Table of Contents

Union City Overview

Since its founding, Union City has been the embodiment of the fears that drove families in to the suburbs – those gentle retreats from the urban battleground. Union City has always been a dark place, full of crime, violence, and the unseen things that dart in the corner of your eye. It is a city of graveyards, alleys, and asylums. It is a paranoid nightmare of an urban jungle filled with poverty, predators and principalities.

Citizens - those who tuck their children into bed - own Union City during the day but once the sun begins its descent into the western horizon they flee the island to the comfortable track homes and brownstones that guard against the enemy. They abandon the highrises and neon clubs to the nocturnal overlords who command unseen powers. The night is ruled with gunshots, baseball bats, and bloodletting. The civil rules of the citizens do not apply.

Union City Vital Statistics

City Nicknames: The Crimson City, Beirut on the Lake, Queen of the Lakes, The Magic City, Freight City, City of Beers, Empire City



