====== Character Sheets ====== ^ Go back to [[start|Wargrounds Canberra]] ^ ===== No Longer Used ===== This project has been superseded by NanDeck (makes it much easier). But I'll keep it on my website just because it was fun to do. ==== Forms ==== * Working Form: [[form|Fill in Character Sheet]] * Working Location: [[https://www.curufea.com/image.php]] * Test (same as working) * Form: [[form test|Fill in Character Sheet]] * Location: [[https://www.curufea.com/image_test.php]] ==== Code ==== 0) and ($tempwidth<4000)) { $width = $tempwidth; } else { $width = 530; // pixel size x of image }; $height = round($width*1.422); // size y of image $fontsize = round($width/26.5); $linespacing = round($fontsize*2); $borderwidth = round($width/100); $fontborder = round($borderwidth/2); $textlength = 30; // default placeholder photo to be replaced by image from form url $photo="https://www.worldhistory.org/uploads/images/15277.jpg"; if (isset($_GET["photo"])) $photo=$_GET["photo"]; // the image used for the coin piles $coins=$imagepath."coinpiles.png"; // the image used for the weapons space filler $weapons=$imagepath."weapons.png"; // array of default field names $names = array( "Player Name:", "Character's Name:", "Titles/Nicknames:", "Race/Species:", "Class & Tier:", "School of Magic-", "Faction:", "Warband:", "Marx:", "Fletching Colours-", "Character Background-"); // the field names used in the form $getnames = array( "name", "character", "title", "species", "class", "magic", "faction", "warband", "marx", "fletching", "background"); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 // 400px x 400px jpeg images stored on the image path (in the Dokuwiki media area) for faction logos $factions_images = array("greyscales.png", "clans.png", "empire.png", "horde.png", "wardens.png" ); // used to cross reference the form data to the image name (the Bureaucracy plugin for the Dokuwiki doesn't send selection number chosen) $factions_titles = array("Greyscales", "The Clans", "The Empire", "The Horde", "The Wardens"); // 2987px x 4250px jpeg images stored on the image path (in the Dokuwiki media area) for faction backgrounds $factions_backgrounds = array("2background.jpg", "0background.jpg", "1background.jpg", "3background.jpg","4background.jpg"); // count number of field names $numnames = count($names)-1; // As it is used multiple times, make the font border thingy a function function DoFontBorder ($im,$font_size,$start_x,$start_y,$colour,$font,$text,$font_border) { for ($x1=($start_x-$font_border);$x1<=($start_x+$font_border);$x1++) { for ($y1=($start_y-$font_border);$y1<=($start_y+$font_border);$y1++) { // imagettftext($im, $font_size, 0, $x1, $y1, $colour, $font, $text); }; }; }; // check if any variables have been sent to this image - if they have, overwrite the default player data for ($count=0;$count<=$numnames;$count++) { $player_data[$count]= $_GET[$getnames[$count]]; // Convert the text of the selection for faction to a number if ($count==6) { $player_data[$count]= array_search($_GET[$getnames[$count]],$factions_titles); $bgimage=$factions_backgrounds [$player_data[$count]]; }; }; // Background image texture - now themed to faction $imageback = $imagepath.$bgimage; $im2 = imagecreatefromjpeg("$imageback"); // Create image $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); // pick color for the text $fontcolour = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); // pick color for text borders $bordercolour = imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255, 255); // add background texture imagecopyresized($image, $im2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height,imagesx($im2), imagesy($im2)); imagedestroy($im2); // x,y coords for imagettftext defines the baseline of the text: the lower-left corner // so the x coord can stay as 0 but you have to add the font size to the y to simulate // top left boundary so we can write the text within the boundary of the image $x = $fontsize; $y = $fontsize; $showstuff = true; // by default show all fields // Add weapons to the character Sheet if there's no character background if (strlen($player_data[9])+strlen($player_data[10])==0) { $im6 = imageCreateFromPng($weapons); imagecopyresized($image,$im6, $linespacing*2, $linespacing*13,0,0,round($width/3.5),round($width/3), imagesx($im6), imagesy($im6)); imagedestroy($im6); }; // Add coin piles to the character Sheet $im5 = imageCreateFromPng($coins); if (strlen($player_data[7])>15) { // Move the coin piles down to fit long warband names imagecopyresized($image,$im5, round($width/2), $linespacing*7,0,0,round($width/2),round($width/8), imagesx($im5), imagesy($im5)); } else { imagecopyresized($image,$im5, round($width/2), $linespacing*6,0,0,round($width/2),round($width/8), imagesx($im5), imagesy($im5)); }; imagedestroy($im5); // Add the large W imagettftext($image, $fontsize*3, 0, round($width*0.8), round($width/6), $fontcolour, $font_wargrounds, "W"); for ($count=0;$count<=$numnames;$count++) { $y=$y+$linespacing; // increment by estimated line separation height // Clunky bit to do positioning. if ($count==3||$count==4) $y=$y+$linespacing; // blank lines to separate if ($count==6) { // right column $y= $linespacing*5; $x= round($width/2); }; if ($count==8) { // centre the last text in the right column $text = $names[$count] . " 999"; // add possible length $text_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize,0,$font,$text); // makes an array of co-ordinates for the text box // Get your Text Width and $text_width = $text_box[2]-$text_box[0]; $x = round(($width*2/3)-($text_width/2)); // middle of the right column minus half the size of the text $y=$y+$linespacing; }; if ($count==9) { // Do the new Fletching field $y=$fontsize+($linespacing*10); $x = $fontsize; }; if ($count==10) { // Do the new background field $y=$fontsize+($linespacing*12); $x = $fontsize; }; // Player data in olde english font $text_box = imagettfbbox($fontsize,0,$font,$names[$count]); // workout where the field name ends $text_width = $text_box[2]-$text_box[0]+round($fontsize/2); $text = $player_data[$count]; // Hide the magic, fletching and background fields if they aren't filled in if (($count==5) and strlen($text)<1) $showstuff = false; if (($count==9) and strlen($text)<1) $showstuff = false; if (($count==10) and strlen($text)<1) $showstuff = false; // Do the border for the field names if ($showstuff) DoFontBorder ($image,$fontsize,$x,$y,$bordercolour,$font,$names[$count],$fontborder); // Field names in blackwood castle font if ($showstuff) imagettftext($image, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y, $fontcolour, $font, $names[$count]); if ($showstuff==false) $showstuff=true; // Change the selected faction to readable text (and add faction logo) if ($count==6) { $text = $factions_titles[intval($player_data[$count])]; $faction= $imagepath.$factions_images[intval($player_data[$count])]; $im3 = imageCreateFromPng($faction); // Put in the faction logo $ratio = imagesy($im3)/imagesx($im3); // Try to keep the logos in the same aspect ratio imagecopyresized($image,$im3, round($width*0.84), round($linespacing*2.3), 0, 0, round($width/8), round($width/8*$ratio),imagesx($im3), imagesy($im3)); imagedestroy($im3); }; // Print the data // Put titles, magic type, fletching and background on the next line so it fits if (($count==5) or ($count==9)or ($count==10)) { if ($count==10) { $maxlen=25; // when to go to the next line $shorter = explode(" ",$text); $currentlength=0; // running total of the line length $currentline=1; $currentword=0; $text=""; for ($wordcount=0;$wordcount$maxlen){ $currentlength=0; if ($currentline<12) { DoFontBorder ($image,round($fontsize*3/4),$x,$y+(round($linespacing/2)*$currentline),$bordercolour,$font_data,$text,$fontborder); imagettftext($image, round($fontsize*3/4), 0, $x, $y+(round($linespacing/2)*$currentline), $fontcolour, $font_data,$text); }; $text=""; $currentline++; }; }; } else { DoFontBorder ($image,$fontsize,$x,$y+$linespacing,$bordercolour,$font_data,$text,$fontborder); imagettftext($image, $fontsize, 0, $x, $y+$linespacing, $fontcolour, $font_data, $text); }; } else { if (($count==2) or ($count==4) or ($count==7)) { // make titles, class and background smaller to fit $maxlen=15; if ($count==2) $maxlen=25; if (strlen($text)>$maxlen) { // split long lines in two $string_break=stripos($text," ",$maxlen-3); // look for the first space after the $maxlen-3 character if (strlen($text)>$maxlen*2) $text=substr($text,0,stripos($text,",",$maxlen*2)); // truncate ludicrously long strings DoFontBorder ($image,round($fontsize*3/4),$x+$text_width,$y,$bordercolour,$font_data,substr($text,0,$string_break),$fontborder); DoFontBorder ($image,round($fontsize*3/4),$x+$text_width-($text_width*($count==2)),$y+($linespacing/1.5),$bordercolour,$font_data,substr($text,$string_break-strlen($text)),$fontborder); imagettftext($image, round($fontsize*3/4), 0, $x+$text_width, $y, $fontcolour, $font_data,substr($text,0,$string_break)); imagettftext($image, round($fontsize*3/4), 0, $x+$text_width-($text_width*($count==2)), $y+($linespacing/1.5), $fontcolour, $font_data,substr($text,$string_break-strlen($text))); } else { DoFontBorder ($image,round($fontsize*3/4),$x+$text_width,$y,$bordercolour,$font_data,$text,$fontborder); imagettftext($image, round($fontsize*3/4), 0, $x+$text_width, $y, $fontcolour, $font_data, $text); }; } else { DoFontBorder ($image,$fontsize,$x+$text_width,$y,$bordercolour,$font_data,$text,$fontborder); imagettftext($image, $fontsize, 0, $x+$text_width, $y, $fontcolour, $font_data, $text); }; }; }; // Add the photo to the character Sheet $im4 = imagecreatefromjpeg($photo); $ratio = imagesy($im4)/imagesx($im4); // Try to keep the photo in the same aspect ratio $start_x=round($width/1.8); $start_y= round($width/1.5); $i_width= round($width*0.4); $i_height= round($i_width*$ratio); $end_x= $start_x+$i_width; $end_y= $start_y+$i_height; // Draw border imagefilledrectangle($image,$start_x-$borderwidth,$start_y-$borderwidth,$end_x+$borderwidth,$end_y+$borderwidth, $fontcolour); // Resize and place in character Sheet imagecopyresized($image, $im4, $start_x, $start_y, 0,0, $i_width, $i_height, imagesx($im4), imagesy($im4)); imagedestroy($im4); // tell the browser that the content is an image header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); // output image to the browser imagejpeg($image); // delete the image resource imagedestroy($image); ?>