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Heroes of the Seven Worlds

Alex, PA Red Targa, Elite. 2155-2188, MIA.
A close combat specialist, Alex had a greater dislike of the Starguild than any other Sword, except those of the Black Legion. Engaged Starguild troops whenever possible, and believed firmly in maximum firepower. The intensity of his attacks and his destruction of Starguild personnel drew attention from his commanders, and was frequently reprimanded for extending contact and casualties beyond the bounds required by the missions. His last mission was a raid on Ancell in which over half his team was lost. Alex provided the vital rearguard which allowed the withdrawal of the beleaguered team. He was last seen pinned down and reloading Ripple Packs, as the team was withdrawn.

Axly, PA Red Targa, Elite. 2163-Present.
Friendly and extremely well-liked, he is also unmatched in close combat. These traits are balanced by his reputation for rash behavior, and the incredible damage he causes to his own equipment and to whatever unfortunate installation is sight of his activities. The path taken by Axly during a raid is easily identified by the carnage he leaves behind. Awarded two Swords of Merit, and the Red Quest Star.

Barnard, NP Blue Targa, Medic, Crack. 2164-Present.
In the period of the Dragonstar raid, there is no time for traditional medical work. The task of the team Medic is to coordinate the retrieval of all injured personnel in time for Pickup, and to make sure that their conditions are stabilized. A beacon tracer is standard equipment; it allows the Medic to monitor the vital signs and locations of all team members. Barnard's dedication to his duty is extreme, and is almost inevitably the last team member to make it back to the Landing Zone, arriving with an injured teammate in tow. On four occasions, he has made it back to the LZ with less than two seconds to spare before Pickup.

Corwin, NP Blue Targa, Elite. 2136-Present.
The former First Officer for Flynn, and a veteran of numerous Dragonstar raids. His first hand observations and exceptional intelligence were vital to the early development of Dragonstar raid tactics. Assigned to the staff of Callistor Hryken in 2181.

Darantz, NP Black Targa, Expert. Member, Phoenix Strike. 21??-Present.
The third S-4 member of the legendary Phoenix Strike. He is a Hand-to Hand and close combat specialist, providing the S-4 squad's firepower, and clearing the way for Niki and Sol. He rarely speaks to anyone except his two teammates, and as neither of those two talk very much, little is known of Darantz, or of the full capabilities of the squad. All that is certain is that they are unstoppable.

Derek, NP Blue Targa, Elite. 2158-Present.
Second in command of Draco's assault team. He is one of the few members of the team who are not Red Legion, and consequently feels out of place. His presence is vital, however, as his level-headed leadership abilities balance the team's natural instability. His command and coordination skills have been vital to Draco's successes.

Draco, NP Red Dragon, Elite. 2154-Present.
A large man with a flamboyant personality on and off the battlefield, Draco is a squad leader for Non-Powered infantry. His team is often used on diversion operations, or in front-line NP assaults. Rash and rather hot-headed, he volunteers his squad for the most dangerous missions available, and has met with remarkable success.

Duncan, PA White Sword, Expert. Leader, Phoenix Strike. 2145-2185.
Duncan was the founder and original leader of the Phoenix Strike. A brilliant strategist and commander, Duncan manifested the best in a Seven Worlds warrior. His will and vision were ideal examples of the dream which created the Seven Worlds, and helped to mold his unit into a team of legendary status. He was killed in 2185, during the defection of Imperial Commissioner Gralen Hawkland. Unknown to Seven Worlds intelligence, a Battalion of Imperial Guard troops had been transferred to Hawkland's installation, to prevent his defection. In spite of the extreme odds, Duncan personally found and rescued Hawkland. Shielding the Commissioner from hostile gunfire with his own body, Duncan was wounded severely and repeatedly. Despite his own extreme injuries, Duncan returned the Commissioner unharmed to the LZ, and coordinated its defense against overwhelming odds until Pickup. He died of his wounds as soon as he was aboard the StrikeRail, and was posthumously awarded the White Quest Star, the highest honor in the Seven Worlds military.

Eric, NP Red Targa, Elite. 2162-2191.
Served under Draco, as part of the NP assault team. Member of the Dragonstar force which counterattacked Dragoncrest positions during the Battle of Valter in 2191, and personally responsible for the capture of enemy field fortifications and the collapse of the Dragoncrest left wing. Posthumously awarded the Sword of Merit.

Falx, NP Red Targa, Elite. 2144-2188, MIA.
A member of Draco's team. Large and heavy set, Falx was the slowest member of the team. His skills and courage saved Draco's team on countless occasions, however, as he tended to arrive just in time to rescue his overzealous teammates from difficult situations. His final raid took place on Senteman's World; he felt he would not make it back to the LZ in time, and remained behind to cover the retreat of the rest of the team. When last seen, he was charging into close combat with at least four members of the Imperial Guard.

Flynn, NP Gold Dragon, Elite. Command Element. 2139-Present.
Flynn is the commander in charge of all Dragonstar raids. His job is coordinating, planning, and designing raids, as well as selecting many of the targets based on Intelligence data. Despite his exceptional executive and leadership abilities, he remains a fighter at heart, and would far rather be in active service. Both Callistor and Gabrielle Hryken have had to personally command him to remain out of combat.

Gregor, NP Black Dragon, Expert. 21??-Present.
Gregor is an S-4 operative on special assignment. He apparently has ties with the outlawed Neemis Enterprises, and rarely operates with normal Seven Worlds forces. He has served with Phoenix Strike on several occasions, and is currently rumored to command a top security StrikeRail deep within the Starguild.

Haft, NP Red Targa, Elite. 2160-Present.
Agile and quick, Haft is part of Draco's team. Haft wears little armor in combat, and he and his two partners form the Quick Response Team for the unit. They await at the LZ until needed, and when called, their speed brings them rapidly into action. Although lightly armed and armored, he and his section courageously take on any assignment.

Jason, PA Gold Dragon, Elite. 2160-Present.
Exceptionally talented commander, whose character and will make him one of the great leaders of the Seven Worlds military. His acceptance for Power Armor training immediately upon enlistment is a sign that his talent was already evident. Assigned to ground forces on Alpha in 2182, he was given overall command of Alpha ground defense forces. Awarded Sword of Merit twice, and the Gold Quest Star.

Jocasta, PA Green Sword, Expert. 2138-Present.
Originally served in the Seven Worlds Starfleet infantry long before Power Armor was in active use against the Starguild. A veteran of the early Border Wars, she transferred to a PA regiment in 2176, and was the oldest in her class. Her age and large frame were definite disadvantages, but she was selected for Power Armor training because of her exceptional skill, drive, and leadership. Awarded the Sword of Merit while in Non-Powered service, and the Green Quest Star since her transfer to Power Armor.

Kent, NP Red Targa, Elite. 2161-Present.
Another member of Draco's assault team. Awarded Sword of Merit for actions during the raid on Measter, when he personally defeated three Starguild PA personnel while defending the LZ.

Lance, PA Red Targa, Crack. Member, Phoenix Strike. 2167-Present.
Lance is a young Red Targa, fresh from his first assignment on Alpha. His exceptional performance there led to his transfer to StrikeRail duty in 2191, and he is currently on his first full tour with Phoenix Strike. Extremely friendly, Lance is adventurous, self-assured, and somewhat rash.

Marcel, PA Blue Targa, Expert. Member, Phoenix Strike. 2148-Present.
Named for the legendary Stanton Marcel who commanded the early Seven Worlds military, he served as First Officer for Duncan. A gifted and exceptional man, Marcel's quiet presence and dedication to duty epitomize the Blue Legion. After Duncan's death, Marcel was offered a leadership position. He refused to accept promotion, and was transferred to Alpha where he currently serves as Jason's First Officer.

Narjack, NP Red Targa, Elite. 2162-Present.
One of Haft's partners in the Quick Response Team. He has been dragged out of five Dragonstar raids critically wounded. His luck and frequent brushes with death do not seem to affect him, as he remains as eager as ever. His unlimited faith in his teammates' ability to rescue him, combined with his adamant refusal ever to let his comrades down, lead him to place himself at risk with great regularity. He is a mixed blessing, but in situations requiring immediate action, none are swifter or more selfless.

Niki, NP Blue Dragon, Expert. Member, Phoenix Strike. 21??-Present
Niki is a field operative of the Seven Swords Special Services (S-4), an elite intelligence operation within the ranks of the Seven Worlds military. S-4 personnel are talented specialists assigned to top priority operations. Niki's abilities to deal primarily with Hand-to-Hand combat, espionage, and security. Phoenix Strike is a legend within Seven World's military; they receive only the most dangerous missions, and have never failed.

Nina, PA Silver Dragon, Expert. Member, Phoenix Strike. 2159-Present.
A quiet, rather shy individual, Nina is slender and somewhat short. None of these qualities are significant in Power Armor, however, and her powerful will and extreme skill make her one of the most effective warriors in the Seven Legions. She and Wolf bore the brunt of the fighting for Phoenix Strike. When Duncan died, she accepted promotion and transfer, and currently commands her own PA company on Alpha. Her unit consists entirely of members of the Silver Legion. It has distinguished itself in battle, in large measure due to Nina's tremendous natural leadership.

Palin, NP Silver Targa, Crack. 2166-Present.
Assigned to Medical Assistance, and responsible for team retrieval during large raids. Palin distinguished himself in the 2189 raid on Ancell, when the unexpected presence of a reinforced company of the UCP nearly resulted in disaster. At Pickup, every member of the Strike Team except Palin had been incapacitated; in spite of this, all were retrieved safely and survived. Palin's selfless efforts to retrieve his Team members, in spite of extreme danger and constant enemy fire, earned him the Silver Quest Star, his Legion's highest honor.

Philip, NP Green Targa, Expert. 2158-Present.
An efficient and practical leader, Philip has made an art of combat training. Each member of his Company knows his combat duties and responsibilities perfectly, and this has transformed a group of otherwise average warriors into one of the most effective fighting forces on Alpha…although they are frequently the subject of Red Legion jeers and practical jokes.

Quint, NP Blue Targa, Expert. 2161-Present.
Large and powerfully built, Quint is usually the Tactical Security Team (TST) leader on the StrikeRail. In normal situations, he and his Team remain aboard the Rail, to guarantee that the Dragonstar device does not fall into enemy hands. As casualties mount on lengthy missions, however, members of the TST are often called on for assistance. Like all TacSec personnel, Quint is experienced, dedicated, and worthy of the great responsibility his position requires.

Rodrigo, NP Silver Targa, Expert. 2162-2188.
Squad Leader of the First Century, First Legion; a crack unit stationed on Alpha, and assigned to recon and containment of Dragoncrest forces. When large numbers of Dragoncrests landed in 2188 and the Alpha Campaign began, the First Century was hard pressed and nearly overrun. Knowing Dragoncrest history and honor in battle, Rodrigo drew his sword and went forward to engage the enemy. They ceased fire, as one of their own came out to meet him. Because of this action, the First Century was able to withdraw in good order, and establish a defensive perimeter. Rodrigo was posthumously awarded the Silver Quest Star, the highest honor of the Silver Legion.

Sol, NP Blue Targa, Expert. Member, Phoenix Strike. 21??-Present.
Another S-4 agent, Sol is an explosives, demolition, and hand-to-hand specialist. His powerful physique often makes him the Heavy Weapons and explosives bearer of his NP squad. The Phoenix Strike NP squad is used in assaults on critical installations, which, through design or coincidence, are too fragile to support the great weight of Power Armor.

Stephan, NP Green Dragon, Crack. Team Engineer. 2134-Present.
Stephan is a communications, electronics and engineering specialist. Assigned to the command element of Dragonstar raids, he is responsible for first-hand assessment of each raid's performance, including identification of equipment, facilities, and units encountered, and coordination of what items should be destroyed, and in what order. He coordinated the first Dragonstar raid, against New Eden in 2161, and is currently only deployed in large, important strikes.

Tara, PA Green Targa, Elite. 2158-2185, MIA.
Tara entered military service in the Alpha Home Guard, where she distinguished herself on many occasions. Selected for Power Armor training in 2182, she was lost during the bombardment of Alpha by the Imperium during 2185. Her loss was mourned by her companions, and by others as well; shortly after her death, inquiries from the Dragoncrests as to her whereabouts and well-being were received, shocking the Seven Worlds military.

Tess, PA Blue Targa, Elite. 2165-Present.
Born on Hryken, Tess entered military service at 17 years of age. She was selected for Power Armor training in 2186, and her first action in Power Armor was Operation Lance. During the action, she was awarded the Sword of Merit for her tenacity, bravery, and refusal to give ground under extreme pressure. Currently a Centurion in the 2nd Legion.

Trebor, PA Blue Dragon, Elite. 2132-Present.
One of the earliest to wear Power Armor, Trebor is no longer in field service. He has always been an advocate of the heaviest armor possible, and is a conservative tactician. His excellent understanding of the use of Power Armor and his uncanny decision-making instincts made him one of the most decorated leaders of the Seven Worlds. He generally works with Green and Blue Legion personnel; Black and Red Legions are far too rash by his standards.

Trent, NP Blue Targa, Elite. 2157-Present.
Born on Alpha, and has served with Seven Swords forces throughout the Starguild and Dragoncrest Wars. Attached to Command Security during the Alpha Campaign, he saw extensive combat; command units drew a great deal of Dragoncrest attention. Awarded Sword of Merit in 2188, at the fall of Porlis Station on Alpha, for his personal defense and rear-guard action during the evacuation of command elements. He single-handedly repulsed a massed Dragoncrest attack by manning an exposed machinegun position, at extreme risk to his own safety. Despite severe injuries, he held the position long enough for vital communications links to be transferred and for an orderly retreat to be executed.

Val, PA Unclassified, Expert. Member, Phoenix Strike. 21??-Present.
Val is a member of the new Phoenix Strike, serving with Wolf. She is a member of S-4, and replaced Nina. Val's odd sense of humor and dry wit make her the most talkative of the S-4 group, but her background remains as elusive as Niki's, Sol's, and Darantz's. She is a devastating force on the battlefield, however, and her skills are a major reason that the new Phoenix Strike is able to maintain the reputation of the original.

Vladimir, PA Gold Dragon, Expert. 2154-Present.
Experienced in all fields of Power Armor combat, Vladimir is the overall commander of the elite Seven Swords. After the massed invasion of Alpha by the Dragoncrests in 2188, the Seven Worlds launched Operation Lance. This was a powerful and desperate counterattack, and was headed by the Seven Swords. Vladimir personally led nine Dragonstar Strike Teams on the first day of the invasion, during the clearing of the landing area. For his heroic activities, both on the field and in command, he received the Gold Quest Star.

Warren, NP Green Targa, Elite. 2155-Present.
The third member and leader of Draco's Quick Response Team. His quick decisions and solid command abilities make him one of the great small-unit leaders of the Seven Legions. He is an intense, “by the book” style commander, and his leadership and courage guarantee the loyalty and relative stability of his two unruly, rash teammates. There are few people who can keep the likes of Haft and Narjack under control; Warren's ability to do this makes his squad one of the most tenacious and effective in the Seven Legions.

Wolf, PA Gold Targa, Elite. Leader of Phoenix Strike. 2158-Present.
An original member of Phoenix Strike, Wolf served under Duncan. Critically injured in the raid to save Gralen Hawkland, he was classified Black Legion following Duncan's death. Recovering and reclassified Gold Legion, Wolf went on to assume command of Phoenix Strike.

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