This is an automatic action.
This is an automatic action.
Skill: Piloting
Difficulty: 11
Uses Module: No
Can be done Remotely: No
Energy: Uses 2 Gun energy
Can be done more than once per Round: No
Skill: Piloting
Difficulty: 11
Note: In addition to a fighter's normal 1 hex move. Each additional hex after the first is +3 difficulty.
Skill: Piloting
Difficulty: vs enemy Dogfight roll
Note: Loser takes 1 damage level and 1D6 personal damage.
Skill: Combat
Difficulty: Target Speed + (Distance x 2)
Note: Causes 1D6 damage. If in the same hex, ignores shield and can choose direction of attack. May not attack fighters in the same hex (only dogfight).
Skill: Piloting
Difficulty:Target Speed + OOC
Note: Failure damages fighter.
Skill: Piloting
Difficulty:Target Speed + OOC + 3
Note: Failure damages fighter. Target ship can dodge docking attempt (difficulty = speed+size+success of fighter's pilot).
Skill: Piloting
Skill: Piloting
Skill: Engineering
Note: Lowers damage level by 1.
Skill: Piloting
Difficulty: 11 + to hit success
Note: cannon and missile hits may be avoided.
Skill: Engineering
Difficulty: 11
Uses Module: No
Can be done Remotely: Yes
Energy: None
Can be done more than once per Round: No
Skill: Engineering
Difficulty: 11
Uses Module: No
Can be done Remotely: No
Energy: None
Can be done more than once per Round: Yes
Note: Removes all damage from fighter.
Skill: Engineering
Difficulty: 11
Uses Module: No
Can be done Remotely: No
Energy: None
Can be done more than once per Round: Yes
From 1st Expansion: Galactic Civil War
If the fighter is used as a boarding missile, it is destroyed in the process.
A fighter moves 1 hex each phase, but for targetting purposes is regarded as speed 12.
Although a fighter may contain two passengers (or one power armour) the actions of the characters aboard cannot be the same (ie you may not do two Fighter Move actions in a phase etc).