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parent_page_fiefdom " Creative"
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.“ Building art courtesy of nicubunu


Number of Players: 2-6 Please note that this version is basically a variant of Settlers of Catan

Object of the game

The goal of Fiefdom is to accumulate 11VP


Keep: the central hexagon in the fief Coast: The outermost 24 hexagons of the fief Fief: The abstracted land shown on the building map. Hex: One of the 61 hexagons of a fief Region: One of the six marked areas of a fief. Each region contains 10 hexes.




Each player receives 1 of each resource and two random resource producing buildings (not improved) from their pool Each player has their own region of the fief. Each player has a pool of one of each building, 4 feature buildings,2 straight roads, 2 curved roads and 2 crossroads.

Rolling 7

Rolling 7 on the hex dice behaves the same as it does in Settlers of Catan-


Name of building - effect


Region-free players variant- Any player may build in any region. When you build something, place a marker on it to show it's yours. The owner of the longest road is the one who owns the most road sections in the longest road. There are now no 'non-player' regions, and if a region is rolled with nothing in it, no one receives resources. gallery_showalbum_fiefdom2files

CategoryGames CategoryDM