======Snakeman====== [[http://ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Snakeman|Snakeman Wiki entry]]\\ {{ http://ufopaedia.org/images/a/ab/Snakeman.png|Snakeman}} This race developed in an extremely hostile environment. They are extremely tough and can resist extreme temperature variations. Their mobility depends on a snake-like giant 'foot' which protects all the vital organs. Their objectives appear to be purely predatory and they appear to be under the command of some other Intelligence which directs their military-style incursions on earth. =====Medium Threat===== Snakemen usually won't show up for at least two or three months into the game. As their name suggests, they are reptilian, resembling snakes with arms, slithering along on their lower bodies. They have noticeably better armor than floaters or sectoids, and are capable of absorbing significantly more fire than either. Their combat stats are at least comparable to Floaters, possibly slightly better. They seem a little more willing to use grenades than Sectoids or Floaters, too. Their key flaw, however, is low mobility. They are not able to move very quickly, slower even than Sectoids. However, larger Snakeman missions involving Terror Units can be truly fearsome, with the inclusion of their devastating Chryssalid support units.
Name | Class | Target # | Base Hit Points | # of Hands | Move | Alien Ability | Psionic Skill |
Snakeman Soldier | Marine | 7 | 5 | 2 | 4 | Heat Resistant Half Carapace | 0 |
Snakeman Navigator | Pilot | 7 | 5 | 2 | 4 | Heat Resistant Half Carapace | 0 |
Snakeman Engineer | Engineer | 7 | 5 | 2 | 4 | Heat Resistant Half Carapace | 0 |
Snakeman Leader | Special | 7 | 5 | 2 | 4 | Heat Resistant Half Carapace | 0 |
Snakeman Commander | Special | 7 | 6 | 2 | 4 | Heat Resistant Half Carapace | 0 |