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Adjust Rigging - A Guard Card.
Alert - A Guard Status.
Armour, The - A Treasure Card.
Arrow - See Arrow Cards.
Arrow Cards - There are 3 Guard Cards that are arrows and one Thief Card. These cards are Moss, Noise, Rope and Water.
Arrow, Moss - A Guard Card and an Arrow Card.
Arrow, Noise - A Guard Card and an Arrow Card.
Arrow, Rope - A Thief Card and an Arrow Card.
Arrow, Water - A Guard Card and an Arrow Card.
Art - A Guard Card.
Blue Crescent - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Stationary Guard.
Bored - A Guard Status.
Compass Rose - The hexagonal illustration in the middle of the Play Aid showing the compass directions and the 6 numbers used by players for their Thief Card movements.
Co-ordinates - A letter and a number at the centre top of a Hex on a Map Tile to distinguish it from every other hex on that tile. Used with your Location Dial to secretly track your hidden Thief.
Counters - There are two counters used in the game. These are Extinguished Torch and Rock.
Crescent, Blue - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Stationary Guard.
Dice, Black - A numbered die used for determining random start locations for Wandering Guards and facing for Stationary Guards.
Dice, White- A die with dots used for showing the current Phase of the Movement Phases.
Diligent - A Guard Card.
Discard Pile - see Guard Card Discards.
Distracted - A Guard Status.
East - A Thief Card.
Exit - See Exit Card.
Exit Card - A Thief Card. Played at the start of the game to indicate to all players which Map Tile your thief will have to exit from in order to win the game. The Map Tile cannot be the Vault Map Tile or the one you entered the game from.
Extinguished Torch - A Counter used to denote a Hex you have used a Water Arrow on. No thief may be Spotted on that hex, but may still be captured there if a guard and a thief are on that hex at the same time. This counter is removed if a guard ever moves onto it.
Eye, The - A Treasure Card.
First Player - The current player that goes first. Denoted with a First Player Card.
Gold Coin - A symbol on a Thief Card that shows it can be spent to buy a Guard Card in the Resource Phase.
Green Line - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Patrolling Guard Route.
Green Star - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Patrolling Guard Start.
Green Shield - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Patrolling Guard End.
Guard - At least one guard is on every Map Tile. They are represented with green, blue or red meeples for either a Patrolling Guard, a Stationary Guard or a Wandering Guard.
Guard Card Discards - When Guard Cards are used, or after the Resource Phase there are cards left, they are discarded to the discard pile space on the Play Aid.
Guard Cards - Cards that may be bought in the Resource Phase or stolen from a Guard with a Pick Pocket. There are 24 cards that consist of Adjust Rigging (x2), Art (x2), Diligent (x2), Hip Flask (x2), Lockpicks (x2), Moss Arrow (x3), Noise Arrow (x2), Taffer Making Noise (x2), Thrown Rock (x2), Trip (x2), Water Arrow (x3).
Guard, Patrolling - see Patrolling Guard.
Guard, Stationary - see Stationary Guard.
Guard, Wandering - see Wandering Guard.
Guards Movement Phase - One of the two Movement Phases
Hammer, The - A Treasure Card.
Hex - See Hexes.
Hexes - Hexagonal spaces on the Map Tiles and Vault Map Tile that have Co-ordinates on them and may have symbols denoting different game effects. Types of hexes include Patrolling Guard End, Patrolling Guard Route, Patrolling Guard Start, Special Hex, Vault Hex, Wall, Wandering Guard Route, Wandering Guard Start.
Hide - A Thief Card.
Hip Flask - A Guard Card.
Initiative Phase - Part of the Sequence of Play for a Turn. This is where you change the First Player to the next clockwise player.
Interested - A Guard Status.
Lantern, The - A Treasure Card.
Line of Sight - Any full Hex that can be seen by a Guard. What hexes a guard can see depends on their Status.
Line, Green - see Patrolling Guard Route.
Location Dial - A tool for secretly recording the hidden location of your Thief. The location dial has two dials, one with letters and the second showing numbers. It's used to record the Co-Ordinates of the Hex of the Map Tile your thief is on.
Lockpicks - A Guard Card.
Map Tile - There are five large hexagonal cardboard map tiles in the game with Hexes on them and one with the Vault Hex in the centre, marking it as the Vault Map Tile.
Moss Arrow - A Guard Card.
Movement Phases - Part of the Sequence of Play for a Turn. The movement phases are Guards Movement Phase and Players Movement Phase. These are repeated five times in a turn.
Noise - When a player uses a Run Card from their Thief Deck they make noise and cause Guards to become Alert if they are Distracted, Bored or Interested.
Noise Arrow - A Guard Card.
Nor-East - A Thief Card.
Nor-West - A Thief Card.
Not Found - When a Guard that is Pursuing a Thief reaches their Thief Marker and discovers the thief has since moved out of Line of Sight, they change Status to Returning.
Outside Hex - Any of the six corner Hexes on a Map Tile that isn't next to another map tile or the Vault Map Tile. Thieves can only enter or leave the Keep through an Outside Hex.
Patrol Route - see Patrolling Guard Route.
Patrolling Guard - A type of Guard. Shown on the board with a green meeple.
Patrolling Guard End - The green shield symbol on a Hex of a Map Tile that signifies a Patrolling Guard will turn around and head back along its Patrolling Guard Route until it reaches the Patrolling Guard Start hex.
Patrolling Guard Route - The green line on a Hex of a Map Tile that signifies the route a Patrolling Guard will go back and forth on.
Patrolling Guard Start - The green star symbol on a Hex of a Map Tile that signifies a Patrolling Guard will turn around and head back along its Patrolling Guard Route until it reaches the Patrolling Guard End hex. Also the hex it starts the game on when first placed.
Phases - There are three phases in a Turn. The Initiative Phase, then the Resource Phase then five repetitions of the Movement Phase which is broken down into the Guards Movement Phase and the Players Movement Phase.
Pick Pocket - A Thief Card. Only useful if your thief is adjacent to, and out of Line of Sight of a Guard.
Play Aid - A large hexagon of the same size as the Map Tiles but containing a place to put the Guard Cards the Guard Card Discards and showing the Compass Rose for directions and a summary of the Statuses
Players Movement Phase - The second part of the Movement Phase in which players may use a Thief Card or Guard Card, Rest or Pick Pockets.
Pursuing - A Guard Status.
Resource Phase - The second Phase of a Turn. When 5 Guard Cards are made available to buy and Resting Thief Markers are removed.
Rest - A Thief Card. The only way to get Thief Cards back, but it reveals your Thief's location to the other players (but not to the Guards).
Returning - A Guard Status.
Rock - A counter used to show where the rock has landed from playing a Thrown Rock Guard Card
Rope Arrow - A Thief Card. Only useful if your thief is adjacent to a Special Hex.
Run - A Thief Card.
Sequence of Play - The order that phases occur in a turn. Initiative Phase, Resource Phase, Movement Phase x5.
Shield, Green - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Patrolling Guard End.
Shield, Red - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Wandering Guard Start.
Sou-East - A Thief Card.
Sou-West - A Thief Card.
Special Hex - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex.
Spotted - When a Guard ends its move within Line of Sight of a Thief or a thief ends its move in the line of sight of a guard.
Star - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Patrolling Guard Start.
Star, Green - A symbol on a Map Tile Hex. see Patrolling Guard Start.
Stationary Guard - A type of Guard. Shown on the board with a blue meeple.
Status - see Statuses.
Status Marker - A hexagonal counter you place underneath the Guard's meeple to show its status and which direction it is looking.
Statuses - There are six statuses a Guard may have. Distracted, Bored, Interested, Alert, Pursuing and Returning
Sword, The - A Treasure Card
Taffer - Derogatory term.
Taffer Making Noise - A Guard Card.
The Armour - A Treasure Card.
The Eye - A Treasure Card.
The Hammer - A Treasure Card.
The Lantern - A Treasure Card.
The Sword - A Treasure Card.
Thief - Your character in the game. Usually their location on the board is unknown, but occasionally a Thief Marker will be placed to show where they were when Spotted or Resting. If your thief is ever in the same Hex as a Guard your thief is captured and you lose the game.
Thief Cards - The default cards for each player. There are twelve cards. These cards are Nor-East, Nor-West, East, West, Sou-East, Sou-West, Rest, Pick Pocket, Run, Hide, Rope Arrow and your Exit card.
Thief Deck - The cards a player may use. This includes unplayed and unspent Thief Cards and any Guard Cards the player has bought in the Resource Phase or Pick Pocketted in the Players Movement Phase
Thief Marker - The translucent marker the same colour as the player's Location Dial and Thief Cards. Used to show where their Thief was last seen and at the start of the game, which Map Tile they will be entering.
Thrown Rock - A Guard Card.
Treasure - What your thief needs to steal to win the game. Treasure is stolen from the Vault Hex on the Vault Map Tile and represented with a Treasure Card which also limits your movement when revealed.
Treasure Cards - There are five treasure cards. These cards are The Armour, The Eye, The Hammer, The Lantern and The Sword.
Trip - A Guard Card.
Turn - One turn consists of three Phases. The Initiative Phase, the Resource Phase and the Movement Phase which is repeated five times. The movement phase is broken down into the Guards Movement Phase and the Players Movement Phase
Turn Sequence - see Sequence of Play.
Vault - see Vault Hex.
Vault Hex - The Hex with a yellow crown symbol on it. You reveal your Treasure Card when you enter the hex, But it only effects you when you leave it.
Vault Map Tile - The Map Tile that has the Vault Hex on it.
Vault Tile - see Vault Map Tile
Wandering Guard - A type of Guard. Shown on the board with a red meeple.
Wandering Guard Route - The red arrow on a Hex of a Map Tile that signifies the route a Wandering Guard will follow.
Wandering Guard Start - The red shield on a Hex of a Map Tile that signifies where a Wandering Guard might start when first placed on the tile.
Wandering Route - see Wandering Guard Route.
Wandering Start - see Wandering Guard Start.
Water Arrow - A Guard Card.
West - A Thief Card.