Table of Contents

The Arcanum

A haphazard collection of traditions, both old and new, joined for common defense and law but they find that there is little else that they can agree upon. Each Arcanum wizard is capable of hedge magic that amounts to little more than parlor tricks but many are also versed in powerful rituals or destructive evocations. Given forewarning, a powerful wizard is an adversary that few wish to face.

Many wizards have spent a lifetime working taxonomy of the various traditions of magic with very few satisfying results. That said, wizards are generally defined by their style of magic.

The Arcanum is ruled by the Tribunes suggesting that it has been around since antiquity but wizards are notoriously closed lipped. Each Tribune is served by a cadre of Sentinels who act as his enforcers and assistants. Union City, like many large cities, has a Tribune who oversees the city. He is advised by the Senior Council, local wizards of power and respect. The Senior Council in Union City has six members with the Tribune making any tie-breaking votes.

The Tribune & Senior Council

Union City Arcanum Wizards

Union City Hierarchs