======Book Keeping====== ^ Go back to [[thiefgame]] ^ =====Owner Player===== ===Guards=== - Boredom---If a guard has reached the end of their [[ThiefgameguardsPatrols|Patrol Route]], check to see if they become bored. - New Rooms---Place any rooms that are within the LOS and FOV of any thief. - Old Rooms---Remove any rooms that are at least 3 rooms away from any thief and not within LOS or FOV. - Distractions---Resolve any off map distractions. Distracted guard off map return to their duties. - Pursuit---Any guards that are off map and in pursuit status change to alert status (Alert-Return) and begin returning to their patrol route. - Off Map Movement---Mark the movement of all off map/undetected guards and civilians. - Visibility---Check to see if any guards or civilians have moved onto the visible map, if so - place an unknown marker on the visible map for them. - On Map Movement---Place a destination marker for each guard, civilian and unknown marker on the map. =====Thief Player(s)===== - On Map Movement---Place a destination marker for your thief. - Healing---If you used a healing potion last turn, restore your thief back to full health.