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Rhandom Quotes

Living Steel

“Fall back, medic. If I die, I die. If you die, the whole Team dies.”

  • Niki

“Look! An oasis of urban civility.”

  • Sgt. Ingram

“Seeing as I'm right, and you disagree, you must be wrong.”

  • Sgt. Ingram

“Don't worry. By the time we get there, I'll have figured it out.”

  • Sgt. Ingram

“I have more fun dying than most people have living.”

  • Dawn Petrol

“We had to shoot him. He wasn't a Team Player.”

  • The Death Clowns

“We've got you surrounded, so you better give up…Okay?”

  • S. Silver

“You are now free men. Free to swear fealty to Me.”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell

“Inconsistency is the key to flexibility.”

  • Lord Barons

“Megalomania is it's own reward.”

  • Lord Barons

“This isn't a jury of my peers…They're all common citizens!”

  • Captain Tyrell, Ex-Starfleet Commander

“If you cooperate, we'll reduce the charges from hit and run murder to littering.”

  • Lord Barons

“Don't worry. If I get shot in the heart, I'll just requisition another one.”

  • Ridan, Red Sword Targa

“We don't mind you stationing your troops here, It's just that if they all defect at once, it will cause a serious problem for Immigration.”

  • A concerned RMBK official responding to the movement of part of the Imperial Guard to Rhand

“If a little brute force is good, then too much is better.”

  • Paul Maul

“Talk is cheap. Guns cost money.”

  • Stuart Tank

“We would have believed it was an accidental shooting, if he hadn't changed magazines…TWICE.”

  • Lord Barons

“Death is the only acceptable form of amnesty.”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell

“I've spent so much time in front of a gun camera that I've got a permanent smile stuck on my face.”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell

“I did not ask for, did not receive, and will not pay for item 21, 'Tax', on your invoice…”

  • Ronald Unreasonable

“On my mark…go to Amphicaine!”

  • Marcel

“Smile. Today is the last day of the rest of your life.”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell

“The Guard dies, but never surrenders.”

  • Colonel Cambronne, Imperial Guard

“Have you had your Herculon today?”

  • Scarhead Tom, Blue Sword Targa

“Kill a Scan in anger, and a hundred lives are lost.”

  • Jason

Grind. Rattle. Clunk.
“Give me my gun and I'll put it out of its misery.”

  • Sandy Jorden, Senior Technician

“If it breaks, it needed replacing.”

  • Trebor Nawoc

“Is there a Dragon around I can talk to?”

  • Operations Officer Andy Brennan

“Members of Imperial Law Enforcement are not issued Stunners. They'd really rather kill you.”

  • Gados Thayr, Trident Law Enforcement, Special Operations

“What good is my life, if I do not use it to defend what I believe in?”

  • Palin, Silver Sword Targa

“Of course we like him best, we met him first.”

  • D.T.

“Good Morning, Lieutenant. Come on down, the weather's fine.”

  • Trent

“I'd love to stay, but power's low and I'm late for a hot shower.”

  • Lance

“Suicide or Death…It's your choice!”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell

“Yes, they were unruly, undisciplined, and nearly impossible to deal with. But when I had a rough job that needed doing, there were none more eager.”

  • Flynn, Gold Sword Targa

“What could be a better world? We have food, free time…and total anarchy.”

  • Crestus Throle

“Just to refresh my memory, would you remind me why I'm trying to kill you?”

  • Bustem Heds

“Carrying a gun in town is like painting a bullseye on your back.”

  • Arris Boylen, Alpha Team Member

Dress to Oppress

  by Manuel Puerco, a BEST training manual

“Another day, another body count.”

  • Mister Beasle

“To kill is a thrill, but slaughter is hotter.”

  • The Digging Crew

“Conserve Ammo! Slay 'em, don't Spray 'em!”

  • Corely Norris

“If you will just talk to me, I know I can help you. But if you keep making this difficult, I'll blow your head off.”

  • Dr. Henry Finston

“Most People live such sad lives, wishing they could do what they want. I don't have that problem: there's nothing I want to do.”

  • Crestus Throle

“You can afford to call it a 'Larden Relic'. You're not the one who got blown up.”

  • Captain Gran Boston, discussing the LardenFaust with his superiors on Cauldron, 2234.

“Between the LardenFaust and the NELBAR, our jobs have gotten much easier. You just take this tag and tie it to the toe.”

  • Meadis Nerion, Imperial Medic, 2234

“I'm going to Somalon some Larden. Get the Elephant Gun.”

  • Captain Art Safri

“Load the bang sticks and pack up the tree shredder-We've got a job to do.”

  • Officer Eric, Bondsmen Law Enforcement

“Your money can talk all it wants; my gun will make the decisions.”

  • Victor Garantz, Vartac Security

“The field test of the WM-2 Mantis was a functional success with anomalous post-encounter conditions.”

  • Executive Scientist Edmund Fowler, Director of Imperial Robotics Service

“Fighting Power Armor is bad enough. Now we're supposed to fight Power Armor with Tails?”

  • Captain Hugh Wilton, Commanding Officer, “E” Company, 27th Imperial Starmarine Regiment at the Destruction of the Imperial Guard

“Has everyone gone crazy around here?”

  • Officer Eric

“Just do as you're told. You aren't being paid to think.”

  • Osric Tuber, Director of Research, Starlink Initiative, 2264-2274

“What do you think this is… a democracy?”

  • Tiber Barnett, Chairman, Imperial Auditing Committee

“This unholy alliance of Human traitors with the most belligerent of alien races will be met, matched, and defeated by the united powers of the Starguild Imperium.”

  • Imperial Response to Trident's request for assistance against the Seven Legions/Dragoncrest Invasion

“Save who you can.”

  • Confidential message from the Imperial House to Trident's Board of Directors, shortly after the Spectral Invasion.

“More Imperial Starmarines are coming to Rhand? Gosh, why don't I feel safer?”

  • Officer Eric

“Is there anything the DRGN doesn't do?”

  • Sandy Jordan

“The DRGN Field Array: it's not just for Wilderness Survival anymore.”

  • Esteban Teller

“I think the Displacer effect has gone to your head.”

  • Earl Keef, Launch Emergency Team Alpha

“We must not tarnish the good name of this organization by delving into the forbidden technologies, unless is a matter of life or death… or it will give us a small political advantage.”

  • Gordon Alder, Imperial Legal Consultant

“Sure you get a great view from 30 feet up. But you give your opponents and even better one.”

  • Davis Steinman, Morituri Design Review Committee

“The Larden and the Morituri have one thing in common: neither is technologically advanced.”

  • Colonel Broadmore, Commander, Imperial Forces on Cauldron

“Kiss your big robot goodbye.”

  • Niki

“Hey, it's not my job. You figure it out.”

  • Fowler's most useful advice to Ziers

“Well, 14 out of 92 ain't bad. Hey, wait a minute, that's terrible!”

  • Mechanical Research Technologies analyst reviewing the battle reports from Alpha

“We found Boyar - he was under the Morituri.”

  • Derek

“How much talent does it take to just stand there and get shot?”

  • Davis Steinman

“Great. Robots on Steroids.”

  • Niki

“My robot's bigger than your robot.”

  • Weismyer

“It'll just make a bigger divot when it falls over.”

  • Prescott

“What do you mean, 'it's my job'? This was strictly a career move.”

  • Ziers' response to Fowler

“Let's go violate some civil rights.”

  • Agent Kasha Briceton

“The Imperial Secret Service. If you can't trust us, who can you trust?”

  • Public relations campaign for the ISS

“Those medals aren't for valor. They're for violence.”

  • Briceton

“People die every day. Today just happens to be your day.”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell

“As your leader, let me assure you that none of this was my fault.”

  • Fowler

“Well, you know what they say: 'Ziers Today, Gone Tomorrow'.”

  • Stania Borodin

“I believe mental stability is highly over-rated.”

  • Prescott

“Sure, it will probably explode. But at least I won't be in it, on it, or near it.”

  • Morituri Technician relieved to be reassigned to Avatar

“Look-I've paid a lot of good money to get where I am today.”

  • Starguild Refugee

“Which part of the Forest is edible?”

  • Rejected Refugee

“All these berries look the same to me. But I'm pretty sure the one's you're eating aren't poisonous.”

  • Another Rejected Refugee

“We're hungry, tired, thirsty, and 200 miles from civilization, and all you brought was dirty clothes?”

  • Casey, Bondsman Ranger

“Don't worry about that hole in your shoe. We'll die of thirst long before your feet blister.”

  • Norman Steele, Bondsman Ranger

“So, where is the outlet for my blow-dryer?”

  • Starguild Refugee, confused about the nature of the Mantis.

“Hey, he got more grubs than I did.”

  • Rejected Refugee

“Shut up and keep digging.”

  • Another Rejected Refugee

“70 tons of junk. 70 tons of molten slag. 70 tons of useless scrap.”

  • Niki's opinion of giant robots

“What-maggots for dinner again?”

  • Rejected Refugee

“Let them eat Lead.”

  • Machine-gun Antoinette, Vartac Security

“No excuses are acceptable.”

  • Standard ISS Policy

“When in doubt, use a grenade.”

  • Trebor Nawoc

“I'd like to see the look on Prescott's face now.”

  • Briceton, as she blows up the Command Center

“If you contact the Ops Team, tell them Darantz wants his flashlight back.”

  • Sol to HQ

“There is such a thing as having too much bran in your diet.”

  • Rejected Refugee

“Yes, we are taking full advantage of the misfortune of others. What's your point?”

  • Simon DeBoer, Chief Executive Officer, Scan Medical Technologies, Inc., Rhand Division

“While you're planning the Great Food Store Robbery, bear in mind that our only getaway vehicle is a bulldozer.”

  • Mean Marc MacMyer to the rest of the MacMyer Gang, Valard Corporation: Subcon 10, Day 49

“Hey, there was nothing in the brochure about being eaten alive. What kind of wilderness is this?”

  • Brewster MacAlpine, Large Resort 3, Day 11

“Frankly, I liked being a fat, happy Bondsman.”

  • Big Dirk, Bondsmen Community 18

“You're out of ammo? Then I guess you're our point man.”

  • Crazy Stan, The Visser Man; ex-Sergeant, Battalion Reserves, 27th Starmarine Regiment, Day 64

“That wound looks really serious. But look on the bright side; you probably have a few more hours before you die.”

  • Crestus Throle, Bondsmen Community 40, “Vissertown”

“I once read a book that had a picture of a tree on the cover. So yes, I do consider myself an expert in foraging.”

  • Morris Angstrom, Rejected Refugee

“Oh relax. Just because the last six Warlords have died violent deaths doesn't mean it's a trend.”

  • Goomah Al-Ferd, Member of the Crimson Weasels Gang, Valard Corp.: Subcon 10

“Bombings, firestorms, lootings… it's been a busy day.”

  • Hosef Pharra, Chief Executive Officer, BrutalVision: Subcon 98

“Somebody has to take responsibility eventually… don't they?”

  • Eve Malcom, Startech Fuels: Subcon 77

“If I didn't know better, I'd say we've just been exiled.”

  • Tazuya the Mook, Bondsmen Community 30, Day 16

“There are 15,000 barbarians at the gate. Quick, turn out the lights; we'll pretend we aren't home.”

  • Grant Tank, Head of Security, Osiris: Subcon 23

“No, I won't accept their surrender. There's still money to be made on this war.”

  • Murry, Jupiter Group: Subcon 29

“It isn't cannibalism if they don't know what they're eating.”

  • Chef Yomo D'Arco, Kiwan Catering: Subcon 99

“Who cares about the things that go 'bump' in the night? It's the ones that go 'chomp' that worry me.”

  • Fargus Liverwort, Asha Tatum Products: Subcon 73

“Explain again how feeding people to the Dionical and then eating the Dionical is a closed ecosystem.”

  • Lars Swedenborg, Bondsmen Community 17

“Oh, yeah, we're free all right. Free to starve. Free to freeze. Free to die! Why did I ever listen to you anyway?!”

  • Big Dirk, Bondsmen Community 18

“How do you want this guy cooked? Rare, medium rare…?”

  • Slozek making small talk over the campfire, Day 6

“It looked like we were all going to freeze to death, but then we voted one guy 'Most Flammable Refugee'.”

  • Clement Uxmal, Belden

“I've got a Tombstone here with your name on it.”

  • Corely Norris, Hackley Merson, Inc.: Subcon 92, Day 31

“Highly toxic chemicals, bombing from space, and biological warfare? Not exactly my dream home, but the price is right. I'll take it!”

  • Casta Jandara, New Homeowner, Paragon Industries: Subcon 1, Day 2

“We're surviving like everyone else: a little roughage, a little fruit, a little cannibalism.”

  • Clement Uxmal, Belden

“I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but do you have any last words?”

  • Hammerin' Heather MacMyer to a distant cousin during the Great Attempted Food Store Robbery

Valard Corporation: Subcon 10, Day 55
“The good news is you're not dead. The bad news is you're still burning.”

  • Killer Keith MacMyer to another distant cousin during the Great Attempted Food Store Robbery

Valard Corporation: Subcon 10, Day 55
“You just have some respect for your parents, young man. If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be here starving to death right now.”

  • Mad Ma MacMyer to one of her ungrateful sons, Valard Corporation: Subcon 10, Day 64

“I'm a little disappointed. I thought trolling with human meat would be much more effective. Tell you what, let's try it with live ones tomorrow, and see how that goes.”

  • Mick Milking, Ex-Financier, and the current Captain of “The Junk Bond King” near Octal: Subcon 67, Day 52

“They just had all of their personal possessions and several family members blown up. I don't think we'll have much trouble exiling them.”

  • Mahout Kantong, Head of Security, Exojet: Subcon 88

“He deserved to die. He wouldn't share his brownies with me.”

  • Alvin Boyarski, Former Security Officer, Ram: Subcon 66, Day 31

“Well, sir, frankly, you talk too much. But I have a solution.” Bang. “Cool, I've always wanted to do that.”

  • Crazy Stan, The Visser Man; ex-Sergeant, Battalion Reserves, 27th Starmarine Regiment, Startech Fuels: Subcon 77, Day 64

“Fortunately, I am far too exhausted to care about how hungry I am.”

  • Big Dirk, Bondsmen Community 18

“You wouldn't last a week if I died”

  • Mathew Shamus III, ISS Security

“Maybe, Let's find out, shall we?”

  • Corely Norris, Hackley Merson, Inc.: Subcon 92, Day 20

“Look, if I weren't starving to death, I'm sure that I'd care that your feet are cold.”

  • Killer Keith MacMyer, Valard Corporation: Subcon 10, Day 63

“You just bought a one-way ticket, six feet straight down.”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell, Bondsmen Community 39

“I see you've found another of the obstacles on Mr. Beak's Survival Challenge. Looks painful.”

  • Delon Schnick, Ex-Ranger and Guide, Mr. Beak's Survival Challenge: Large Resort 20, Naila Island

“Think of them as future sausages. Because they are going to die like pigs.”

  • Winston Blakemore, Visser Boss, Creighton, Day 47

“We can stay out here in the wilderness, or we can try to reach civilization. Assuming there's a visible difference.”

  • Gordon Stauffer, Ranger, Day 6

“Why would you want a second opinion? Don't you trust me?”

  • Dr. Oscar Schneiderbunk, Visser M.D.

“If you want a city looted properly, you have to do it yourself.”

  • Hosef Pharra, Chief Executive Officer, BrutalVision: Subcon 98, Day 12

“You can leave in an orderly fashion. Or, I can shoot you.”

  • Found spraypainted in 6-foot letters on a large factory wall in Bondsmen Community 27

“If you can't get results by violence, you aren't being violent enough.”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell, Bondsmen Community 39

“Spite is a wonderful Motivator.”

  • Delon Schnick, Ex-Ranger and Guide, Mr. Beak's Survival Challenge: Large Resort 20, Naila Island, Day 1

“If I'd known the Gang jackets looked like this, I'd have stayed a refugee.”

  • Roger Weffner, New Member of the Crimson Weasel Gang, Valard Corporation: Subcon 10

“No, you can't fill your Aux Pack with junk food.”

  • Derek

“No, you won't need a sleeping bag, it's not that kind of Backpack.”

  • Derek

“It wasn't honorable in the least, but it was effective.”

  • Senator P. B. Judik, Starguild Appropriations Committee

“Improving the efficiency of our equipment is good. But a Buddy Body Bag is going to far.”

  • Senator P. B. Judik, Starguild Appropriations Committee

“Isn't it enough that the Dragoncrests are in armor? Do they have to have weapons too?”

  • Sgt. Servo

“I think I just got a '***' injury.”

  • Mojo Whiteleg

“Can I get corrective lenses in my Bifocal Unit?”

  • Bruce

“No, there isn't any place to put the film. It's not that kind of Gun Camera.”

  • Sgt. Wily Bob McDraco

“What do you think? Is this one Bonnie or is it Clyde”

  • Alexander Century

“I'm not worried about artificial intelligence. It's the artificial humanity that bothers me.”

  • Niki

“Of course I appreciate the Dragoncrests making my Power Armor. But, I'd appreciate it even more if it didn't have a tail..”

  • Marduk

“No, you can't fill your Aux Pack with junk food.”

  • Derek

“That's it, no more junk food. It's not as easy as letting out a few notches in a belt, you know.”

  • Sandy Jorden, Senior Technician.

Power Armor requires a careful fitting for proper function. The fitting must be maintained by proper diet and exercise.
“I'd feel better about the new Lieutenant if he weren't still reading the Owner's Manual for his mess kit.”

  • Sgt. Ingram

“I say we hit the Self Destruct and start fresh in the morning.”

  • Overworked Starguild Technician

“I don't want to see you. I don't even want to see you dead.”

  • Captain Austin D. Blackwell

“I make all my own decisions, as long as everyone else agrees.”

  • Big Dirk
roleplaying/hero/ls/living_steel.txt · Last modified: 2006/06/14 01:53 by