Arnulf's Starlight Sight

This spell grants the recipient creature the ability to see in near darkness. While this spell is in effect, everything looks pale and wan, and everything appears black, white, or gray.

College: Change
Philosophy: Enchantment
Special Effects: Arcane Magic, Change, Enchantment
Effect: Nightvision
Casting Time: 1/2 Phase
Target/Area Affected: Single Creature
Duration: Constant
Range: No Range
Active Cost: 9
Skill Roll Penalty: -0
Real Cost: 4
END Cost: 1

Arnulf's Starlight Sight: Nightvision - Useable By Other (+1/4), Uncontrolled (Lasts 1 Hour + 1 Hour Per Point By Which The Skill Roll Was Made (+1/2)(9 Active Points); Requires A Power Skill: Enchantment Magic Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Sense Affected As Both Sight Group And Mystic Group (-1/4).

Spell created by Jack Butler

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