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Mazoku, Ghosts and Desolid Creatures

Mazoku are normally bought as desolid creatures. This makes them dreadfully expensive but it is the only effective way to represent their invulnerability to certain spells and most mundane missile and melee weapons. Spells that are able to affect Mazoku are bought with the Affects Desolid advantage.

Ghosts and Spirits are incorporeal beings that also built as desolid creatures. Often only magical weapons and certain spells are effective against them. The desolid of ghosts and spirts and the desolid of the Mazoku are two different forms of desolid. Some spells will be able to affect both creatures and will be bought with the advantage Affects Desolid Any Form of Desolid (+1/2). Spells that only affect ghosts and spirits will be bought with the advantage Affects Desolid One Special Effect Of Desolidification (+1/4).

In essence Mazoku have a more powerful form of Desolid that requires a +1/2 Advantage to affect and ghost have a weaker form that requires only a +1/4 Advantage to affect. In any case a spell that can affect Mazoku will be able to affect ghosts and spirits.

Undead Creatures

Vampires, mummies, ghost and other undead creatures appear in the Slayers setting with alarming frequency. In Slayers Hero it might be best to build these creatures as automations. Often when such creatures are slain in combat they are utterly destroyed. They are either reduced to dust; disappear in a puff of smoke; or otherwise leave no corpse behind. For instance in an episode of the anime the Asher Dist spell is used by Lina to reduce a vampire to ash with a single hit.

OPTION 1: One way to make this work is to build such monsters as automations. In this way they will be hard to kill normally, because many will have the same sort of desolid construction that ghosts do. In the case of corporeal undead they will be desolid only verses attacks (so yes they will be expensive builds). However when you hit them with something that they are vulnerable to it won’t take too much to utterly destroy them. Stake a vampire through the heart and the 10-12 BODY damage will destroy the automation which then turns to dust as a default SFX.

OPTION 2: Instead of building such all such creatures as automations I could just give some of them a Physical Limitation that states they are immediately slain upon reaching 0 BODY.

Currently I am leaning toward OPTION 2 since it will obviate the need to involve the automation rules for every type of undead. After all an undead with free will (like a vampire) seems like it shouldn't be an automation. Critters like zombies and golems would probably still be best as automations.

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roleplaying/hero/resources/fantasy_hero/the_fan_project/mazoku_and_ghosts.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/31 22:19 by