Table of Contents

The City of New Crobuzon

The river twists and turns to face the city. It looms suddenly, massive, stamped on the landscape. Its light wells up around the surrounds, the rock hills, like bruise-blood. Its dirty towers glow. I am debased. I am compelled to worship this extraordinary presence that has silted into existence at the conjunction of two rivers. It is a vast pollutant, a stench, a klaxon sounding. Fat chimneys retch dirt into the sky even now in the deep night. It is not the current which pulls us but the city itself, its weight sucks us in. Faint shouts, here and there the calls of beasts, the obscene clash and pounding from the factories as huge machines rut. Railways trace urban anatomy like protruding veins. Red brick and dark walls, squat churches like troglodytic things, ragged awnings flickering, cobbled mazes in the old town, culs-de-sac, sewers riddling the earth like secular sepulchres, a new landscape of wasteground, crushed stone, libraries fat with forgotten volumes, old hospitals, towerblocks, ships and metal claws that lift cargoes from the water.

Map of the City


Western Suburbs

Eastern Suburbs


Perdido Street Station

Location: The Crow
The rail hub and central government building of New Crobuzon. This massive building sits in the centre of the city. Both the sky rails and the land rails have their termini here. The ambassadorial suites are also housed here (including The Weaver and the Ambassador of Hell). It is the tallest building in the city, topped by the Spire.

The Spire

Location: Perdido Street Station
The central, and main Militia building of New Crobuzon.

The Ribs (12)

Location: Bonetown
The ancient bones of a long forgotten monster rise the height of the tallest buildings in the inner suburb of Bonetown. The bones are thicker than trees and harder than stone - many times older than the city which surrounds it and grew to encompass them. No one knows how old they are, what type of creature they were from, or what killed it. Magic and technology continually fail to work in their vicinity. Many believe the area to be at best cursed, or haunted. Treat as a continual supression field.

The Glasshouse (20)

Location: Riverskin
The Cactacae (or Cactusman) city-within-a-city. A huge metal and glass dome that covers severeal city blocks. Temperature inside the Glasshouse is equivalent to a desert. Only Cactacae live inside, but outsiders can visit on very rare occasions.

New Crobuzon University

Location: Mafaton


New Crobuzon sits on the joining of two rivers. The Tar from the northwest and the Canker from the north meet near the centre of the city to form the Gross Tar, that exits in the southeast. The rivers meet at Strack Island.




Gross Tar

Railway Stations

All tracks originate from Perdido Street Station. There are two types - Trains which use the land based rails, and Pods which use the Skyrail.

Trains / Railway

Pods / Skyrail