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The Arcanum

A haphazard collection of traditions, both old and new, joined for common defense and law but they find that there is little else that they can agree upon. Each Arcanum wizard is capable of hedge magic that amounts to little more than parlor tricks but many are also versed in powerful rituals or destructive evocations. Given forewarning, a powerful wizard is an adversary that few wish to face.

Many wizards have spent a lifetime working taxonomy of the various traditions of magic with very few satisfying results. That said, wizards are generally defined by their style of magic.

  • Adepts: Mastery of the self leads to mastery of Magic. Also Alchemists, to transform the soul is to master magic.
  • Ritualists: Hermetic and planetary magic, mastery of rotes and patterns lead to greater arcane understanding. Also summoners and Binders.
  • Spiritualists: Understanding of the forces of life and death lead to true magic. Also necromancers, mediums, and ghost hunters.
  • Pacters: Considered by most to be a left-handed path drawn towards evil but many use their gifts for good works. Also, demonologists, voodoo, and crusaders.
  • Evokers: Command fierce elemental powers with minimal effort. Also, Elementalists.

The Arcanum is ruled by the Tribunes suggesting that it has been around since antiquity but wizards are notoriously closed lipped. Each Tribune is served by a cadre of Sentinels who act as his enforcers and assistants. Union City, like many large cities, has a Tribune who oversees the city. He is advised by the Senior Council, local wizards of power and respect. The Senior Council in Union City has six members with the Tribune making any tie-breaking votes.

The Tribune & Senior Council

  • Tribune: Fisher - (spiritualist) started out as a local boy done right, a dorky young man who left Union City with a prodigal talent for geomancy and pattern magic. By the time Fisher had returned to the city as a Tribune the other wizards had realized that he was not like all the other children. He spends most days wandering the city following trails and etheric energies that only he can see - many, frankly, think he is crazy. His sentials and Senior Councilman Beckit keep word of his escapades from reaching the other Tribunes and cover for his absenteeism as needed. Fisher has a relaxed leadership style, he tries to be hands-off. Somehow he trusts that younger wizards will come to him if there's a problem. While he tries to keep himself apart, he's not above using his political or magical might as a big stick. Most of the time he appears so disinterested that few seek him directly for aid unless there is no where else to go.
  • Senior Council: Beckit - (ritualist) is a lawyer, a good one with his own practice and respected record. He's also an expert on the occult, the descending hierarchy, multilingual, an anthropologist and an amateur psychologist. Becket, as the most powerful wizard in the city should be the Tribune. However, he has turned down every opportunity to be promoted beyond the Senior Council. Becket is Fishers main supporter even though he spends much of his time doing the Tribunes work. He has a fearsome reputation for his sheer inhuman intelligence.
  • Senior Council: Alexandria - (adept) As a student of psychology before discovering the arcane world, Lex found her niche early. She has used her talent for mind magic to become a well respected psychiatrist and occult expert. Placing her into a position where she frequently helps the wizards of Union City without there ever knowing she was involved. Lex doesn't do much fighting, her services are more discreet. She has, on occasion, been asked to find information that is otherwise hidden within someone psyche. Many people feel at ease around Lex until they have some idea of the extent of her powers, then they feel creeped out.
  • Senior Council: Simon - (pacter) As a Catholic Priest, Simon cuts an unconventional - though highly respected - image as a wizard. He's known for wise counsel, for a forgiving nature, for steely devotion to his “flock” and for his refusal to follow the easy path. He's been known to publicity speak out against magic that he feels is unwise or dangerous to the soul, regardless of any offense his “betters” might take.
  • Senior Council: Rhia - (spiritualist) Queen Rhia is the lion-mother and warrior-mage of her posse and brutal opponent of the Hierarchy. Rhia makes her Sanctum in a de-consecrated church in the heart of gangland, defended by bangers, drug dealers, and prostitutes backed up by zombies. Rhia would have the worst repution of any wizard in the city were it not for Shepard. Popular rumor would have her killing anyone who displeases her on the spot. It's mostly an act but she doesn't have time for fools or cowards.
  • Senior Council: Itchy - (Evoker) While he is almost never seen, Itchy is one of the most infamous wizards living in Union City. His command and flippant use of mind magic is disturbing, the fact that he is also an FBI Agent only makes the issue worse. Itchy often acts as one of the Sentinals in cases where his job, access, and expertise are useful - usually high-profile incidents that have come to the attention of the mortal officers in some way. His first priority is to cover up whatever's happened. After that, he concerns himself with the safety of the wizard involved and finally he'll see about getting any evidence. He is referred to by younger, Tarantino-watching, wizards as “The Cleaner”. Itchy's most disturbing trait that almost no one remembers having conversations with him.

Union City Arcanum Wizards

  • Mara - (spiritualist) She calls herself a “gravetender” - she takes as many names of the newly dead as she can, unfortunately most of her night is spent guarding those dead against interference. The world is full of ugly powers that would disrespect the graves of the dead. Mara counters them. She does not do so out of any inherent piety or belief that the remains are somehow special, but out of a strong sense of what the dead in their graves represent - a person, reduced to a name on a stone and filed away with thousands of others, fixed in time where future generations can find them. The vast cemeteries of Union City are her libraries, containing thousands of individual stories.

Union City Hierarchs

  • Shepard - (pacter) Demon-summoner, attempted murderer, and all-round bad egg, Shepard remains a constant reminder of what happens to wizards seduced by power. Shepard is Union Cities foremost expert on the powers of darkness and the use of Abyssal energies in magic. He's egotistical, prone to grandstanding, somewhat manipulative, very charming and milks his notoriety for all the shudders he can get from Initiates. He's got a certain sociopathic tendency to smile one second and then decide to go all-out for the jugular the next without betraying any outward sign.
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