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Good Vs Bad

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


2 or more players.
Each player plays a hero and villain and starts with a home base.
The board is made of variable tiles that connect all home bases.



Every player has a maximum hand size for unused items and event cards. Item cards cannot be used until they are played on either the Hero or the Villain character that the player owns. Heroes and Villains may have any amount of items on them, but only one card of each type. The number of cards a player may hold in their hand is equal to the total amount of players in the game times two (ie 3 players = 6 cards).




If a Topple the New God or Defeat the Supervillain card is played, and the Hero or Villain succeeds in moving around the board and visiting each Home Base without being defeated, that player wins.

Heroes and Villains

Heroes and Villains start with 4 stats - Agility, Might, Smarts and Special. What exactly the special statistic is depends on the player. It must be unique however, and can only be increased at their Home Base. The Special stat gives a player an overwhelming advantage in conflicts until other players start acquiring it. However - if a player only increases their special stat, they will be at a disadvantage in any non player vs player conflict.

Buying for Stats

Before play begins, each player is given 10 facedown Item Cards.


Base movement for a Hero or Villain is 2D6.
A player rolls 2D6 and must move the Hero and the Villain exactly that many spaces each without doubling back.


If a Hero or Villain lands on the same Connector space (but not Home Base) as a Villain or Hero (their opposite in other words) then a duel occurs.

Heroes and Villains will always attack their opposite even if they are controlled by the same player.

Board Setup

2-2        3      4-4   5-5      6-6
  / \    / /   /   \    /   \
 3 - 3  4-4   5 -5- 5  6     6
\   /

[n/a: Access denied]