Table of Contents



Elves evolved from faeries in the time of wild magic.

Elven Physiology

Tall, thin, not fast but graceful (they do have time on their hands after all). They usually appear to non-Elves to be thinking about at least 2 things at any given time. Skin colour varies with sub-race and weather conditions.

All Elves are tall, thin, and not as strong as Humans.



Each sub-race mints its own coinage.


The High Elves and Dark Elves speak Quenya, other Elves speaks Sindarin. Family names are Latvian



The Elves had formulated rules or principles for the shaping of heraldic devices, which can be summarized in the following way:

Elven Superstitions

On Birth and Death

Elven Religion

Elven Religion is a very simple concept. Everything in the Universe comes from one source, and one source only, called Entropy. This source, however has many subdivisions. The Elves decided that it was easiest if divided into fives. The various sub-races emphasize different paths of this religion - High Elf = Entropy (the total sum of everything), Justice, Magic etc. Wood Elf = Good, Life, growth etc. Dark Elf =Evil, Death, decay etc. Sea Elf = Chaos, War, intelligence etc. Elven Council = Order, Peace, instinct etc…

Entropy has 8 major divisions. Each major division has 5 subdivisions. The first division in the most powerful and the sum of all those below it, and so on. In order of power and importance, the major division are these :- The Forces, The Avatars, The Academics, The Physicals, The Great Powers, The Elements, The Personifications and The Manifestations.

The Forces - Entropy - Good, Evil, Order, Chaos.
The Avatars - Justice - Life, Death, Peace, War.
The Academics - Magic - Ethics, Politics, Physics, Probabillity.
The Physicals - Nature - Growth, Decay, Instinct, Intelligence.
The Great Powers - Fate - Love, Hate, Duty, Impulse.
The Elements - Spirit - Water, Fire, Earth, Air.
The Personifications - Imagination - Morality, Lust, Will, Emotion.
The Manifestations - The dieties of other races.

The Manifestations are what Elves class other races' gods. When another race has a religion based on usually one or more humanoid gods with personalities and faults representing one of the Elven divisions of Entropy, it is called a Manifestation. This is the major difference that causes Elven magic to be more powerful than other races. Mages also use forces rather than manifestations, so their magic is more powerful than Clerical miracles.

The Elven holy symbol is a pyramid (square based).


Religion changing Sub-Race

As Elves are magical creatures, they are more affected by magic than other kinds of creatures. Magic is changed by thought and belief. It is entirely possible for an Elf of one sub-race to become an Elf of a different sub-race later in life if they change their beliefs. However, as Elves are effectively immortal and prone to have longer views on everything - this may not happen within a mortal's lifespan. Adventurous Elves (i.e. player characters), being a highly unusual kind of Elf, may change their sub-race more frequently as they are more prone to hasty thinking. This could be a gradual shift in beliefs - or the spontaneous result of an epiphany.

A change in sub-race by an Elf includes all physical markers of that sub-race. From their Faerie ancestry, this is the last vestige of shape-changing magic - the subconscious minor changes to their physical form to reflect their philosophy on life.

Notable Elves

The Elven Council

The Morgúl

The Golden Age of the Elves