Blood Sacrifice

This dark spell uses the power of blood to boost the effectiveness of the necromancer's spells. By sacrificing a (usually black) large animal (such as a goat, a dog, or a deer), the wizard can augment his magical powers for several hours. This spell is black magic, and its use puts the caster's soul in peril.

College: Matter
Philosophy: Necromancy
Special Effects: Arcane Magic, Matter, Necromancy, Death Magic, Black Magic
Effect: Aid Arcane Spells 5d6
Casting Time: 1 Turn
Target/Area Affected: Caster
Duration: Instant
Range: Self
Active Cost: 72
Skill Roll Penalty: -4
Real Cost: 11
END Cost: 7

Blood Sacrifice: Aid Arcane Spells 3d6 - All Arcane Spells Simultaneously (+2)(72 Active Points); OAF: OAF: Animal Sacrifice, Ritual Knife, and Blood Bowl (-1), Only To Aid Self (-1), Side Effects (The Corrupted Soul Process; Happens Automatically -1), Extra Time (1 Turn; Activation Only; -3/4), Requires A Power Skill: Necromancy Magic Roll (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Only At Night (-1/4).

Spell created by Jack Butler

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