Created by Gareth Lazelle
An alternative possibility for defining these new modules.
In doing this I am aiming for a tactical combat involving broadsides. So maneuver becomes important. To achieve this, weapons are given a better side firing arc than forward or rear.
The absence of shields is also problematic. I've made the two more damaging weapons strong against shielded ships which ought to deter their use a little.
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This module is as per standard battlestations.
This module is as per standard battlestations.
The gatling cannon can shoot once per phase and does not require energy
to fire. Shields work as per normal but are not reduced in power by
a shot. Combat check to hit is speed of target + 2 * range to target.
Damage dealt is 1d6 damage per shot. Standard Battlestations fireing
arcs are used.
Note: maybe make this 3*range on the to hit roll. I'm viewing the
gatling cannon as an anti-fighter/missile/torpedo weapon primarily.
Like missiles but more damaging, faster and unguided.
This bay fires a spread of tree torpedos. There are four different
spreads available. See the diagram below for the possibilities for a
forward facing torpedo bay, the firing ship is S and it is facing up
the page. The base hex for the launch is 'b' and a torpedo must occupy
this hex after firing. For a side facing weapon the firer chooses which
of the two side hexes the launch is based from.
1/ All torpedoes in hex b facing up the page
2/ All three torpedoes facing up the page one each in hexes a, b, c
3/ All torpedoes in hex b, one facing up, one up & left and one up & right.
4/ One torpedo in hex a, facing up & left, one in b facing up and one in c facing up & right.
A torpedo moves three hexes per phase but only in a straight line.
Torpedos are affected by gravity as if they were ships. A torpedo
that enters a hex containing a ship sized object or larger will close
in and detonate. Normally, a torpedo ignores targets in its initial
placement hex, however this can be overridden at launch time if desired
(in this case the torpedo will attempt to detonate immediately if a
target is present).
When a torpedo detonates, it must roll to hit the targets sillouette
if applicable. A single die reroll is allow on this attempt. If
the torpedo hits, damage is 4d6 expanding as per a missile hit,
losing the highest die for each module away from the impact point.
Regardless of a hit or miss, everything else in the target hex takes
2d6 hull damage (including the intended target on a miss) and
everything in any adjacent hex takes 1d6 hull damage.
They can be shot down by doing a single point of damage with a
ship's weapon. Speed for to hit purposes is considered to be 18.
Torpedo launches do not require any energy.
This weapon has more limited firing arcs than is normal in Battlestations.
For a ship S facing up the page the forward (f), aft (a), port (p)
and starboard (s) arcs of fire are:
This projector can only face one of four directions and adjacent firing
arcs are not available.
The projector can be fired once per round (gaining a used marker when
fired) To hit roll is target speed + range to target. Damage is 6d6 +
(target's shields)d6. Penetration is as per a standard cannon.
The shot is reduced by shields normally (so you actually roll 6d6 +
(target's shields * 2)d6 and remove the highest (target's shields) dice.
Shields are reduced one energy level.
Note: I'm not convinced the damage for this is good or balanced yet.
This one should also consume energy but since the Aether screw isn't defined
yet, I've left this blank.
Not sure what to do with this one. Clearly it is meant to be a hyperdrive. It will also have to double as the science bay for research and questioning purposes.
Again not sure what to do with this yet.
[n/a: Access denied]