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Characteristics price

STR cost 1, CON cost 1.5, DEX cost 5

Characteristics maxima

BOD max 21, INT max 18, PRE max 18


May purchase up to 4 ranks in “Giant Evasion: H-to-H combat, only for DCV against large humanoids (2 pts/ea).”


  • Infravision (5 pts).
  • Power Defense (2 pts).
  • Bump of Direction, with the -1 limitation “Underground Only” (1 pt).
  • Longevity, 200 years (1 pt).
  • -2’’ running (-4 pts).
  • Running cost increased to 3 points/’’.
  • Swimming cost increased to 2 points/’’.
  • Leaping cost increased to 2 points/’’.

Total cost: 0 points characteristics + 5 points powers = 5 points

roleplaying/hero/resources/dwarves.txt · Last modified: 2006/02/14 23:23 by