=====Search Deck===== Discarded items remain in the square of the character - place the card near the map, and put a counter on the square for the item. If an item is damaged, destroyed or ends up in Hell - put the card in the discard pile. Humans that become Cenobites or Creatures must immediately drop all items. Item breakdown- * 40% normal items * 20% healing items * 20% useless items * 10% special - casualty healing/dangerous items * 10% bad items
Number of CardsNameTypeStatisticsNotes
2BibleNormalWillpower +1
2KoranNormalMorality +1
2VedasNormalCreativity +1
2Confucian CanonNormalWits +1
2RevolverNormalStrength of 5 (does not add to statistic)Ranged. Roll a die whenever it is fired 1-4, attack as normal, 5, ammunition runs out, 6, misfire - gun explodes inflicting 1 Physical damage and is destroyed
2ShotgunNormalStrength of 7 (does not add to statistic) Ranged. Roll a die whenever it is fired 1-5, attack as normal ,6, misfire - gun explodes inflicting 2 Physical damage and is destroyed. The Shotgun can be fired twice
3Sharp ObjectNormalStrengthRanged. Range of Strength squares. Each square of range away from the thrower, the attack has one strength fewer. Place the item in the target square after it's thrown.
4KnifeNormalStrength +1
3Large Heavy ObjectNormalStrength +2, Speed -1
1Puzzle BoxNormalCreativity +1, Wits +1, Morality -1
1VideogameNormalCreativity +1, Wits +1, Willpower -1
3DictionaryNormalWits +1
3ThesaurusNormalCreativity +1
5First Aid KitHealing heals D6 physical damage (may not exceed initial scores). Usable 3 times. Does not work on non-Humans, casualties, or the skinned.
5LithiumHealing heals D6 mental damage (may not exceed initial scores). Usable 3 times. Does not work on non-Humans, casualties, or the skinned.
5ProsacHealing heals D6 spritual damage (may not exceed initial scores). Usable 3 times. Does not work on non-Humans, casualties, or the skinned.
2Somebody's WalletBadMorality -1
2SnacksBadWillpower -1
2BeerBadWits -1
2NewspaperBadCreativity -1
2JournalSpecial One complete turn of reading out the personal entries in this journal (and doing nothing else) while in the same room as a Cenobite that has 0 Spiritual (usually an ex-Human), that character turns back into a Human - add 1 to both Spiritual statistics. One use.
2Psychoanalytic BooksSpecial Spend one turn psychoanalysing an insane character to give the D6 temporary Mental statistics. These temporary statistics drop by 1 point per turn. The books have may be used any amount of times but are heavy and reduce Speed by half.
2Reanimation SerumSpecial Revives the dead. Roll a D6 for a corpse - 1 to 4, it is Human again. 5 or 6, it becomes a Creature. One use.