Skill: Engineering
Difficulty: 11
Uses Module: No
Can be done Remotely: No
Energy: None
Can be done more than once per Round: Yes
Cargo bays may contain goods and equipment. They may also be used to store auxillary equipment for free before a mission begins.
Goods take up a 1×1 square each. Goods and Auxillary Equpment slow movement in the same manner as a slagged module (ie move cost doubled).
Up to 3 pieces of auxillary equipment may be placed in a Cargo Bay (4 if upgraded). Each piece takes up a 2×2 square (except for the Auxilary Fighter which is 2×4). These items must be requisitioned or purchased unless they are marked [free].
Armoury [GCW 16] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 13
Stores up to 150 mass of equipment, items within armoury are not subjected to EMP, quickdraw action to get 1 chosen item into hand or slung, if armoury is broken items become inaccessible, if slagged all items suffer EMP
Upgraded: Stores up to 300 mass
Atmospherics [PG 13] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 10
Maneuvering in atmosphere at effective shipsize - 1, landing gear absorbs up to 6 hull damage upon landing, cargobay must have outside facing
Upgraded: Effective shipsize - 2
AutoEngineer [PG 13] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
Professional engineering 3, armoured, ignores OOC, operates battlestations remote at no penalty
Upgraded: Professional engineering +1, can also get AI upgrade (see bot upgrades)
AutoMarine [PG 13] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
Professional combat 3, armoured, ignores OOC, operates battlestations remote at no penalty
Upgraded: Professional combat +1, can also get AI upgrade (see bot upgrades)
AutoPilot [PG 13] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
Professional piloting 3, armoured, ignores OOC, operates battlestations remote at no penalty
Upgraded: Professional piloting +1, can also get AI upgrade (see bot upgrades)
AutoScientist [PG 13] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
Professional science 3, armoured, ignores OOC, operates battlestations remote at no penalty
Upgraded: Professional science +1, can also get AI upgrade (see bot upgrades)
Auxiliary Fighter [GCW 16] Price: 1500 2 cargo Req: 15
Hangar extra fighter adjacent to fighter bay, can be transfered to fighter bay and be launched
Upgraded: Cargo item itself not upgradable but fighter is
Battery [BCR 41] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 11
Make engineering check vs 8 to distribute power equal to the number successes on helm, guns and shield, counts as engine module action, failure will still exhaust the battery not gaining any energy from it, once per mission only
Upgraded: (unofficial) bonus +1 to engineering
Brig [POT 21] Price: 350 1 cargo Req: 10
Holds up to 3 characters, reroll each die that would damage the brig, characters inside get reroll vs damage from outside as long brig is functional, if brig is damaged characters sustain 1d6 damage and are set free, lock from outside using science check, to unlock science check higher equal than check during locking
Upgraded: Bonus +1 to science check when locking
CargoArm [PG 13] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
Retrieve small objects in your hex and place in cargo bay, can grab tractored missiles, check engineering vs shipspeed, cargobay must have outside facing
Upgraded: (unofficial) bonus +1 to grab check
Digital Actualizer [DOD 8] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
You may ask 1 free follow-up question when asking yes/no questions, if you fail the initial science check you must make a sanity check
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Diplomacy Protocol Studio [POT 21] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
Bonus +1 to all diplomacy skill checks from this ship
Upgraded: Bonus is +2
Docking Clamps [GCW 17] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 9
While docked to other ship take action (engineering vs from any battlestation to lock or unlock, break free with maneuver at difficulty +3 and suffer 3d6 hull damage, if maneuver fails both ships suffer normal OOC - shipsize
Upgraded: Break-free-difficulty modifier increases by +3
EAME [BCR 41] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 0
Can be used as any kind of module for one action and then is destroyed, engineering vs 11 to configure as chosen module, all restriction must still be met (max 4 modules per type, facing restrictions)
Upgraded: (unofficial) bonus +1 to engineering when reconfiguring
EMP Generator [POT 21] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 12
Activate from any battlestation with science vs 11, treat every space onboard the ship as though in LOS of a EMP grenade detonation, generator can only be used once per round
Upgraded: (unofficial) bonus +1 to science check
Explosion Modulator [POT 21] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
The ships shield levels are considered doubled against explosions of ships or the fusion cannon
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Gas Generator [BW 7] Price: 350 1 cargo Req: 10
Generate gas effect of your choice in all of the ships non-broken modules, science vs 8 to activate, roll d6 each phase and dissipate on 6
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Ghoster [DOD 8] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 11
The device allows anyone in the cargo bay as a normal action to become living plasma, teleporting between functioning battlestations once per phase where they may make a battlestations action, if the device is broken while anyone is energized they must pass athletics s 11 or become enemy ghosts (see DOD 37), device need to be repaired for ghosts to return to normal state, if it is deactivated ghosts corporealizes and must make sanity check, ghosts cannot leave the ship
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Gymnasium [POT 21] Price: 300 1 cargo Req: 8
All crew starting the mission on a ship with a gymnasium automatically succeed on the first athletics check they attempt in a mission, enemy crews from such ships get a free reroll on each athletics check
Upgraded: Automatically succeed in the first two athletics checks
Hull Stabilizer [BCR2 41] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 8
Reroll up to both dice in a hull check once, not cumulative
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Inertial Dampener [POT 21] Price: 450 1 cargo Req: 9
Engineering vs 8 to set maximum OOC to a value between 1 - 6, OOC that exceeds the current maximum becomes hull damage
Upgraded: Bonus +1 to engineering check
Ionizer [POT 21] Price: 550 1 cargo Req: 13
On/Off, while active all ion bore levels onboard are considered one level higher, multiple ionizer are not cumulative
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Local Life Support [BCR2 41] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 8
Grants life support for one additional passenger, also acts as EVA for all personnel in the respective cargo bay
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Megafin [POT 22] Price: 400 1 cargo Req: 10
Choose direction when deploying, engineering vs 8 to undeploy or redeploy, bonus +3 to all attempts to turn in one direction but -3 penalty to turn the other way, no modification if undeployed, multiple megafins are cumulative
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Megateleportometer [POT 22] Price: 450 1 cargo Req: 13
Bonus +3 to all attempts to use a teleporter, multiple megateleportometers are not cumulative
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Mine Sweeper [GCW 17] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 11
Upon entering a hex with a mine take action at any battlestation, place 1 used marker and roll 1d6 (luckable) if > #used successful else mine goes off in cargobay
Upgraded: (unofficial) bonus +1 to d6 roll
Neutralizing Dampener [BW 7] Price: 350 1 cargo Req: 10
Generates field that prevents ERG barrels any where on the ship from detonation when destroyed
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Ouchifier [POT 22] Price: 600 1 cargo Req: 14
On/Off, each occupant onboard when ouchifier is active suffers 1d6 damage per phase, all damage reduction applies
Upgraded: Not upgradable
PA Charging Station [GCW 18] Price: 3000 1 cargo Req: 17
Supports one powered armour
Upgraded: Charging station is not upgradable but powered armour is
Radium Cannon Feed [POT 22] Price: 700 1 cargo Req: 15
Cannon deals -1 per die of hull damage and +1 per die of personal damage, module damage and OOC are calculated based on the unmodified die rolls
Upgraded: Not upgradable
RecRoom [PG 13] Price: 1000 1 cargo Req: 14
Up to 4 crew may spend one upgrade attempt here to gain 1 temporary luck for the mission
Upgraded: (unofficial) supports up to 5 crew
Rocket Booster [POT 22] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 8
Requires external aft facing cargo bay, fire booster from any battlestation as automatic action, ships speed cannot exceed 11 surplus generates more OOC, reload booster costs 50, can be mounted to the front to decelerate effect: roll 3d6 (luckable) ; highest: add to hull damage; middle: add to OOC; lowest: add to speed
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Safety Chamber [POT 22] Price: 250 2 cargo Req: 9
Can hold 1 cargo item or 4 barrel sized items, all items or characters inside get reroll on all destruction or damage dice while, chamber is functional, chamber itself has damage die reroll while functioning
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Self Destruct System [POT 22] Price: 750 1 cargo Req: 16
Requires authorized helm action at all three helm battlestations in the same phase to activate, usually set for 12 phases, cannot be set for lower than 3 phases, to deactivate requires an action at all three helm battlestations these need not be in the same phase, this cargo item cannot be damaged, if the countdown finishes the ship explodes
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Shield Transponder [GCW 69] Price: 1500 1 cargo Req: 11
Ignore your own shields power level for the purpose of teleporting
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Shieldcutter [POT 23] Price: 500 1 cargo Req: 15
On/Off, while online your ships gun attacks ignore targets shields but you suffer an attack equal to the targets shields, apply own shields against this attack, this blowback occurs even if you miss, shieldcutter can only be used if target is within a range equal to your guns power level
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Solar Sails [POT 23] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 10
Requires exterior facing cargo bay, if deployed and in a system with a sun generate one power during power generation, engineering vs 11 to furl or unfurl not remotely, if cargo bay is damaged while sail is unfurled it is destroyed
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Stabilizing Fin [GCW 17] Price: 250 1 cargo Req: 10
Once per round reduce OOC generated by a failed maneuver by 1
Upgraded: OOC reduction per round is now 2
Stun Generator [POT 23] Price: 350 1 cargo Req: 11
Activate from any battlestation with science vs 8 + 3 x used, treat every space onboard the ship as though in LOS of a stun grenade detonation, used markers are removed at end of campaign turn
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Targeting Computer [GCW 17] Price: 1000 1 cargo Req: 14
Choose computer configuration (blast, laser, multi), grants +1 to cannon attacks of chosen configuration
Upgraded: Bonus becomes +2
TeleChute [PG 13] Price: 1250 1 cargo Req: 14
Before mission place 2 telechute markers on empty spaces on your ship, those spaces are now adjacent but have no LOS to each other
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Tractor Bay [BW 7] Price: 350 1 cargo Req: 10
Tractor bay has been miniaturized to cargo bay item, requires outside cargo bay
Upgraded: Not upgradable
Warp Inhibitor [POT 23] Price: 450 1 cargo Req: 13
While online add +3 to the difficulty to operate a hyperdrive if within 12 hexes of the inhibitor or any of your science probes, affects your own ship, multiple inhibitors are cumulative
Upgraded: Not upgradable