Animal Forms

This spell grants the wizard the power to assume the form of of an animal; when in the form of a particular animal, he gains that animals natural abilities (for example, if he turns into a fish, he can swim swiftly and breathe water). The caster is limited to the shapes of natural animals and their giant forms (he cannot assume the form of animal-human hybrids (such as centaurs) or monsters), and can only assume a single Animal Form per casting of the spell.

The character reverts to his or her true form when rendered unconscious or killed while in the form of an animal.

College: Change
Philosophy: Transfiguration
Special Effects: Arcane Magic, Change, Transfiguration, Animals
Effect: Variable Power Pool
Casting Time: 1/2 Phase
Target/Area Affected: Caster
Duration: Constant
Range: Self
Active Cost: 60
Skill Roll Penalty: -3
Real Cost: 45
END Cost: 6

Animal Forms: Variable Power Pool (40 Point Pool + 40 Control Cost)(60 Active Points) - Only For Multiforms (Each Form Built On Up To 200 Points)(-1), Requires A Power Skill: Transfiguration Magic Roll (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV While Changing Shape; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase to Change Shape; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4). All Slots Take: Reversion (-1/2), Costs END Only To Change Shape (-1/2).

Spell created by Jack Butler

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