Arcane Fortress

This spell, one of the most powerful of the spells in the Abjuration Philosophy known, brings into being a shield of force that is impenetrable to all but the most powerful magical or mundane attacks. The shield appears as a glowing silver sphere some five meters in radius, three meters high, and centered on the caster. If the caster is on the ground when the Arcane Fortress manifests, it comes into being as a hemisphere rather than a full sphere.

As more and more powerful attacks are made against the dome, it glows more and more brightly before finally bursting into a bright flare of light shortly before it fails.

College: Change
Philosophy: Abjuration
Special Effects: Arcane Magic, Change, Abjuration, Force
Effect: Force Wall (20 PD/20 ED/10 Power Defense/10 Flash Defense (Sight Group)/10 Flash Defense (Hearing Group))
Casting Time: 1 Turn
Target/Area Affected: 5 Meter Diameter Sphere
Duration: Constant
Range: No Range
Active Cost: 396
Skill Roll Penalty: -20
Real Cost: 99
END Cost: 36

Arcane Fortress: Force Wall (20 PD/20 ED/10 Power Defense/10 Flash Defense (Sight Group)/10 Flash Defense (Hearing Group)), 0 BODY, 5 Meter Radius/3 Meter High Dome, Non-Anchored, - Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Counteracts Indirect (+1/4), Hardened (+1/4), Constant (+1/2), Uncontrolled (Lasts 5 Minutes; +1/2)(396 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn; Activation Only; Can Take No Other Actions; -3/4), Lockout (Caster May Use No Other Spells If This Spell Is In Operation; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Requires A Power Skill: Abjuration Magic Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Restricted Shape (Must Be A Sphere Or A Hemisphere Centered On The Caster; -1/4).

Spell created by Jack Butler

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