
Rapacious beings who have settled on several worlds, the Jotnar are currently at war with Asgard. They come in many sizes, some are no larger than a human, while others tower over a man, and are a match for Asgardian battle-armored troops.

Jotnar (sing. Jotun) are the descendants of the Ymir, a similar race destroyed in ancient times by the ancestors of Borr and Odin.

A few Jotnar are actually no different from Asgardr and use their package deal. It is suggested that most Jotnar use the Ogre and Troll from Monsters Minions and Marauders for statistics. Bigger Jotnar can be drawn from Hill Giants and even Frost and Fire Giants from MMM. Remove any magic from such characters, and replace it with high-tech guns and gear.