
Occurs on a 16-18, but 16 = -1 and 18 = +1 on the table. If a 16 or 17 results in a hit, you still fumble, yo.

2-3: You just got lucky, punk.

4: Your opponent in melee gains the advantage on you! He gains +1 initiative next round. If not in melee, nothing happens.

5: Your melee opponent gains +2 initiative next round.

6: Your melee opponent gains the initiative next round.

7: Your melee opponent gains the initiative next round, and you get -1 DCV.

8: Whoops! Dex check at +1 or drop your weapon. Also apply #7.

9: Butterfingers! Dex check to avoid dropping your weapon. Also apply #7.

10: Dex check or fall! Also apply #7.

11-12: Weapon is damaged! -1 OCV, -1 DC until repaired. Dex check or drop it. Also apply #7.

13: Weapon breaks unless of quality make. Doh! If it’s quality, it ain’t no mo’. Also apply #7.

14: Slip and fall. Drop your weapon. Knocks the wind out of you—take 2d6 END drain, 1d6 REC drain, and 1d6 stun, no defense.

15: Panic Attack!! Drop your weapon. Take a 2d6 PRE and EGO drain, opponent gets PRE attack at full strength! Also apply #7. If this is just silly, treat as #14.

16: Slip and fall. Drop your weapon. Treat as #14, but you’re also stunned. Yikes.

17: Slip and fall especially awkwardly. You’re stunned, and you also twisted your ankle (1/3 impairment). Take 2d6 stun no defense. No other drains this time, I think your ankle absorbed the fall. I hope that makes you feel better.

18-19: As #16, but your weapon breaks! Immediately apply current OCV attack from melee opponent!!! At DM’s discretion, weapon doesn’t break, and attack is cancelled.

Fumble Recovery

A DEX-based fighter skill that allows negation of fumbles on rolls of a 16, and reduces the effect of fumbles rolled on 17's or 18's. If the Fumble Recovery roll is made, the fighter can ignore fumbles on rolls of 16. In addition, for every two points the roll is made by, the fighter may add 1 to fumbles on rolls of 17-18.