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There are three different guard types in the basic game. Seven in the advanced game (bow equipped versions of guards and the Roving guard).
Guards may have the following status
Distracted | A player has played the Art Guard Card on a Bored guard. The guard does not have a line of sight to anything until the next Resources Phase. Then change the guard back to its normal status. If the guard was a Stationary type, roll to see which direction they now face. If Patrolling on a 1-3 towards the star, 4-6 towards the shield. |
Bored | The default for a Stationary Guard. The guard's line of sight only extends 2 hexes. |
Interested | The default for Patrolling and Wandering Guards. The guard's line of sight is a single row of hexes in front of them extending until stopped by a wall. |
Alert | The guard is actively looking around. Line of sight is a 180 degree arc that includes the front three hex sides and all full hexes within that arc. |
Pursuing | The guard has the same line of sight arc as an Alert guard, and has spotted a thief. The guard moves two hexes each Guards Movement Phase towards the nearest visible Thief Marker. When the guard reaches the marker, see Catching Thieves below. |
Returning | The guard has failed to catch the thief and is returning via the shortest route back to their regular spot or the nearest hex of their patrol route. The guard has the same line of sight arc as Alert and Pursuing and moves 1 hex each Guards Movement Phase until it reaches its destination. Then it returns to its default status for its type |
The undead may haunt unused parts of the Black Keep.
Undead | Any of the standard types of guard may be an undead. To show a guard is undead, lay the meeple horizontally on its Status Marker. |