Attack - Combat vs Target #. Optionally -1 for every full 10 squares of distance. Must have line of sight.
Attack Personal Equipment - Combat vs 11. Optionally -1 for every full 10 squares of distance. Must have line of sight. Item is broken until repaired
Assist - A character may make a difficulty 8 skill check to assist another character in the same skill. If successful and next to the character they are assisting - or at a battlestation (if remote, then the remote penalty of -3 applies), they increase the target character's skill by +1 for their next skill check.
Block [GCW] - Requires a successful Grapple. Until the end of the next phase, the loser's movement is reduced by the Grapple Margin. If 0 or below, target is immobilized (this includes the Whistler Puff move).
Brace [auto] - A braced character can reroll any damage taken from internal hits that affect their character until their next phase.
Carry the Fallen [auto] - A character may carry one other character that is willing or incapacitated. -1 to Move and -3 to all Skills while carrying.
Confuse Enemy [PT] - Diplomacy vs 8+range to enemy character. If successful the enemy's next action is at -1. For each additional -1 to the enemy, the difficulty increases by +3.
Coup de Grace [GCW] - Requires one action to prepare. Only works on characters and Bots that cannot defend themselves. Must be next to target. Does triple damage. Melee attack only.
CPR [PG] - Science vs 11 (+3 with medkit) to allow a dying target to make an athletics check vs 11 to not suffer end of round damage from dying.
Crush [GCW] - Requires a successful Grapple. The Grapple Margin counts as damage. Armour and special abilities apply except for the Tentac ability. Every 6 damage points caused in this manner raises the damage level of a Bot.
Deactivate Bot [PG] - Science or Engineering vs 14 to deactivate a friendly Bot. Deactivated Bots do not require life support, but can only be re-activated after the mission.
Diplomatic Approach [PT] - Diplomacy vs 18+MD. Replaces a “warp-in”.
Dismantle Heavy Weapon [GCW] - Engineering vs 8. Once dismantled it may be moved according to Carry the Fallen. Heavy weapons can only be moved if they are dismantled first.
Dive on Grenade [auto] - A character moves onto a grenade. When the grenade explodes the character suffers 6D6 damage. The grenade causes no other damage.
Draw [auto] - A character moves an item that is slung, to one of their empty hands.
Drop Item [auto] [free] - A character may drop anything they are holding in their hands onto the ground.
Enter by Force [PG] - Science vs 11 to hack through the outer airlock of a ship. or 10 points in one hit, or 20 points of damage over time will open a portal.
Fireman's Carry [PG] - Athletics vs 11 to pick up a second fallen character. +3 for each additional. Each carried character is -1 to move (minimum 1) and requires a hand.
Force Morale Check [PT] - Diplomacy vs distance to enemy ship. Each oration adds +3 to the difficulty. If successful adds +1 to enemy morale checks.
Give [auto] - Give a held item to a character in an adjacent square.
Grapple [GCW] - Requires an empty hand or the difficulty increases by 3. Defender has free melee attack. Combat vs own Target # for each character (may be lowered with Agile ability) - number of success is the Grapple Margin (ie the smaller the target number = the larger the creature = better at grapple). the winner my Block, Crush, Hinder, Throw or Wrest. OOC modifies Grapple as it does every other skill.
Heal - Requires medkit. Science vs 8. Every success over 8 heals 1 hp.
Hinder [GCW] - Requires a successful Grapple. The Grapple Margin counts as penalties to the target's actions in the next phase.
Mad Dash [PG] - Athetics vs 11 before moving to move an extra square. +3 for each additional square you want to move.
Move [auto] - A character may make another move as their action.
Overwatch [auto] - A character declares a trigger event and an action that will be performed for that event. The action takes place outside of the character's normal turn.
Pack [auto] - it requires two actions to put a held item into a Pack.
Password Hack [PG] - To hack all battlestations in a single module with one action is Science vs 14.
Peek [auto] - A character that has one square of movement left may declare themselves to be peeking into another square. For targetting purposes they may draw line of sight from either square, count as being in either square, and receive +1 to their target number.
Pick up [auto] - A character moves an item from the floor of the square they are in or adjacent to, into one of their empty hands. If the item is in a occupied square, the character in that square may make a free melee attack on them.
Pop [auto] - A character may move one square or stay still, and have one action at -1. After the action they may move back into their original square if they had moved and if they have not yet taken their move.
Prepare [auto] - A character may spend their action preparing for a declared action next phase. They receive a +1 bonus to their skill for the next action. A character may not prepare for more than +1 unless they have the special ability of Patient. NPCs cannot prepare.
Quickdraw [free] - Athletics vs 8. A slung item becomes held. Further actions this phase incur a -3 penalty. Must have an empty hand. +3 difficulty for each additional item [PG]
Quickgive [free] [PG] - Athletics vs 8. Give a held item to a character in an adjacent square. Further actions this phase (for the giver) incur a -3 penalty.
Quickpick [free] [PG] - Athletics vs 8. A character moves an item from the floor of the square they are in or adjacent to, into one of their empty hands. If the item is in a occupied square, the character in that square may make a free melee attack on them. Further actions this phase (for the giver) incur a -3 penalty.
Quicksling [free] [PG] - Athletics vs 8. One held item becomes slung. +3 difficulty for each additional item. Further actions this phase (for the giver) incur a -3 penalty.
Quicksnatch [GCW] - +3 difficulty to Quickdraw to take an item from a willing or unresisting adjacent character, or the square you are in or ajacent to. Further actions this phase (for the giver) incur a -3 penalty. [PG]
Quickswitch [GCW] - +3 difficulty to Quickdraw to swap an item in your hand with a slung item. Further actions this phase (for the giver) incur a -3 penalty. [PG]
Rally [PT] - Diplomacy vs 11+ distance to ship. Success raises morale level by one. Failure has no effect.
Recovery [auto] - A character that is healed from a negative to a positive amount of hit points must spend their next action recovering.
Repair Item - Science vs 11. Must be next to the item.
Sabotage Module - Combat vs 2 to hit module. Module is damaged on each 6 on a damage die.
Set up Heavy Weapon [GCW] - Engineering vs 8. Once setup it may be used. You must be in the same space as the weapon. While operating the weapon, it raises your target # by 1 unless you already have a shield.
Sling [auto] - Moves an item from a character's hand to a slunk location
Throw [GCW] - Requires a successful Grapple. Throw the target a number os squares equal to the Grapple Margin. Winner remains in place. If adjacent to an airlock, can throw them into space (athletics vs 8 to avoid being thrown into space). Only powered armour may throw powered armour.
Two Weapon Attack - If two or more weapons are held in hands, then two attacks may be made with a -6 penalty on each attack.
Unpack [auto] - it requires two actions to take a item from a Pack and put it in you hand.
Wrest [GCW] - Requires a successful Grapple. Take one item from the loser that they are holding or is slung other than cyberwear or armour. May also be dropped in an adjacent square. Grenades may not be activated while wresting.