Blast Pistol Price: 250 Mass: 4 Req: 8
[energy] Damage 2D6-2
Blast Rifle Price: 500 Mass: 8 Req: 10
[energy] Damage 2D6-1. Can be fired twice a phase (with Nimble Special Ability)
Disintegrator Price: 550 Mass: 9 Req: 10
[energy] Damage athletics roll vs 8 or be disintegrated. Ignores armour. Does 2D6 damage to modules. Equipment just makes a base roll, though the character carrying it can use luck.
EMP Pistol Price: 600 Mass: 5 Req: 8
[energy] Damage breaks all energy equipment carried until repaired or end of the campaign turn. No effect on modules.
Heavy Blaster [GCW] Price: 350 Mass: 75 Req: 10
[energy][heavy] Damage 3D6-1
Heavy Disruptor [GCW] Price: 450 Mass: 75 Req: 11
[energy][heavy] Damage 3D6-6. If damage is caused the target must drop all carried items.
Heavy Ion Bore [GCW] Price: 600 Mass: 75 Req: 12
[energy][heavy] Damage 2D6. +1D6 cummulative every subsequent hit (up to 6D6 total)
Heavy Laser [GCW] Price: 450 Mass: 75 Req: 12
[energy][heavy] Damage 2D6. Ignores all armour and special/alien abilities that reduce damage.
Heavy Particle Rifle [GCW] Price: 1500 Mass: 75 Req: 14
[energy][heavy] Damage of number of success D6 up to a maximum of 4D6.
Ion Bore Price: 450 Mass: 9 Req: 10
[energy] Damage 1D6 cummulative per hit up to a maximum of 6D6. Science vs 11 to de-ionise and reduce cummulation to start. Same cummulative effect on modules.
Laser Rifle Price: 300 Mass: 9 Req: 10
[energy] Damage 1d6 +1 to combat skill. Ignores armour and alien damage reduction abilities.
Microblaster Price: 150 Mass: 1 Req: 8
[energy] Damage 1d6 May be drawn and fired as one action at -1 instead of the normal quickdraw penalty of -3.
Needle Pistol Price: 300 Mass: 4 Req: 9
Damage according to drug. Target's armour counts as negative modifier to hit. May only have one type of drug per mission.
Needle Rifle Price: 400 Mass: 7 Req: 10
Damage according to drug. Target's armour counts as negative modifier to hit. Has all drugs per mission, choose when fired.
Needler Amunition
Effect last entire mission unless science vs 11 with medkit is made to cancel. The Needler drugs are not cummulative with the same drug of the same type - but are cummulative with other drugs (ie suscepto and oucho both work together).
Nerve Disruptor Price: 300 Mass: 5 Req: 9
[energy] Damage 2D6-4 and if the target is damaged it drops everything in their hands.
Particle Rifle Price: 1000 Mass: 12 Req: 12
[energy] Damage is the number of dice by which the to hit roll is made, up to 3D6. Roll 2D6 module damage for the module the rifle was fired from and does 1 hull damage.
Plasma Projector Price: 1100 Mass: 20 Req: 12
[energy] Damage 1D6-1 roll to hit each target in a straight line from the centre of firer to the target's square, even if the squares are only partially hit. Firer chooses if to use combat skill for each target's to hit. If the damage done to a target is a 6, they are on fire and burn each phase until extinguished (1D6-1 damage). Extinguishing a fire requires a battlestation and science vs 11 or using a medkit. Roll 1D for each module the shot goes through.
Rocket Pistol Price: 1200 Mass: 6 Req: 13
[energy] Damage as grenade type. Difficulty of shot is distance to target point and may scatter. Explodes on impact.
Stun Gun Price: 200 Mass: 3 Req: 8
[energy] Damage stun. Athletics vs 11 or be stunned. 2 Stun counters. 1 removed each Round. All removed if damaged.
Voltrex [GCW] Price: 675 Mass: 11 Req: 13
[energy] Determine how many shots to fire (1 to 4). -1 for each shot. All shots occur in the same action. Professional reroll applies to the first shot only - other shots require luck to reroll. Each shot does 1D6 damage. If the to hit roll is a double, the weapon also breaks (and either hits or misses). Science vs 11 to repair.
Blunt Object
Damage athletics+2 using weapon to bash.
E-Blade Price: 1300 Mass: 8 Req: 14
[energy] Damage 3D6-3 if the combat roll is doubles, the wielder takes damage. The module in which the blade is used takes 1D6 and 1 hull damage.
Damage 1D6 up to a maximum of athletics. Cannot damage modules.
Knife Price: 5 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Damage 1D6
Stun Stick [GCW] Price: 350 Mass: 3 Req: 10
[energy] Damage stun. Athletics vs 11 or be stunned. 2 Stun counters. 1 removed each Round. All removed if damaged.
Vibraknife Price: 250 Mass: 4 Req: 9
[energy] Damage 1D6. Ignore armour and alien damage reduction. If EMPed it is -1 to hit and 1d6-1 damage.
Arming a grenade is a free action. Grenades detonate at the end of the following phase (during bookkeeping for that phase). Hurling is an action. Grenades can be intercepted, kicked or dived on.
EMP Price: 25 Mass: 2 Req: 8
[energy] Damage as EMP Pistol. Line of sight. Breaks energy equipment until after mission. Does not affect modules.
Energy Price: 25 Mass: 2 Req: 8
[energy] Damage 2D6-range Roll for each target. Range is doubled if there is no line of sight to the detonation point. Module takes 3D6, adjacent modules 1D6.
Flare [PG] Price: 25 Mass: 2 Req: 8
An action to activate. Increases your ability to be targeted by 3 (ie +3 to be hit). To coat a target with the flare is Combat vs distance+target #. Not cummulative. Removing a flare requires a medkit and science vs 11.
Fragmentation Price: 25 Mass: 2 Req: 8
Damage 2D6-range Roll for each target. Range is doubled if there is no line of sight to the detonation point. Armour counts double. Module takes 3D6, adjacent modules 1D6.
Fritzer [GCW] Price: 25 Mass: 2 Req: 8
Damage 4D6 vs module. 2D6 vs adjacent modules. 1D6 to characters (minus distance, minus double if no line of sight).
Frostbomb [PG] Price: 25 Mass: 2 Req: 8
Roll vs 11 minus the distance for every fire in line of sight or be extinguished. Characters in line of sight must roll athletics vs the same difficulty or suffer a reduction in move equal to the difference (down to a minimum of 1 move). Recovering move requires a medkit and science vs 11.
Heavy Energy [GCW] Price: 50 Mass: 3 Req: 8
[energy] Damage 3D6-range Roll for each target. Range is doubled if there is no line of sight to the detonation point. Module takes 3D6, adjacent modules 1D6. Difficulty to throw is 3x distance.
Heavy Fragmentation [GCW] Price: 50 Mass: 3 Req: 8
Damage 3D6-range Roll for each target. Range is doubled if there is no line of sight to the detonation point. Armour counts double. Module takes 3D6, adjacent modules 1D6. Difficulty to throw is 3x distance.
Stun Price: 25 Mass: 2 Req: 8
[energy] Damage stun. Line of sight. Athletics vs 11 or be stunned. 2 Stun counters. 1 removed each Round. All removed if damaged.
Satchel Charge Price: 100 Mass: 5 Req: 11
[energy] One action to activate timer. One action to set timer to number of phases (default is 0). Dropping is not an action. One action to hurl satchel up to athletics squares. Can be detonated with remote trigger or wristcomp. Roll 1D6 for the module it detonates in: [1-3] Occupants take 1D6 damage, 1D6 hull damage [4-6] Occupants take 2D6 damage, module receives a damage marker, 1D6 hull damage.
Armour Price: 200 Mass: 10 Req: 8
Reduces damage by 1.
Bandage [PG] Price: 10 Mass: 1 Req: n/a
[auto] heal 1 hit point.
Bipod [GCW] Price: 50 Mass: 2 Req: n/a
[auto] spend an action to setup and receive +1 to Combat with the weapon attached to the bipod. Only useful for ranged personal weapons. If you move, the effect is nullified and it must be setup again.
Canary 4900 [PG] Price: 300 Mass: 1 Req: 10
[free] May ask any yes/no questions related to the user's exposure. Does not need to be held. You may do this (Science skill x 2) times per mission.
Electrocuffs [GCW] Price: 100 Mass: 1 Req: 8
[energy] Science vs 8 to put on. May only be put on willing or incapacitated characters. Wearer is at -3 to all actions including movement (move has a minimum of 1). A target may wear up to three Electrocuffs which are cummulative. Characters may be controlled with a Grapple action while cuffed. Escaping the cuffs is a science vs 8 difficulty (before the negatives for the cuffs are figured in).
EVA Price: 100 Mass: 5 Req: 8
[energy] Provides life support for 100 rounds.
Froster [PG] Price: 100 Mass: 5 Req: 9
Combat vs 8 to extinguish a fire marker. Reduces a targets move by 1 for the rest of the round (cummulative but minimum of 1
Gamma Ray Gun [PG] Price: 500 Mass: 7 Req: 11
[energy] Combat vs 8 to hit radiation marker. Roll double the number of successes to neutralise the radiation (requires a 6). If a character is hit with this gun, athletics vs 11 or have their radiation level increased by 1.
Gravsled [PG] Price: 100 Mass: 10 Req: 9
[energy] Stores up to 100 mass of stuff. Equipment may be dropped on it (even if forced to drop). May also carry one fallen comrade. Anyone can move it with an empty hand (and 10 free carrying capacity).
HMA [PG] Price: 400 Mass: 10 Req: 11
[energy] Hazardous Material Apparatus. +1 to athletics checks vs hazardous effects and diseases. 1000 phases of EVA. Flame retardant (may reroll fire damage). Requires an action to wear, reduces move by 1, and doesn't use a hand to operate. Fits any race.
Jetpack Price: 500 Mass: 4 Req: 13
[energy] Piloting vs 8 to get a jet move. Piloting vs 11 to have all moves be jet moves. Failure is how much damage taken in hit points and move. May not travel through enemies or slagged modules but otherwise may move to any square in line of sight.
Macroscope [PG] Price: 1250 Mass: 3 Req: 14
[energy] The Understander. Science vs 11 to get a one word answer to a single question about anything viewed with the Macroscope. The Macroscope has no range (you must be adjacent to the target).
Medkit Price: 250 Mass: 5 Req: 8
[energy] Science check vs 8. Each point over heals.
Pack Price: 10 Mass: 2 Req: 6
Anything put in a pack is half mass - but drawing out the item costs two actions instead of one unless the character has infinite hands.
Portaram [PG] Price: 500 Mass: 5 Req: 9
[energy] -3 to use in combat. Damage 1D6+athletics. Double damage vs external airlocks.
Scope [GCW] Price: 150 Mass: 1 Req: 8
A prepare action against a target that remains within line of sight with the ranged personal weapon that the scope is attached to receives +3. This bonus is only applied to the first prepare action for heroes with Patient.
Shield Price: 200 Mass: 10 Req: 11
+1 to target number.
Toolkit Price: 100 Mass: 5 Req: 8
[energy] +1 to Engineering when repairing, upgrading a module or reconfiguring the Cannon.
Turbo Power Pack [GCW] Price: 200 Mass: 5 Req: 12
[energy] Any energy weapon equipped with this device may now be fired more than once per phase - if the character is able to fire a weapon more than once a phase.
Wristcomp Price: 1000 Mass: 4 Req: 13
[energy] Does not take up a hand. Can be used as a remote detonator. Adds +1 to Hacking. Can be used to scan onboard a ship - difficulty is distance in squares.
Acceleroid [PG] Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Adds +1 to move and +3 to Mad Dash checks. Lasts entire mission unless detoxed. All other skills are at -1.
Aggro Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Adds +1 to combat. Lasts entire mission unless detoxed. All other skills except Athletics are at -1.
Antishok Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Reduces damage by 1. Lasts entire mission unless detoxed. All other skills except Athletics are at -1.
Detox Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Eliminates all active drugs and all side effects
Flyboy Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Adds +1 to piloting. Lasts entire mission unless Detoxed. All other skills except Athletics are at -1.
Innoculex [PG] Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Adds +3 to all passive athletics checks (ie to ressist things). Lasts entire mission unless detoxed. All other active skills are at -1.
Nytynyte Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Athletics vs 11 or go unconscious until damaged or science vs 11 by someone else.
Radzene [PG] Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Reduces radiation level by 1. Each dose deals a cummulative 1d6 of damage in a mission (ie 3rd dose does 3d6 damage).
Roid Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Adds +1 to athletics but does not affect hit points. Lasts entire mission unless detoxed. All other skills are at -1.
Stim [PG] Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Move -1. If incapacitated, you may still move at -3 to your move (minimum 1 move). Continues to work until the character is at -30 hit points.
Stungone Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Target gets a reroll vs stun effects. Must make an athletics roll vs stun when first administered.
Supsci Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Adds +1 to science. Lasts entire mission unless detoxed. All other skills except Athletics are at -1.
Tecknow Price: 25 Mass: 1 Req: 8
Adds +1 to engineering. Lasts entire mission unless detoxed. All other skills except Athletics are at -1.
Autonurse [PG] Price: 500 Mass: 5 Req: 13
[energy] May heal twice in an action. Second heal is at -3. Does not require a hand to use.
Cyberfoot Price: 2000 Mass: 6 Req: 15
[energy] +1 Move
Cyberhand Price: 2500 Mass: 4 Req: 16
[energy] +1 HandMentor Chip Price: 500 Mass: 1 Req: 12
Fiberderm [PG] Price: 1300 Mass: 10 Req: 15
[energy] +1 hit points. +1 to all athletics skill checks. If EMPed these bonuses become penalties.
Mentor Chip Price: 500 Mass: 1 Req: 12
[energy] Adds 10% to all experience points earned.
Medjack [GCW] Price: 150 Mass: 1 Req: 11
[energy] Stores drugs. Drugs need not be drawn, slung or held to be administered to yourself or adjacent characters. If EMPed the drugs may not be accessed. Drugs stored in the Medjack have half their mass.
Skeletal Enhancement Price: 1500 Mass: n/a Req: 14
[energy] +1 athletics for carry and melee damage purposes only.
Skill Chip Price: 1000 Mass: 1 Req: 13
Note: You can wear multiple skill chips but only one chip from each profession will function at a time.
Combat: [energy] +1 Combat skill.
Pilot: [energy] +1 Pilot skill.
Science: [energy] +1 Science skill
Engineer: [energy] +1 Engineering skill
New Ship Module Price: 3000 Mass: n/a Req: 13
Note: 1 Cargo mass takes up 2×2 squares on the cargo bay module.
Armoury [GCW] Price: 500 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 13
Holds up to 150 mass of weapons. Items inside the armoury are not subject to EMP. A quickdraw (athletics vs anywhere in the cargo bay by a crewmember allows them to take any item from the armoury. If slagged, the armoury no longer protects the weapons until repaired.
Atmospherics [PG] Price: 250 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 10
A ship with atmospherics counts as one size class smaller for purposes of moving within an atmosphere.
Autopilot [PG] Price: 500 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 11
Autopilot: Armour 3, Piloting 3. Can assist. Does not suffer OOC or remote battlestation operation penalties. Cannot move. Upgradable as Bot.
Autoscientist: Armour 3, Science 3. Can assist. Does not suffer OOC or remote battlestation operation penalties. Cannot move. Upgradable as Bot.
Automarine: Armour 3, Combat 3. Can assist. Does not suffer OOC or remote battlestation operation penalties. Cannot move. Upgradable as Bot.
Autoengineer: Armour 3, Engineer 3. Can assist. Does not suffer OOC or remote battlestation operation penalties. Cannot move. Upgradable as Bot.
Auxiliary Fighter [GCW] Price: 1500 Mass: 2 Cargo Req: 15
Takes up 2 cargo spaces (2×4). Must be adjacent to a Fighter Bay.
Battery Price: N/A Mass: 1 Cargo Req: N/A
Draining the battery can be done once. It acts in the same way as pumping the engines (and can be done remotely the same as well).
Cargo Arm [PG] Price: 500 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 11
If the cargo bay has an exterior facing then Engineering vs target speed to take any 1 square item out of space and place it in the cargo bay. Missiles are too fast unless tractored first. They must still be defused if brought on board.
Docking Clamps [GCW] Price: 250 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 9
Engineering vs 8 to lock or unlock. 3d6 Hull damage is a ship attempts to undock while locked.
EAME (Emergency Auxilary Module Emulator) Price: N/A Mass: 1 Cargo Req: N/A
Engineering vs 11 to configure it to a module type. The default type is Hull Stabiliser if internal, or Missile Bay if the Cargo Bay has an external facing. The EAME can only be used once and is then destroyed. Only one EAME can be used in a Cargo Bay per round.
Local Life Support Price: N/A Mass: 1 Cargo Req: N/A
Adds life support for one more character to the ship. If it is the only life support left on a ship, acts as EVA for all characters.
Mine Sweeper [GCW] Price: 250 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 11
Roll 1D6. If greater than used markers, the mine in the ship hex is removed before exploding. Used markers stay until the end of the mission.
Powered Armour [GCW] Price: 3000 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 17
Stored in the cargo bay.
Recroom [PG] Price: 1000 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 14
Holds up to 4 characters. Any character spending their upgrade action in the recroom rather than upgrading, receives 1 temporary luck for that mission.
Stabilizing Fin [GCW] Price: 250 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 10
Once per round, one maneuver has -1 OOC.
Targeting Computer [GCW] Price: 1000 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 14
A chosen configuration of cannon has +1. Multiple targetting computers are not cummulative, but can be set to different cannon configurations.
Telechute [PG] Price: 1250 Mass: 1 Cargo Req: 15
Place 2 teleport markers anywhere on the ship. Anyone may move from one to the other as though they were adjacent. If the Telechute is damaged, the teleport markers no longer function.