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Here you can find a list of the critters who seek control or influence within Union City.

My players - stop reading now!!


The Arcanum: Traditions, both old and new, joined for common defense but little else. The Arcanum is rules by the Tribunes suggesting that it has been around since antiquity but wizards are notoriously closed lipped. Each wizard possesses a common hedge magic that amounts to little more than parlor tricks but many are also versed in powerful rituals or destructive evocations. Given forewarning a powerful wizard is an adversary that few wish to face.

The Hierarchy: Enemies of the Arcanum and servants to the infernal powers. Hierarchs receive their wizardry from the service to powerful lords of the abyss. There is little known structure among the wizards of hellfire but they have been known to work together when the need was sufficient. Hierarchs rarely possess benevolent magic but their command of destructive and manipulative magics is unrivaled.

The Instrumentality: Whispered among the wizarding world as a third faction in the Mage War but little is known of them or their motives.

The Kryptiea: Their powers are unknown but their aims are transparent - to possess the totality of magic. The agents of this organization kill wizards and others to further this goal.


Warg: Wargs are nature spirits inhabiting the bodies of humans. Whatever the person was before they were enchanted or cursed is now merged with a raging monster of blood and violence. Wargs appear human but with a feral edge to them.

Lycans: Humans afflicted with the ability to metamoph into a supernatural terror that is half man and half wolf but double the size of both. Tremendous creatures capable of slugging it out with the most powerful supernatural creatures on earth and nearly indestructible by human standards.

Garou: Creatures from the twilight who can shift between human and wolf form although they are neither. The Garou are spirits whose purpose in Union is unknown.

Skinwalkers: Mortals who use magic to assume monstrous form, usually with a fetid pelt of mysterious origin.

Hexenwolf: Mortals cursed by magic to become ravenous monsters during the full moon.


Lamian vampires: demon-like creatures hidden behind human hosts. They are strong, fast, and capable of withstanding catastrophic injury to the host. While they share some of the classical weaknesses of vampires, such as susceptibility to holy water others have no effect on them - such as sunlight or wooden stakes. Lamian vampires prefer guile and treachery over outright confrontations. Many believe that Lamians inhabit only women but this is not particularly true, they just find it easier to manipulate men.

Nosferatu: The most commonly recognized vampire. Hideous, bloodthirsty reverent returned from the dead who subsist on the blood of mortals. Unlike the Lamian Vampires, the Nosferatu inhabit the rotting corpses that they possessed as mortals. Nosferatu possess many of the classic characteristics of pop-culture vampires: they posses monstrous strength and durability; but they must sleep during daylight hours lest they perish in the sun. Nosferatu also have the ability to enthrall humans as slavish servants, “thralls” or ghouls.


Bound: Spirits from the Twilight who share mortal forms with a human who has stood at the edge. They posses a eclectic array of powers that depend entirety on what - exactly - is inhabiting them. The Bound are typically loners.

Reevers: Insane spirits of the Twilight who seek entrance into the mortal world to weave a trail of destruction of despair from which they gain some energy. Weak Reevers are usually found near haunted sites where the barrier has thinned but stronger Reevers may manifest nearly anywhere.

There are dozens of other spirit types who qualify under the “ghostly” umbrella but I haven't worked them all out yet.


The Order of St. George: hunters of the supernatural in all the myriad of stripes. The Georgians have a reputation for benevolence and mercy although they will not allow a killer to go unpunished. The Georgians possess some of the most powerful relics known and are capable of facing any supernatural creature.

Malleus Maleficarum: The boogieman of the supernatural world. The Maleficarum is a merciless and tireless organization bent on the total annihilation of all that is not “of God.”

Heller Institute: A scientific think tank in Union City devoted to exploring the supernatural world to exploit their findings for profit and the betterment of mankind.

I am sure that I will come up with a few more just for the sheer joy of torturing the players.

The Fair Folk

I am still working out exactly how I will handle the Fae. There will be half breeds out there who serve the distant lords of the courts but I doubt that “Arcadia” will come into play much. I picture it as slowly drawing away from the mortal world as fewer and fewer believe.

The Others

These types of critters are much more rare… they are urban legends even among the supernatural. Cryptids: Creatures of urban legend and folktale. These reclusive creatures serve their own masters and may possess strange powers. Many are rightfully weary of Crytids because they can be so unpredictable.

The Fallen/Incarna: True angels cast down and seeking to vent some of their anger. I will probably use the Denirians strait from the Dresden Files. Demons: Lesser but still vastly powerful spirits who seek to corrupt the mortal world.

  • Warlocks: humans possessed by demonic entities.

Angels/Incarna: Rumored to work through mortal agents and the churches. Angels of the Host have not taken direct action in human affairs since antiquity and they have not reliably been seen by anyone outside of an asylum.

  • Nephilim: descendants of the Incarna fallen or otherwise. Rumors of the Nephil abound but very few are known.
  • Grigori: Incarna who guard reality.

Old Ones: relics of bygone ages who once stood as gods but now struggle against oblivion.

Well, that is a good start to what inhabits the world

roleplaying/hero/resources/urban_fantasy_hero/uc/gm_only_supernatural_notes.txt · Last modified: 2009/08/05 01:04 by