====== The Warrior-Poet====== | [[start|Back to Companions]] | ===== Background ===== Your people have a saying. “When the gods beckon, you follow.” The Doctor offered you a place in his blue chariot, and you took it without hesitation.
Tags Moves Gear
+ any  Warrior-Poet Move Clothing +armor appropriate to your look. Describe it as you see fit.
Vortex Tags + another  Warrior-Poet Move Choose 1 wicked weapon
  • Fang Knife (+messy +hand) 
  • Glass Ripper (+hand +AP) 
  • Katar (+hand +valuable) 

Choose 1 elegant weapon

  • Force Sword (+AP +hi-tech +hand) 
  • Baroque Laser Rifle (+hi-tech +reload +autofire +valuable) 
  • Sonic Gauntlet (+stun +area +hi-tech +loud +implanted) 

Choose 1 nightmare weapon

  • Hellbore (+area +messy +refill +hi-tech +far) 
  • Swarm Projector (+AP l+oud +area +far) 
  • Psychic Drill (+stun +loud) 

Spend 1-Fate every time you use a nightmare weapon.

Emotional Keys
Pick two: Loyalty, Fear, one of the Ways of the Warrior. You get the stuff and trappings appropriate to an extreme lower class lifestyle. You’re either homeless and living in a stormdrain, or squatting. Either suits your expectations
Experience Fate Spark
(_) (_) (_) (_) (_) >> Improvement Romance Move

Improvements Your mate has +1 forward when Tempting Fate if they are near you, just from your protection. If someone is a danger to them, take +1 ongoing against them until your mate is safe.
Bonds and History
Improvements after your fifth Choose one or more. Best to choose many.
  • ____________ is my Elder. They have taught me much already. (+2) 
  • I hold ____________ in contempt for their past actions. (+1) 
  • ____________ has shown me that violence isn’t always the answer. (+1) 
  • ____________ friendship is worth more to me the Way of the Warrior. (+3) 
  • I have sworn a blood oath to protect ____________. (+2)

Changing images on this character sheet

To change the Fate clock image or the Spark image, left click on it, delete the current image, click on the "insert image icon", choose "link" and copy one of the following addresses in-



Choose your name, look, stats, moves, gear, bonds, and keys.


Windstorm, Lightning, Falling Star, Tornado, Night. Bear, Turtle, Stag, Lapwing, Crow, Owl.

Wisdom, Luck, Joy, Strength, Truth. Tree, Sky, Cloud, Mountain, River.


Feminine, masculine, androgynous, fluid, nonhuman.

Battered armor, patchwork armor, mismatched armour, modern armour, future armuor.

Stoic face, lined face, scowling face, weathered face, scarred face, flat face.

Calculating eyes, wild eyes, psycho eyes, cunning eyes, sad eyes, dead eyes.

Hard body, rangy body, huge body, buff body, wiry body, compact body, stocky body.


Choose one set.


You get all the basic moves, plus choose two Warrior-Poet moves.


Pick your three starting weapons. They are detailed below


Choose one or more. Best to choose many.

Starting Emotional Keys

Pick two: Loyalty, Fear, one of the Ways of the Warrior. Write them in “Mark Experience When …”

The Way of the Warrior

Your Starting Weapons

Wicked Weapon

This is a hand weapon, never a gun. It is usually crude and vicious, and was made by one of your people.

Elegant Weapon

In your travels with the Doctor, you have acquired, bartered, and bought quite a few weapons beyond the ken of your people.

Nightmare Weapon

The Doctor probably wouldn’t have approved of the use of these weapons under any circumstances.

Spend 1-Fate every time you use a nightmare weapon.