Ace Engineer: [GCW] +1 to Engineering skill if pumping for 2 or more power.
Ace Fighter Pilot: [GCW] +1 to Piloting skill if performing 2 or more hex side turns or accelleration/decellerations in a fighter.
Ace Starship Pilot: [GCW] +1 to Piloting skill if performing 2 or more hex side turns or accelleration/decellerations in a starship.
Agile: +1 to target # unless incapacitated.
Assistant: [PG] May assist for +2 if the difficulty of the assist roll is raised to 11.
Battle Frenzied: Free action to go into Frenzy. While frenzied you get one extra action per phase however your target # is reduced by 3 and you may only attack with melee weapons or bare hands. Frenzy remains until you incapacitate or kill someone, or are incapacitated.
Boarding Combat Trained: May reroll all damage dice from a personal attack (range or melee) when damaging a module. But not for grenades.
Bosun: [PT] No remote operation penalty for battlestation actions.
Bot Specialist: May make 3 Bot upgrades per campaign turn. Must be adjacent to the Bots upgraded.
Braced: May reroll all internal hit damage as though always braced.
Brutal: May reroll one die when causing damage with a personal attack (range or melee) but not with grenades.
Calm: [PT] May choose to roll a 7 rather than rolling dice for a skill check. You may do this (Rank x 2) times per mission.
Cannon Specialist: [PT] You may reroll attacks with a cannon in standard mode. You may do this (Combat x 2) times per mission.
Cannoneer: [PT] +1 to shoot, repair or reconfigure a cannon module.
Cautious: When popping or peeking you may reroll a single die for each combat skill check made by any enemy shooting at you.
Charger: Once per phase you may make a free melee attack at the end of a move at -3.
Connected: Every campaign turn you get an additional requisition and may reroll up to one die in any requisition. You also receive double pay for each mission.
Cross-Class: [PT] Change profession. You may reroll in your old profession (4) times per mission.
Cut-Throat: [PT] Reroll a damage die in personal combat. You may do this (Combat x 2) times per mission.
Cyber-Receptive: [T] All cyberware is 1 less mass to a minimum of zero. Upgrading cyberware is +3.
Death Marcher: You are not incapacitated at 0 HP. All actions while HPs are between 0 and -6 are at -3.
Death Striker: If you hit with an unarmed attack and cause damage, you may force the target to make an athletics check vs 8 or die.
Dirty Fighter: Any enemy hit with a personal weapon suffers -3 on all actions until fully healed.
Doctor: [PG] Reroll healing dice or ask a yes/no question pertaining to health. You may do this (Science skill x 2) times per mission.
Dogfighter: [GCW] You may reroll piloting dice related to dogfighting when in a fighter. You may do this (Piloting skill x 2) times per mission.
ECM Specialist: [PG] Rather than redirecting a missile, you may destroy it. Also you have +3 on all ECM and targeting lock checks.
Empathic Projection: [PT] [psi] May choose to have the attacker suffer the smallest die in damage when they damage you. This is not an action. You may do this (Combat skill x 2) times per mission.
EMT: [PG] You may perform a freee heal action on another target at -3 as though on overwatch if you have medical equipment. You may only do this once per phase and not on yourself. You may do this (Combat skill) times per mission.
Energy Deflector: Combat vs 8 to block incoming energy attacks. A cummulative -1 to difficulty for each attack until the end of the campaign turn.
Energy Swordsman: You do not damage yourself with an energy blade when you roll doubles. In addition you may cancel any 6 that would otherwise damage the module.
Envelope Pusher: [GCW] You may reroll dice related to fighter maneuvers. However if you fail the fighter is damaged. Survival checks are rolled for this as normal.
Engine Specialist: May reroll dice when pumping or repairing the engines. You may do this (Engineering skill x 2) times per mission.
Enraged: When injured you receive +2 combat skill for the rest of the round. Not cummulative.
Escape Artist: If within your move distance of an external port, you may abandon ship as a free action. If the ship is exploding, you escape first and count as being braced. You may do this (Move) times per mission
Executioner: [GCW] You may make a coupe de grace attack without spending an action preparing.
Extradimensional Pockets: [PT] [psi] You may store a number of items equal to your psionics level. The total mass of stored objects cannot exceed psionics x 10. Stored object have no mass and can only be withdrawn by you. They are drawn or quick drawn as normal - but psionics is used instead of athletics for quick draw skill checks.
Famous: Adds 10% to all prestige points earned.
Fast Healer: Double the success margin for any healing performed on you.
Fast Learner: Adds 10% to all experience points earned.
Fated: [PT] Choose a die result instead of rolling on the first and last luck points used in a campaign turn.
Fighter Jock: [GCW] As a free action you may make a piloting vs 11 to cancel a hit on the fighter. There is no limit to the amount of times this may be done in a phase or during a mission, however the difficulty is increased by one each time it is used.
Fire Fighter: [PG] You may reroll dice related to fighting, causing or catching fires. You may do this (Combat skill x 2) times per mission.
First Mate: [PT] +3 and a free reroll on any Assist attempt.
Florentine Fighter: Attacking with two personal weapons is now only a -3 for both attacks instead of -6.
Fly By Instinct: [PT] [psi] May use psionics instead of piloting for skill checks. You may do this (Piloting skill x 2) times per mission.
Fortunate: You may spend 2 luck to add +1 to skill or hull dice rolls, but not to damage or hit location.
Grease Monkey: [PG] You may reroll dice related to repairing, reconfiguring or upgrading that uses the engineering skill. You may do this (Engineering skill x 2) times per mission.
Grenadier: You may reroll 1 die for any check involving grenades.
Guardian Trained: [PT] May reroll initial Guardian ship placement dice.
Hacker: [PG] [HT] You may reroll dice related to hacking portals or battlestations. You may do this (Science skill x 2) times per mission.
Healer: Double the success margin for any healing performed by you on someone else.
Helpful: Other characters may use your luck.
Hook-Handy: [PT] No penalty for using a cyberhook.
Hot Dog: [GCW] Any piloting skill roll that is doubles while in a starship (not a fighter) succeeds even if the result would have been a failure. However if the result would have been a failure, the OOC is counted as though the skill had failed.
Hypercrystal Sensitivity: [PT] [psi] You may add your psionics skill to any check involving operating, upgrading or repairing the Hyperdrive module.
Hyper-Do Black Belt: [PT] Always considered to have a heavy object in hand in unarmed combat. May reroll one die from each attack and damage roll you make in unarmed combat. May reroll one die from each damageroll you take from unarmed attacks. May make a free reroll when grappling [GCW].
Hyperphysicist: [PG] You may reroll dice related to using the Hyperdrive Module and the random facing when warping in. You may do this (Science skill x 2) times per mission.
Innoculated: [PG] You may reroll dice related to resisting things with the athletics skill. You may do this (Athletics skill x 2) times per mission.
Insightful: [PG] Oncer per phase if your science bay question is yes“ you may immediately ask a second question at the same difficulty for free without placing a used marker for it.”
Jack of All Trades: You get one reroll for each skill check per campaign turn as though you were a professional of that skill, includiing athletics.
Jet Jumper: [PG] You may pop as a jet move, or during a jet move. You may not move back after the pop. You receive -3 when popping this way. You may do this (Athletics skill x 2) times per mission.
Jet Pack Jockey: You get +3 to piloting for Jet Packs and may reroll one die.
Jury Rigger: You may operate broken or slagged modules as normal. Operating a slagged module causes 1d6 damage to all occupants of that module and it has a -3 penalty. You may do this (Engineering skill x 2) times per mission.
Laser Cannon Specialist: You may reroll the dice when firing the cannons in laser mode. You may do this (Combat skill x 2) times per mission
Lucky: +3 Luck
Miracle Worker: [PT] [psi] You may perform a remote repair action with your psionics skill. Difficulty of 11 for a broken module, and 14 for a slagged module. You may do this (Engineering skill x 2) times per mission
Missile Expert: You may launch a second missile from a bay in a round - but not in the same phase. Combat vs 14 to launch, failure means the missile detonates in the bay. This cannot be done remotely. You may do this (Engineering skill x 2) times per mission.
Mobile: +1 to move (may be taken more than once).
Multi-Barrel Expert: May fire the Cannon in Multi-barrel mode twice as a single action.
Nimble: You may make a second action per phase at -3 or move at -1. You may do this (Athletics skill x 2) times per mission.
Numb-Runner: [PT] May ignored forced skill check rerolls while under the affect of Numb. You may do this (Athletics x 2) times per mission.
Overloader: When firing the cannon in laser or blast mode you may take energy from helm or shields and add it to the gun energy for damage purposes and it can exceed the normal limitation to cannon damage (ie ship size). However the cannon receives a damage marker, the ship receives a hull damage and everyone in the cannon module receives 1d6 damage. This cannot be done remotely. You may do this (Engineering skill x 2) times per mission.
Pack Mule: +10 to carry capacity (may be taken more than once).
Pack Rat: [PG] You may start a pack rat account“ and store any credits you wish in that account. Anytime during a mission you may suddenly discover that you had already packed any standard equipment item (ie not cyberwear or carbo bay equipment) of equal or lesser value than the account. Excess credits in the account are lost when the item is “found”. The item is permanent.”
Patient: You can spend as many phases preparing an action as your skill level.
Peaceful: [PG] [T] You may may not initiate an attack, but can retaliate if directly harmed - otherwise you gain no prestige for the current mission and lose the peaceful“ bonus for next mission. The peaceful bonus is a +1 in the skill of your choice which does not count towards the XP needed to raise that skill. Peaceful may be dropped later, but no replacement is gained.”
Preconceived: [PT] Spend 2 luck to choose a die result rather than rolling. You may not choose the same result with this ability twice in a mission.
Predestined: [PT] Choose the result when you spend luck. The amount of luck that the result costs is 1d6-1 (not luckable/rerollable). If greater than remaining luck, lose all luck and the check fails.
Power Slider: You may combine any two helm actions into a single action for +3 difficulty (revised in [PG]).
Powered Armour Specialist: [GCW] Each action used to get into or out of powered armour counts as two actions. The penalty to skills is only -2 in powered armour.
Psion: [psi] [T] You give up your current profession to become a professional Psionic. You now get professional rerolls of the Psionic skill instead of any other skill. All psionic pools are also doubled.
Quartermaster: [PT] Your upgrade attempts do not require spare parts. You may also assist any number of characters in upgrade attempts.
Quick Minded: [psi] Once a round you can spend 2 points from a psionic pool to perform that ability as a free action.
Quick on the Draw: You have +3 to your check for quickdraw and the penalty is reduced by 1.
Quick on the Stick: [GCW] You may make two different actions in a fighter as though they were one action. The difficulty is increased by 3. You can only do this once per phase.
Reckless: [PT] May roll an additional die as damage. If so, take the lowest die as damage to yourself. This damage cannot be mitigated by any modifier (such as armour or alien ability).
Reflexive: One attempt to ram, dodge a ram or dodge a missile per phase is free - it does not count as an action, cause OOC or drain helm energy.
Researcher: [PT] You may reroll when asking yes/no questions while using a Science Bay or wristcomputer. You may do this (Science skill x 2) times per mission.
Rolls With It: [PT] If you prepare an action first, you suffer no OOC penalty for it.
Saboteur: [GCW] If your personal weapon can fire twice per phase, you may do so when attacking a module. Also you may reroll al the damage dice of hits against modules with personal weapons.
Seer: [psi] [T] You do not need line of sight for psionics. Range is one module per Psionic skill point. Using a psionic ability as a Seer is at +3 difficulty.
Self Defense Expert: Attackers within melee range are at -3 to hit you.
Sharpshooter: You may reroll hit allocation. You may do this (Combat skill x 2) times per mission.
Shock Trooper: You may go on overwatch as a free action. You may do this (Combat skill) times per mission.
Sniper: You may reroll any ranged personal attack or cannon attack you make if you have prepare
Spacelegs: Ignore 2 OOC.
Speed Demon: Can reroll two dice when accelerating or decelerating. You may do this (Piloting skill x 2) times per mission
Stunner Expert: You may force a target to reroll one stun check die if you attack them with a stun weapon other than grenades.
Sturdy: +3 Hit points (may be taken more than once).
Surgeon: [PG] When using a medkit on a willing or incapacitated target you may roll 3 dice instead of 2 for healing. If the patient does not reach full hit points, they must make an athletics roll vs 8 and failure means they drop to -6 hit points [dying].
Swashbuckler: [PT] You may take your action during your move. You suffer one less penalty from using or quick drawing multiple weapons.
Tactician: [PT] May make a tactical check action of difficulty 8. Each success boosts one character's combat skill by 1 until the end of the round. Not cummulative. This does not count as an assist.
Telepathic: [psi] [T] You can speak with any sentient being, even if they are unconscious or incapacitated. Range is 1 hex per Psionic skill point.
Tinkerer: Two simultaneous upgrade attempts per mission.
Tough: You count athletics as a professional skill.
Tough Silicoid: [GCW] (Silicoid only) You may reroll sillicoid damage reduction dice for yourself.
Tractor Specialist: You may reroll a die when operating the tractor module. You may do this (Engineering skill x 2) times per mission
Trampler: You get a free melee attack action when you enter an enemies square - after the enemy gets their free attack. You may only do this once per phase.
Trick Shooter: [PT] May reroll attack roll for targeting personal equipment. May reroll damage to inanimate objects. May reroll a target's Athletics check to keep an object in hand. One less penalty when firing multiple ranged weapons, or quick drawing ranged weapons.
Tricky: May Dump Trash (2d6 for each missile in the ship hex ⇐7 to destroy), Focus Sensors (+1 to targetting rolls for cannon, locks, teleport etc), Vent Plasma (Stabilise the ship by 1D6 OOC). You may do this (Engineering skill) times per mission
True-Trundlian: [PT] (Trundlian only) You may allocate your statists as a free action even out of turn. You may do this (Athletics skill x Rank) times per mission.
Turn Specialist: You may reroll your dice when turning or sideslipping. You may do this (Piloting skill x2) times per mission.
Unarmed Combatant: Your damage in unarmed combat is not limited by your athletics.
Unconventional: [PT] May choose to apply an unconventional technique to an action. If so, roll a (luckable) die. Even = add to skill. Odd = minus from skill. You may do this (Science skill) times per mission.
Unflappable: [PT] You may ignore up to a total of -3 in penalties from multiple sources on an action. You may do this (Rank) times per mission.
Unlimited: Once per mission you may reset one of your special abilities (may be taken more than once).
Unsinkable: You may use this ability as though it were luck, but only for rerolling hull checks. You may do this (Luck) times per mission
Vibrant Fungaloid: [PG] (Fungaloid only) You may reroll your regeneration die at the end of the round (may be taken more than once).
Voltrex specialist: [GCW] You may reroll one die if you rolled doubles while firing a Voltrex.
Wake Rider: [PG] If you begin the phase in a shuttle or fighter in the same hex as a starship, you may move with the ship as a free action during ship movement. If the starship explodes, you may ride the explosion away - Piloting vs 11, successes count as spaces moved away. The maximum move distance is equal to explosion size.
Weather Eye: [PT] [psi] You may ask questions of the GM that must be answered truthfully (but not necessarily with clarity). The questions need not be yes/no. You may do this (Psionics skill) times per mission
Wild Flyer: [GCW] You may reroll one die on a piloting skill check. If in a starship you gain 1D6 OOC that isn't subject to luck. If in a fighter you raise the damage level (and get a survival check). This may only be done once per phase.
Wingman: [GCW] As a free action you may participate in someone else's dogfight in your hex. if you rolled highest, you choose which fighter is damaged. If lowest - the highest roller may choose to damage you instead of their original target.
Wrestler: [GCW] With a successful grapple you may do 2 different grapple effects. Only once per grapple check.
Xenobiologist: [GCW] In any personal combat skill check you may force Silicoids to reroll their damage reduction die. Also Zoallan armour only stops 1 point and Tentacs may only reroll one die of damage.
Zone Controller: You may take a free melee attack on characters leaving adjacent squares as though they had entered your square. You may make a free action to intercept grenades that pass through adjacent squares.