling at best. The Half Elves return this jealousy with arrogance and many refer to the “lesser” elves as Tesli, regardless of their actual heritage.

Harad Luon

Created by Jason Yarnell

The Harad Luon are a desert dwelling offshoot of the Daggeth. Where the Daggeth have made their homes in the rugged mountains of Poloial's Wall, the Harad Luon followed a shaman priest, south into the desert wastes they now call home. The following is an excerpt from a Hylite history book:

737 T.R. A group of some two hundred Daggeth follows a shaman named Harad Starcaller from their tribal homes in Poloial's Wall to the southern deserts. Calling himself “The Prophet”, he leads his people to “The Promise Land.” Upon reaching the correct location he orders his people to erect a huge tomb which he enters and is sealed in. Water began to flow from the top of the tomb and formed four rivers, wherever these rivers touched plants began to grow. The Harad Luon or Children of Harad, begin to cultivate this massive oasis and name it Sulan Harad, which means the Promise of Harad.

The Harad Luon are a deeply religious people who believe that one day Harad Starcaller shall arise from his tomb and lead them all to the Sulan Ja'kith (Promise Land). Here they will live in peace where the sky is always blue and plants and rivers are everywhere. Until this time they must be ever vigilant against those that would destroy their saviors home.

Despite their grim surroundings and near fanatical belief in Harad Starcaller, the Luon are not a warlike race. They believe that all people can live together as long as the outsiders (Ne'luon) do not disturb their god or lands.

Their desert surroundings have served to toughen them both physically and mentally. The Luon tend to travel at night when it's cooler but need very little rest even when camped inside their tents. The desert is an unforgiving place and the Luon have learned to sleep lightly and little, lest one of the many breeds of giant reptiles attempts to make a snack out of them.

One such animal has served the Luon for generations and fills the needs of mount, beast of burden and source of meat. The Tu'ash (pronounced two aush) is a large (8 foot long) lizard with tough skin and lightning reflexes.

Because of the severe heat the Luon tend not to wear armor and when they do it is light leathers made from Tu'ash hide. A long piece of cloth is draped around the shoulders and can be wrapped around the head and face for protection against sandstorms. White or tan robes are worn as well, the bright, loose clothing serve to dissipate the heat and let the skin breathe.


Created by Jason Yarnell

The Haradrim are a tough and sturdy breed of humans that occupy the Harad Red Wastes. Tall and dark, these fierce nomads live a life of constant hardship and battle for survival continuously in the deserts they call home. They are passionate and fiery and instilled with a fierce but peculiar honor. Some consider them cruel and vengeful, particularly since life is not highly valued.

They steadfastly worship a god called Allah, who holds death in battle as the highest honor. Many times have the Haradrim declared a Jihad (holy war) against one or more of their neighbors. These wars can last a few hours or several decades spanning the generations to a point where the war has become tradition.

Laughter, partying and violent games are common among these people. Although some groups are settled, most are nomadic. Generally well traveled, they are used to interaction with foreign peoples. Many are or were involved with the caravan trade and most ride well: Serpentus and camels in the north and horses and elephants in the south. There is a distinct separation between males and females, and very strong bonds between members of families and clans. Men may take more than one bride, but this is expensive since it involves a bride price. The family line is traced through the male.


Created by Jason Yarnell from adaptations of Iron Crown Enterprises works

Hobgoblins are the much larger and fiercer cousins of goblins, they are militaristic in the extreme, and believe that battle prowess is the ultimate goal and death in battle (with a great enemy) the ultimate reward. A hobgoblin is never found awake without his weapons or armor, even when sleeping the Hobgoblin will have a weapon within easy reach.

Hobgoblins have no other interests in life beyond military perfection and they pursue any route to achieve this end. Hobgoblins have been known to hire themselves off as mercenaries looking for the greatest leaders and warriors rather than the highest bidder. Many hobgoblins have simply switched sides in the middle of a battle when it became apparent that their enemy had a better general.

Spell-casters in Hobgoblin society are extremely rare and limited to combat oriented professions (Combat Healer, Paladin, and Cleric). Any spell-casters found among the Hobgoblins will be stationed in a religious role, guiding their flock with the powers given them by their god Karnak the Hewer.


Ice Human

Created by Jason Yarnell

A sub-species of Human, the Ice Humans have adapted to the extreme cold of high altitude mountains and other arctic regions. They have pale white skin with black orbs for eyes and their hair has a bluish tint. For some unknown reason, all Ice Humans never develop vocal cords.

Ice Humans have the standard lifespan, attaining adulthood at the age of 15 and considered middle aged around 45. Most do not live beyond the age of 100.


Created by Jason Yarnell and Ryan Setten

The Igardians are descended from Amo stock. Fifteen hundred years after Vashti destroyed the Castretmus Nation, several Amo clans decided that it was time to re-build their shattered nation. These clans had begun to follow different gods and felt that they would protect them from Vashti's wrath.

Knowing that the other Amo clans would try and destroy them for their heresy they banded together and began to build. As predicted, less than two decades later the Amo attacked, seeking to burn the Igardian structures to the ground. The war did not go well for the Amo and the Igardian Confederacy was born.



Created by Jason Yarnell

The Kesh occupy the eastern part of the southwestern peninsula of Pangea. The Kesh are descendants of the Arminul. Three hundred years ago the Arminul were caught up in a great civil war (the Kin-Strife) that nearly ended the existence of the beautiful nation of Arminor. The cause of the war has never been determined as the Arminul, Corsair and Kesh all have their own greatly varied opinions. While the Corsair headed north and occupied the Hags Gate Reef, the Kesh turned south and populated the great peninsula there.

Their initial conquest of the Jungles of Chult was thwarted by the determination of the Chult natives that dwelled there and who much preferred their primitive freedom to the “advantages” of the Kesh society. The resulting wars continue to this day and the Kesh harbor an intense hatred for the “ignorant savages”. Many raids on the jungles are enacted by the Kesh to acquire slaves and to further “The inevitable world conquest by the mighty Kesh Empire” as one emperor was quoted.

The Kesh are a fiery and proud race who worship and exonerate war and martial prowess. Their wars with the Chult and occasional raids into Arminor have only proven to strengthen and insure the popularity of the War King and his Martial Council.

The Kesh are generally haughty and self-centered, rash, confidant, and full of pride. They believe in their own superiority and support the view that it is their destiny to rule Pangea. Their views have made them biased against nearly all races but their hatred of the Arminul and distrust of the Elves are nearly legend. They are quick to strike a blow if there is even the smallest hint of an insult. Warlike and single-minded, they enjoy a fight and will rarely offer quarter and never request it.

Kesh culture reflects a rigid slant. Their societies are well ordered and ruled by force of personality, backed by harsh law. The War King and the Martial Council hold sway over the people and slaves of the Kesh Empire.

Warriors are considered the elite and most men serve in the military at one time in their lives. This has enabled them to carry on their wars with the Chult. Although the majority of Kesh become warriors, other professions are not unheard of. Although rare, some actually become spell-casters (generally these are professions that deal with the focusing of the mind or drawing power from the Kesh deities).

The Kesh prefer black and gold in their decorative motif. Warriors wear armor dyed black with gold trim while the women, considered second-class citizens, are the most decorated members of the race. Kesh women wear their wealth and it is considered a point of honor for the men to heap gold jewelry on their mates. One Kesh emperor actually killed his wife with love, about seventy-five pounds of gold jewelry had caused her to drown when in a fit of rage she stormed out of their lavish manor house and slipped and fell into the meditation pond.

The Kesh are superb warriors and their favorite tactic is to use their great war barges to seal off an enemies port and land smaller raiding craft so that their heavy footmen and Sibbicai shock troops can wipeout the populace. This tactic has served them well in many conflicts but has only proved to frustrate the Kesh when fighting the Chult. You see the Chult do not have harbors and refuse to meet the Kesh head-on in straight combat, preferring instead, to attack from ambush.


Created by Jason Yarnell

The Koralei Elves are a proud and noble breed, who have ruled the Shava forest since before the Great Migration. The Koralei are one of the only two truly immortal races. Virtually immune to disease and highly resistant to toxins, the Koralei will never die because of natural causes.

Tall and comparatively slender the Koralei are a beautiful people. Long ears accentuate angular features with large, almond shaped eyes. Silver hair contrasts sharply with their dark, almost black complexions and golden eyes. They are fond of silks, light linens and lace. Blues, whites, and other pastels dominate their coloring while jewelry is worn sparingly but of the finest make.

The Koralei along with their kin the Silkynn, have a predominately isolationist view towards the rest of the world. Content to while away their time in their forest home. To them the human lands outside the Shava are chaotic and the humans themselves much to intense and volatile. However, some have taken an interest in the short lived people and hold to the philosophy that the brightest flame burns the quickest.



Created by Jason Yarnell from adaptations of Tolkien's works

The Lossoth are an isolated race of men who live on the highest peaks of the Storm Hold Mountains. Rarely seen except by the most hardy of mountain folk, the Lossoth are mysteries to most of the people of Pangea. These arctic dwellers are descended from the Vaerdi, but have only recently come back in contact with the rest of Pangea.

The Lossoth live in the glaciers and arctic plains, preferring ice walls and floors to stone and grass. Their lives are harsh and rugged, but the Lossoth are a lighthearted bunch. Spending their time hunting and celebrating their catches. The Lossoth’s isolation has tempered their suspicious natures and they will assist and accept all races except the Snow Trolls. Many times have Dwarven merchants been sent away by the Lossoth for attacking a band of Orcs that were guests of the hospitable Lossoth.

Lossoth religion focuses on the following of Light, an esoteric belief that centers on a black and white world. “No Man or Beast has walked so long in the Darkness that they can not be brought back to the Light.” is the Lossoth mantra. They believe that all life is basically good and once everyone accepts this then the people of Pangea will be ready for the next step in their evolution.

The Lossoth claim that when the people of Pangea have accepted, the Lossoth will return as the Heralds of Light to show them the way to Nirvana. Until that time they are perfectly content with their self-imposed exile to the arctic wastes.


Created by Jason Yarnell and Ryan Setten

Humanoids with orange-yellow skin on the front and bold, deep red stripes running from the spine to the sides. Their eyes are translucent red orbs with no visible pupils.

Thorgons have the standard lifespan of most humans, attaining adulthood at the age of 15 and considered middle aged around 45. Most do not live beyond the age of 100.


Nallion Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell from adaptations of Tolkien's works

The Nallion Elves are truly the definitive elf; their regal bearing and arrogant nature has the mark of all true royalty. To them there are none better and this may very well be true. This tall and graceful race has spawned many legends and myths because of their beauty, talent and unrivaled passion for worldly experience. This race, more than any other, has created some of Pangeas greatest heroes and most despised villains. They are a race of extremes and never settle for the middle ground on anything.

Superb craftsmen in their own right, they are always on the search for a new way of doing things. This incessant quest has led the Nallion to the sea and it is said that only the Corsair and Kesh can come close to their sailing skill but not even the gods can compare to the beauty of their vessels.

The Nallion March is where the majority of these elves can be found. In the center of southern Pangea, the Nallion March is a gleaming jewel in the crown of the land. Bordered by the Barrier Mountains in the north, the sea to the south and East and West wardens on either side, it is near impossible to gain entry to the Nallion March and it is not recommended unless invited. The Myth Drannor takes up center of the March an immense forest that has remained untouched by any hands, excepting the elves, for hundreds of years. In the center of the forest near the banks of the Emerflow stands the Celestial Palace, home to the elfin court. It has been said that any human that has set eyes upon this wondrous creation will be blinded and driven mad by its incredible beauty.

In contrast the towns of Solanest and Dreg Town are writhing slums at the mouths of the Emerflow’s branches (Tyth and River Mors). These hellholes are where the other races are allowed to dock and trade their wares with the elves of this land. No one is allowed beyond the gates of these cities and those that do not heed the word of the elves are generally never heard from again.

As has been stated before, the Nallion have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and this has caused one of the greatest tragedies among the elfin race, The Retribution. A faction of Nallion that were seeking greatness in the Arts Arcane caused this scar on the face of Pangea. The quest led a powerful mage to discover the Demons Eye. This immense ruby was said to contain the very life force of Pangea and that its inner depths held the secrets of the gods. Talinis would not stop until he had the stone in his possession, it took nearly 500 years but he finally managed to acquire the artifact. Driven insane by his quest, the acquisition of the Demons Eye finally pushed Talinis into darkness. Visions of conquest began to fill his every dream, pacts with the Lords of the Unlife and the sacrificing of elves and men filled his waking hours.

In an attempt to create the ultimate warriors, Talinis magically mated Shugak with his race creating the Dark Elves. These abominations soon became the commanders of his force, able to defeat trolls in single combat. Soon the time came for Talinis to strike; he marched his army across the March heading straight for the Celestial Palace. The Gray Elves were waiting however, and attacked his army before he could reach the fabled forest. The battle lasted nearly a century until the gods themselves could no longer stand idly by. The magiks that were unleashed had destroyed the land and had left the elves with a life long memory of how twisted their nature could become.

To this day, many of the magiks that were unleashed during the war are still plaguing the area. The elfin court has set two watchtowers at the southern entrance of the Retribution to keep grave robbers and the curious from “straying” into this chaotic and hellish area. Still, many bandits gain access to the Retribution, these people are never heard from again. Only the Dark Elves seem to be immune to the Retributions legacy.

North Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell

The union between a Sindar Elf and Ebru will bring forth a North Elf. Known for their tenacity, respect for life and supreme horsemanship, this mix of man and elf seems to bring out the best traits of each. Preferring a final resting place rather than walking the earth forever, these half-elves consider their long life a responsibility rather than curse or birthright.

North elves are a hardy breed and tend to stay with their tribes rather than venturing forth into other lands. The life as a nomad is difficult enough. Practical, rugged, straightforward, and somewhat loud. They enjoy song, celebration, physical games and battle (when it concerns destroying goblinoids).

Herders and master horseman, they spend much of their year living in various semi-permanent camps set out on a circuit of pastures. They return to their permanent homes for the winter. Some garden or farm, but most are accomplished hunters and fisherman.

North elf religion focuses on the Ebru way; rituals celebrate life, fertility, and the cycles of the seasons. Most are held atop the few hills that dot the Plains. The ancient cult of the Stag and cult of the Earth are maintained. The North elves believe that everything on Pangea has a spirit that resides in it, from the rocks and streams to all living creatures.

North elves have adopted the styles of their human halves. Wearing leather pants and moccasins and rarely except in times of winter, wear a leather shirt. Bone, feathers and stone beads are common decorations. Their women tend towards leather dresses and are more plainly decorated.



Created by Jason Yarnell

The Serpis race is the most mysterious. They live along the Southern Coast of Pangea, but no one seems to know where their borders lie. They never seem to stay in the same region for long. Very few people have ever tried to investigate these reptilian people because of the hostility they exhibit towards other races. They seem to have a long forgotten history with the Haradrim culture. There are some legends that their god Zaroth was pleased with the Haradrim for a sacrifice made to him, so he gave to them the Serpentus (reptilian horses). The Serpis tend towards using actions instead of words. If they want something, they will take it. The Serpis will shy away from magic completely. Only their shamans are allowed the use of such power. They are extremely territorial and few if any are ever heard from again if they dare walk on Serpis land.


Created by Jason Yarnell from adaptations of Iron Crown Enterprises works

The Shugak, or Greater Orc, is among the most feared of the goblinoids. This reputation is well earned and enjoyed among them. The Shugak delight in battle and carnage, though not as organized as the Hobgoblins, the Shugak are bigger and much fiercer.

The Shugak are capable spell-casters and have created some of the most deadly warrior mages rivaled by the gray orcs only in skill not viciousness. The Shugak were created by Dominicus to attract the power hungry hordes of goblinoids, by giving him their allegiance he gave them greater strength and intelligence. This increased intelligence has sometimes worked against Dominicus as many of his Shugak have left his service to become wanderers and mercenaries.

The Shugak are born leaders and will always be on the look for a weaker tribe to dominate/lead. This has lead to the death of many an aspiring Shugak mercenary as well as the attainment of chieftain or warlord for others. To the Shugak nothing shows your power more than the amount of scars on your body. This sign of greatness and virility will cause any orkish female to slobber in lust and cause the weaker and younger orcs to submit.


Created by Jason Yarnell

Most likely distant kin to the Wolfen, these humanoids have a jackal’s head and smooth, black, shorthaired coats cover their muscular bodies. Their hair is long only on their heads, like a human and they tend to wear it up in a crest, or long, down their backs. In battle, they tend not to wear armor but use a variety of weapons.

The Sibbicai are known across the realms as great warriors, rivaling the Kesh and Dwarves. Groups of Sibbicai often hire themselves out as shock troopers and earn extremely high wages. Though the are aggressive and enjoy battle, the Sibbicai are an intelligent and cultured people who have adopted many of the Kesh ways.

The Sibbicai are a very ordered people, even before the arrival of the Kesh they had many traits in common with their human allies. All Sibbicai must serve at least 2 years in the military and more often than not they tend to stay on. Because of this fondness for martial prowess they did not develop the skills needed to trade and farm. This is where the Kesh and, to a limited extent, the Corsairs have come in, giving the Sibbicai a much needed lesson in the peaceful ways of dominance.

The Sibbicai are generally quiet and subdued, yet quick to anger. All disputes are handled in one of the hundreds of arenas that dot the nation and all battles are to the death or quarter. Surprisingly these battles are generally fought between professional gladiators hired by the opponents.

Sibbicai are fond of thick necklaces and rings, the necklaces often being called collars by outsiders even though it is not wise to bring this to the attention of a Sibbicai. When not on the field of battle they wear robes covered in intricate traceries ranging from fanciful designs to a form of hieroglyphics depicting lifetime accomplishments.

The adoption of Kesh styles has even extended into the worship of their gods. The Sibbicai are very religious and exonerate Arctus, the god of war, over the others of the Kesh pantheon. Even the patron god of the Sibbicai, Kor’Ra the packmaster, has lost much of his power here.

Despite the seeming complete transformation of the Sibbicai into fur covered Kesh, there is a limit to the humans influence. This limit exists in the opinions of females in Sibbiconian society. The Kesh treat women like possessions, but the Sibbicai almost worship their women and even in the worst situation consider them to be their equals. Many a careless Kesh has left Sibbiconia with more than a few scars to remember the time they insulted a Sibbicai woman.

Silkynn Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell

The Silkynn elves are perhaps the most likely to stay out of the affairs of men. To them the Shava is their home and sanctuary. Rarely venturing out of their forest even to visit their capital of Elshavel. The Koralei treat them like favored children and the Silkynn return this outlook for the Koralei truly are their “parents”.

The Sikynn are much fairer than their Koralei cousins, having blonde or white hair with tanned complexions and pale blue or gray eyes. They adorn themselves with very little in the way of clothing prefering leathers or light, but sturdy, linens colored only by the materials natural state.

The Silkynn are the true defenders of the Shava Forest, striking from within her deepest groves. The Silkynn are like ghosts when in their leafy environs. Skilled at woodcraft beyond human abilities, they are virtually impossible to find let alone defend against.

Sindarin Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell from adaptations of Iron Crown Enterprises works

The Sindarin Elves are the least sedentary of all the elves. They much prefer to wander the lands and seek out the wonders that lie in the most remote places. This exploratory nature is rooted deep in elfin myth. It is said that the Sindarin were the only elves not to have been present when the gods came to collect piece’s of the elves Æssence to create the humans.

The Sindarin tribes were voluntarily hunting down Trollocs, so that while the ceremonies were taking place, the other elves would be undisturbed. Now the Sindarin are trying to find the place where the gods held the ritual so that they too can join their brethren in the creation of Pangea. The other elves look at the Sindarin with pity but are unable to aid them in their quest. The Sindarin name means “Seekers” when loosely translated.


Created by Jason Yarnell

The second most secluded race on the face of Pangea. There is a large mountain range that naturally separates the country from everyone else, The Storm Hold Peaks. But, this was not enough. A large wall courses along the length of the mountains. Four men tall and wide enough for five men to walk a breast. The one opening in the wall is Pact Pass. It was originally made so that the Sulth and Ebru nations could trade and co-exist. But, the Sulth people pride themselves in being “the supreme race”. It is very rare for anyone to find a Sulth out of his or her country. They are, however, similar in appearance to the Dorwinrim. They have the yellowish hue to their skin, and have the almond shaped eyes that compliment their round faces and are never very tall. They are a very honor bound culture as well. If any insult is made, the insulted party, or person, will immediately take action to regain their honor.

The Sulth tend not to deal with magic or weapons. It is very similar to Trin. No one is allowed to carry weapons or use magic. The emperor has ordered this himself. Only the lords and soldiers are allowed to carry arms. Peasants have very few rights, and are not even allowed to look at people of higher rank. Outsiders are looked down upon even the peasants will not take notice of you. Outsiders are given the name; Gaigin and they are treated with no respect, unless they can prove their worth.

Because they are not allowed to use weapons the Sulth are still able to protect their selves. They use their bodies as defense. They have been known to accomplish great feats by focusing their bodies and minds.



Created by Steven Long

Known to humans as “rats”, Tarmin are slightly smaller than humans resembling bipedal rats or mice. They have an undeserved reputation for slyness and malevolence, but in fact they’re usually honorable to a fault and avenge all insults – especially any derogatory reference involving rats.

Tarmin have the standard lifespan of most humans, attaining adulthood at the age of 15 and considered middle aged around 45. Most do not live beyond the age of 100.

Tesli Elf

Created by Jason Yarnell

The Tesli Elves are not truly a race unto themselves, but rather a mixture of elf (most likely Sindarin) and one of the human cultures that do not contain the blood of the elves (Tursh, Dunlending, Sulth, Dorwinrim, Haradrim or Treewraith). Because of this union the other elves have named them “Tesli”, meaning “of low birth”. These half-breeds are the least tolerated of the elves and are never allowed access to the Nallion March. Even some humans, who are able to tell if the elf is Tesli, will generally have nothing to do with them.

These attitudes have caused the Tesli to become social chameleons, able to adjust to any society if given enough time. Although this takes away from any social identity it does allow them to get along well wherever they happen to end up.

Most Tesli have found Tursh to be much to their liking, as they have no preconceived judgments towards any race, preferring instead, to judge by the individual. In fact a Tesli knight by the name of Sir Richard of Trin is currently the acting sheriff of the Northern Province and is vying for a seat in the Senate.

With their heritage, the Tesli have a tendency to judge a person by their deeds rather than any title they hold, especially if that title is a birthright. They have become a hard working race in general and rarely tolerate arrogance towards the so-called “lesser” races. This opinion has caused many Tesli to champion the Chult resistance against the Kesh and many have joined the ranks of the Noble Order of the Brightblades or one of the other knightly orders.


Created by Steven Long

Standing a bit more than 3’ tall, Toractans are heavily muscled, virtually hairless humanoids who weight just over 50 pounds as adults. Their tough skin has armor plates on the back, forearms and shins. Although often thought of as ponderous and slow, in truth they’re every bit as agile as humans. They have two fingers and a thumb on each hand.

Toractans have the standard lifespan of most humans, attaining adulthood at the age of 15 and considered middle aged around 45. Most do not live beyond the age of 100.


Created by Jason Yarnell

The Tursh occupy the lush northern wetland known as the Beaded Plains. This area of Pangea has the World Spine Mountains making up its northern border, the Stormhold peaks blocking the east, the Plains of Rohan on the south and the Kings Reach bordering the west.

Settled by many of the human tribes during the Time of Renewal after the Gods War, Tursh has become well known for its tolerance of many different cultures. A king and queen rule Tursh itself with all political decisions being made by a Senate. Tursh is primarily a feudal hierarchy, but is not controlled by a caste system like so many other governments of this type.

Tursh is a cold wet land covered in lush green grass and mixed forests. The land is primarily rolling hills and valleys with the eastern portion known as the Steppes, covered with hills and playing host to the Hobbits and wandering hillmen known as the Dunlending. Tursh is covered in a blanket of fog and rain throughout most of the year with the exception of two summer months when the land actually becomes warm.

The country’s main source of income deals mainly with agriculture and surprisingly enough adventuring. The land is mostly unexplored and its proximity to the Blight has drawn adventurers and seekers of both knowledge and wealth from around Pangea. Because of this influx of armed men and women, King Leonard III has decried that all groups of mercenaries must register at the nearest office of the Guild of Adventurers proclaiming their units’ name and 10% of all treasure found. This law is not completely enforced but if a treasure of significant value is found the Tursh army dispatches some men to take the unregistered find and/or the new owners back to the proper authorities. The Tursh tax collectors are well known for their abilities in this respect so most people obey the law.

Their culture is primarily of the Old Faith, worshipping the Goddess and the Horned God, the antithesis of which is the Dark One. This form of nature worship is found throughout Tursh, but is slowly being replaced by the worship of Asuna the One Handed. The worship of Asuna is much more prominent in the major cities than anywhere else.


Created by Jason Yarnell from adaptations of Iron Crown Enterprises

Treewraith’s occupy the great forest known as the Zeraldi, south of Dorwinia. They are a reclusive people who depend on only themselves. They only openly trade with the Sylvan Elves and have one or two trade agreements with the Dorwinrim.

The forest is their home and only the Sylvan and Chult can compare to them in woodlore. Treewraith homes are built among the branches with rope bridges connecting where tree limbs don’t. A Treewraith on the ground is a rare sight even in battle.

At the center of the Zeraldi is an ancient tree called Ysragaard, it is here, inside her massive trunk that the majority of the Treewraith’s call home. This tree is sentient and wields a great deal of power but can only act indirectly. The Treewraith’s worship her and act as a direct defense for her and all of the fairy folk that abound in the Zeraldi.

A Treewraith only leaves the security of his home at the request of Ysragaard and she only does so if there is a great need. Usually to warn other nations of a great evil or, even more rarely, to take an active role in its destruction.

Currently there are few Treewraith’s in the Zeraldi as Ysragaard has abandoned Pangea and has taken the vast majority of her people to the world of Kamarathin. However, there are remnants of the Treewraith nation still wandering Pangea, acting as Ysragaard's eye’s and ear’s.



Created by Jason Yarnell

The Ugdúl are one of two orkish races that exist on the continent of Kaerell. Though both orkish races are descended from the same genetic ancestor, they are very different species. The Ugdúl are much more civilized and less war-like than their cousins, though, they are still a force to be reckoned with.

The Ugdúl prefer to live among the thick forests of southern Kaerell where they build strong, independent communities grouped by a common bond. Their buildings rarely reach above the single story and many are built into the ground.


Created by Jason Yarnell from adaptations of Tolkien's works

The Umli come from a harsh and cold land known as the World Spine Mountains (Akini-et-Togo, Umitic meaning Sky Carriers). Tormented by the powerful freezing winds known as the Dark Ones breath, the Umli have taken their mysterious origins into the full expanse of their glacial mountain homes.

The Umli believe that the immense expanse of mountains they inhabit were created by the Konesh (Umitic meaning Elder Spirits) to hold up the sky, and the Umli were chosen as the caretakers of the Akini et Togo. After the God War the mountains became the burial site of Araw the bear spirit and the Umli had a new charge. It is their belief that one-day a chosen one will find the crypt of the bear and awaken him to battle the Blight when the Time of Breaking comes.

The Umli are primarily hunters and gatherers following the herds of crison across the glacier plains, however their are certain clans that reside underground forming a network of safe-houses and gathering places. These cavern villages are where the various clans meet to trade and gather for festivals and communicate any findings in their lifelong quest to awaken Araw.

The Umli’s resistance to the freezing temperatures of their chosen home is legendary among the few races that know of their existence. They are on extremely good terms with the Vaerdi who share this land with them and believe they are Araw’s chosen guardians. Like the Vaerdi, the Umli rely heavily on the hides of the crison for clothing although their natural resistance to the chill winds reduces the amount of furs that need to be worn. Conversely, the Umli are almost allergic to high temperatures and would not be caught dead anywhere near the Harad Wastes or any land south of Tursh for that matter.

The Umli greatly resemble the dwarves (who are distant cousins), but are slightly taller and of slighter build, more closely resembling a cross between human and dwarf. To bring this point to an Umli’s attention however will quickly break their normally quiet demeanor and turn the insulted Umli into a raving berserker.



Created by Jason Yarnell

The Wolfen are perhaps the most intriguing of the many races. Aside from the Chult, they are the only culture that has shunned civilization. The Wolfen are very much like the wolves they resemble. Large and powerful, they prefer to use their natural weaponry of tooth and nail.

The Wolfen move around in packs, hunting through out their established territories, rarely encroaching upon the “civilized” lands around them. Too many times have the Wolfen been mistaken for were-wolves and slaughtered by the fearful (more often than not) humans. Because of this perceived prejudice, the Wolfen keep to themselves dealing only with their distant kin the Sibbicai and rarely, other mountain dwelling peoples.

The Wolfen worship Kor’Ra exclusively and his view of the world as hunt or become the hunted. They are renowned warriors, hunters and trackers. Their ferocity in battle is almost legendary; a frenzied Wolfen is enough to make even the most hardened soldier pause. The raging beast is reserved for non-Wolfen enemies only. The Wolfen prefer to growl at and intimidate others of their kind rarely drawing blood except in extreme prejudices.

Despite their inherent ferocity they are quite docile among their own kind, especially around females of the species. Wolfen packs are lead by Makra, female shamans who act as political, social and spiritual leaders. It is not uncommon for one Makra to have multiple male consorts, taking the strongest for her mate and distributing the others among the younger females of her pack. It is a great honor to be the Makra’s chosen and the males of the pack are constantly competing for the privilege.



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