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A Problem With Specs

By Basil (original post)

All of the room in the north wing of the fourth floor have the same problem; anyone leaving their spectacles (i.e., eyeglasses) unattended will find them … changed … next time they pick them up.

No matter what prescription the glasses had been ground to, they will be changed to be correct for someone with extraordinarily bad astigmatism; as well, the left side would correct 20/150 vision while the right is correct for someone with 20/20 vision. The frames, etc., will not change, nor will the material of the lenses. Note that non-prescription reading glasses are equally affected.

Despite repeated attempts, no record can be found of anyone the altered glasses would fit, neither living nor dead.

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roleplaying/hero/resources/dark_champions/ch_event/a_problem_with_specs.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/29 23:28 by