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Questing Nature

When you dedicate yourself to completing a mission on behalf of the Spirits, state what you set out to do:

  • Defend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the danger that threatens them.
  • Discover the truth of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and present it to the Spirits.
  • Slay _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , an enemy of the Faction.

Then choose up to two boons:

  • Directions from the spirits to an important location.
  • A freedom from sleep.
  • The Spirits protect you from one cause of harm (acid, blades, or fire, for example).
  • A mark of your allegiance to the Spirits.
  • Senses that can tell Alter from the mundane.
  • The Sprits may reach in otherwise protected areas.

Humility is always required of you when you undertake a quest—you are forbidden from boasting of your exploits. The Grandfater will then tell you what additional restriction is required of you to maintain these boons:

  • Abstinence (forbidden: the vices of the living).
  • Austerity (forbidden: temporal wealth in any form).
  • Hospitality (required: comfort to those in need, no matter who they


  • Judgment (forbidden: suffering an evil creature to live).
  • Respect (required: daily rituals of respect for the dead).
factionpbta/play/moves/quest.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/13 01:18 by